IRC Bouncer Setup Guide

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IRC Bouncer Setup Guide

Post by Ayana »

IRC Bouncer Setup Guide
  1. Choose "Servers" in the Category menu.
  2. Click the "Add" button. A new window will open.
  3. Fill out the "Add server" window as shown replacing password with the password you chose when creating your account.
  4. Click the "Add" button and the window will close.
  1. Choose "Identd" in the Category menu.
  2. Fill out the options as shown replacing username with the username you chose when creating your account.
  1. Choose "Connect" in the Category menu.
  2. Fill out the options as shown replacing username with the username you chose when creating your account, and nickname with the nickname you want to use on IRC.

You're all done! Click "Connect To Server" to log on.


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