Stealth lore pets wtf

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Post by Elrandhir »

heh, well I can't agree with you here gandelf, as stealthers need stealth ofcourse or they would have to remake the class all over, a solo class needs stealth or he would be unplayable, stealthers are hard as they are to play tbh.

If played right there aint easy for a stealther to kill a mage even solo, and that class is made to solo with, I wouldent complain on them if playing a mage really as you will have a bigger chance then most classes towards them really ;D

Owell not really much to discuss this as the solo class ofcourse will need stealth.

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Post by <ankh> »

Gandelf wrote: it's called "freedom of speech".
So in other words the people on glastonbury has their right to tell others that they want them to shut up :)

Edit: And honestly Gandelf, I've read most of your posts in this forum and tbh all I've ever heard from you is how OP all other classes are compared to Casters. Perhaps its time that you actually play a non caster for a couple of hundreds of RP to see how they really are instead of always whining cos you get killed all the time? I've got both Ranger/Nightshade and if you check my /stats (and many other stealthers) while we play you will notice how the ones on the top of the "I remain standing" (or total rp) are actually casters. Surely that has to mean something? And as somebody pointed out - so its fair that you can get stunned and just stand still while a caster can nuke you 2-3 times, but not fair that a stealther can sneak up on you and try a PA (or fire his bow only to get insta nearsight)???


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Post by Elrandhir »

<ankh> wrote:So in other words the people on glastonbury has their right to tell others that they want them to shut up :)

Edit: And honestly Gandelf, I've read most of your posts in this forum and tbh all I've ever heard from you is how OP all other classes are compared to Casters. Perhaps its time that you actually play a non caster for a couple of hundreds of RP to see how they really are instead of always whining cos you get killed all the time? I've got both Ranger/Nightshade and if you check my /stats (and many other stealthers) while we play you will notice how the ones on the top of the "I remain standing" (or total rp) are actually casters. Surely that has to mean something? And as somebody pointed out - so its fair that you can get stunned and just stand still while a caster can nuke you 2-3 times, but not fair that a stealther can sneak up on you and try a PA (or fire his bow only to get insta nearsight)???


Is hard as a stealther class for sure, and if the brittles are up hes got 4 BT's..hipp hipp, then if he also got MoC >.<

Casters are the easiest Class to play atm I think, stealther aint easy atall ;/

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Post by <ankh> »

[quote="Elrandhir"]Is hard as a stealther class for sure, and if the brittles are up hes got 4 BT's..hipp hipp, then if he also got MoC >.<

Casters are the easiest Class to play atm I think, stealther aint easy atall ]

Exactly my point.


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Post by Norcott »

also if i may add to this.. we as stealthers also have stealthers hunting us..
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Post by Gandelf »

Well, I don't really TOTALLY hate stealthers, but they are pretty annoying sometimes. I can live with them. The only people I TOTALLY dislike are some of the ones on this forum who see a post by Gandelf and think it gives them an automatic right to hurl abuse at me. I can live with them also, they don't bother me much at all. Usually, when people start calling me every name under the sun, I'm usually close to speaking the truth and it scares them (but not necessarily in this instance).

What I said initially on this thread was said in a "tongue in cheek" manner, sort of half serious. Instead of just ignoring what I said, certain people just starting yelling and telling me to shut up. Big kids they are.

Anyway, I'm starving me tits off, so I'm going to get something to eat now. TTFN.

...and the next person to start whining at me is...

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Post by pikeh »

Gandelf wrote:Well, I don't really TOTALLY hate stealthers, but they are pretty annoying sometimes. I can live with them. The only people I TOTALLY dislike are some of the ones on this forum who see a post by Gandelf and think it gives them an automatic right to hurl abuse at me. I can live with them also, they don't bother me much at all. Usually, when people start calling me every name under the sun, I'm usually close to speaking the truth and it scares them (but not necessarily in this instance).

What I said initially on this thread was said in a "tongue in cheek" manner, sort of half serious. Instead of just ignoring what I said, certain people just starting yelling and telling me to shut up. Big kids they are.

Anyway, I'm starving me tits off, so I'm going to get something to eat now. TTFN.

...and the next person to start whining at me is...
people cant generally detect tongue in cheek-ness from just text alone - dont blame them if you cant properly articulate your true feelings through text. And if what you said originally was actually not to be taken that seriously, why did you go on to argue the point?
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Post by Thandruil »

Gandelf wrote:Well, I don't really TOTALLY hate stealthers, but they are pretty annoying sometimes. I can live with them.
So are u, and we got to live with u as well. So that stays the same.

Yes the other post was mine, i've always kept quiet when u were talking BS, but this time it just got too much.

