ML7 bg steps only, 6pm GMT Saturday 12th Feb. Meet Volcanus, Larokan leading and will have bg.
Check VoS for prereq's - ... Seven.html - grp steps are .1-.6 and someone in your group needs to have the 'volurgon glove' to pass .1. On the bg raid I will have a glove (but feel free to bring one incase i forget

BG steps are: .7 easy - can do with fg (less actually). .8 if katorii agro's we die! so need to move quickly and safely to camp spot then I'll pull at leisure.
.9 ridulously easy.
Bring any cold lw's you have, to speed up typhon's demise please
Typhon can take a while, but i don't forsee any problems there either (has been done with 2fg but i dread to think how long it took).
Change to Loto Rules
I'll be doing the new & improved streamlined loto system. I will dump all item stats into bg then everyone roll once. Highest gets first pick, then 2nd highest chooses next item and so on, until all items are gone.
Keys will be loto'd at typhon and DO NOT count as your 1 item won per person. Rare scrolls, mp items, sods, lw components, remains will be loto'd, anyone can roll for anything, but only 1 item won per person.
The joke thing will be a +100 for funniest joke. Last raid winner was: Dotster with something about leeds fans being c*nts (yes i'm english

Thanks to all who came on ml6 btw (70ppl in bg!). I set myself very high standards and I didn't come up to scratch last time. Wasn't efficient, i made a few bad mistakes and tbh I hadn't done my homework, sorry for that. Next raid will be much better.
I reserve the right to change anything and do anything in a god like power-crazed manner.
Attention looking for someone to lead the ML8 raid for me as I don't need it. Any offers pm me here, thnx
Edit: note to self - put these on calendar + include exepcted duration.