Thoughts, a month after release...
You're the one with the weak arguments, founded mainly on incorrect assumptions & backed up as usual with poorly veiled flames & generic distortions 
I'm sorry if I hit a nerve.
I didn't think you'd feel so insecure about your level of maturity or the insinuation of a testosterone imbalance that you'd feel the compulsion to bite the worm that hard

I'm sorry if I hit a nerve.
I didn't think you'd feel so insecure about your level of maturity or the insinuation of a testosterone imbalance that you'd feel the compulsion to bite the worm that hard

Paddock - L60 Male Man Hunter - SM Tailor
Moegren - L53 Male Man Captain - SM Weaponsmith GM Woodworker
Paddreth - L60 Male Man Minstrel - SM Jeweller GM Cook
Skyros - L57 Male Man Loremaster - SM Scholar GM Farmer
Pauncho - L60 Male Hobbit Burglar - SM Armoursmith

Paddock - L60 Male Man Hunter - SM Tailor
Moegren - L53 Male Man Captain - SM Weaponsmith GM Woodworker
Paddreth - L60 Male Man Minstrel - SM Jeweller GM Cook
Skyros - L57 Male Man Loremaster - SM Scholar GM Farmer
Pauncho - L60 Male Hobbit Burglar - SM Armoursmith

The notion that PvP is this super-complex ever-changing gameplay is uterly bullsh.t
Every fight is 90% the same once you learnt your class.
If I meet class X I do A,B,C,D in that order and win.
Then we have group PvP, this is a little, but just a little, more different. Because 90% have similar group "l33t" setups the fights are just the same time after time, only more running around.
I dont mind either PvE or PvP but the grand illusion that PvP is SO EVERCHANGING just isnt true.
The notion that PvP is this super-complex ever-changing gameplay is uterly bullsh.t
Every fight is 90% the same once you learnt your class.
If I meet class X I do A,B,C,D in that order and win.
Then we have group PvP, this is a little, but just a little, more different. Because 90% have similar group "l33t" setups the fights are just the same time after time, only more running around.
I dont mind either PvE or PvP but the grand illusion that PvP is SO EVERCHANGING just isnt true.
Bah. Lv50s.
Animist, Bard, Druid, Enchanter, Nightshade, Vampiir
Animist, Bard, Druid, Enchanter, Nightshade, Vampiir
Don't worry Xestipoo
We still wubs you :wub:
Flaws & all
You're our big cuddly grizzly-bear Xestipoo
*Hands Xest a large slice of warm blackberry & apple pie with vanilla icecream on top*
We still wubs you :wub:
Flaws & all

You're our big cuddly grizzly-bear Xestipoo

*Hands Xest a large slice of warm blackberry & apple pie with vanilla icecream on top*
Paddock - L60 Male Man Hunter - SM Tailor
Moegren - L53 Male Man Captain - SM Weaponsmith GM Woodworker
Paddreth - L60 Male Man Minstrel - SM Jeweller GM Cook
Skyros - L57 Male Man Loremaster - SM Scholar GM Farmer
Pauncho - L60 Male Hobbit Burglar - SM Armoursmith

Paddock - L60 Male Man Hunter - SM Tailor
Moegren - L53 Male Man Captain - SM Weaponsmith GM Woodworker
Paddreth - L60 Male Man Minstrel - SM Jeweller GM Cook
Skyros - L57 Male Man Loremaster - SM Scholar GM Farmer
Pauncho - L60 Male Hobbit Burglar - SM Armoursmith

Dude I've told you, I'm not having your babies, no amount of pie or ice cream is going to get me tooOohhoO wrote:Don't worry Xestipoo
We still wubs you :wub:
Flaws & all
You're our big cuddly grizzly-bear Xestipoo
*Hands Xest a large slice of warm blackberry & apple pie with vanilla icecream on top*