1. I didn't say it's wrong to advertise ur guild in capital cities. So don't say that. But don't say u do it only twice a night, cause that is a LIE. More people have seen u than u can think of have seen u spam it every 2mins, and they all said the same, maybe not to u. And what i did mean by that was, u told stealthers to go to Glast server. Even if we would do it to get some peace, ur still there to whine at us as well.

2. Maybe u don't call it complaining about the french, but the fact u had to make a post and ask GoA to give em their owner server surely says something. And no i cba to start quoting from that thread, cause u will just deny everything anyway.

3. Like said before by more than 1 person. Stealthers are a hard class to play, let's not talk about making them a template. If u with ur 4 brittleguards can't even manage to kill a stealther 1on1, that says something about ur playstyle.

4. Next time u wanna whine about something, make sure u know what ur talking about. If u haven't played a stealther yet, u can't know how it is.

5. I do wonder. Since day 1 i've known u, all u do is complain about DAoC and all the bugs, OP'd classes, ... and so on. WHY DO U STILL PLAY THEN???
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
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Post by Satyn »

Gandelf wrote: But you know me, I like a good whine myself. It helps to inject a bit of excitement into the forum. :P
If I seem to go on and on, then that's only because people can't resist having a go at me and the more people keep having a go at me, the less likely I am to shut up.
You make a post with the entention to stir ppl up and then you cant handle it? Then you tell us its our own fault that you keep going? hahaha
This doesn't sound like you Thandruil. It's not your style, which makes me suspicious. But I don't want to say what I believe is happening, because I could be wrong.
Do you really think i'm gona log Thand's account in to have a go at you? lol I can use my own account for that, its not as if I havent done it before eh... Or are you thinking that someone might even have hacked his account?! OH MY GOD!! ... Thand is a person that will stay quiet untill he gets enough of things, and grats you just pushed him over that limit. You must be very proud now.
In fact, I have only had one in-game complaint on Glastonbury about me advertising the guild recruitment... and that person is someone who uses this forum, who said it was "desperate" and "sad". When that person complained someone else using the broadcast channel said that what the person who complained had said was "harsh". I won't say who the complainer was, but I do have a full screenshot of the incident, should I ever need to use it.
OMG talking about me again! I feel so important now. :glare: If you say A you might aswell say B. And the way you just said it made it look like i'm some sort bully that cant stand if a person invites ppl to the guild but you know that isnt so, cos I didnt mean anything by it. But I just thought it came across as desperate (wich you are if you start a guild from scratch and want members in it aswell)
and before anyone accuses me of spamming in the broadcast channel, don't, because I only advertise once or twice a night and only when I'm in Jordheim, Aegir or Mularn.
The fact that we have 95+ members at the last count only proves that it is a good way to recruit and all of those who have been recruited will say they are happy to be in the guild. I think it is good and right to actively invite other players into one's guild. A lot of other guilds turn their noses up at new players, or stop recruiting altogether. What sort of attitude is that? All guilds should be more than happy to invite new players. Every new player deserves a chance.
Lets chat again when you start having trouble in your guild. FS is big (220+ with alts ofc), try making all them happy, try listening to all of them .... And I think Wyst can back me up on this aswell (sorry hun for dragging you in) Sometimes we spend hours and hours just chatting to ppl in guild to sort problems out, a big guild is fun yes, but its no fun if you cant play yourself and only have to sort out problems all the time.
Do not judge ppl if they dont want to recruit, every guilds has its rules. Some guilds only want active RvR players, some guilds want roleplayers ... its all a big part of this game. There is a guild out there for everyone. I can only imagine how nice it is for a person to work hard and long to get for eg in Eclipse or Golden Age if you're a hard core RvR player. It can be seen as a personal achievement imo. Those guilds wouldnt have that name if they randomly invited everyone.
I'm speaking for FS now, but once in a while we stop recruiting and only with one reason. So that the ppl that are already in FS would get the chance to get to know each other, grp up etc etc etc. Once that has happened the recruiting is open again.
I have never pulled my nose up for anyone. I even give ppl a chance if nobody else wants them anymore.
...and the next person to whine about Gandelf is.......
...and the next person to start whining at me is...
You are asking for it yourself.
What I said initially on this thread was said in a "tongue in cheek" manner, sort of half serious. Instead of just ignoring what I said, certain people just starting yelling and telling me to shut up. Big kids they are.
uhu ... stir stir stir thats all what you do.

freedom of speech springs to mind ....
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Post by Satyn »

pikeh wrote:people cant generally detect tongue in cheek-ness from just text alone - dont blame them if you cant properly articulate your true feelings through text. And if what you said originally was actually not to be taken that seriously, why did you go on to argue the point?
cos that is how he is!. Trust me i had him in my guild i've seen it over and over again. Got a nice officer thread to prove my point. He starts off and at the end of the converstation he claims the totall oposite of when he started if to many ppl dissagree with him.
Fallen Spirits GM
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