Funny how... [mod] fins 4 + catacombs [/mod]

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Post by Arcsalin »

awarkle wrote:i have used the fin 4 spot tbh the exp sucked arse compared to places like summoners hall, where a single mob will bag you 150 million exp fins still only return like 20 to 30.

Fins arnt fun they are dull and boring and tbh the requirments for a fin group nowadays are basically 3 pbaoers 1 font of power 4 alts and you could chain pull probbly. But why power level a new class and end up with a character you cant play dont understand and will just /delete because you havnt learned the tricks of the trade.

Still loads of lvl 50 anims that cant stick mushrooms on oil points or raise their gt target.

Now if you say "but you learn your character in rvr" tbh thats rubbish you learnn a lot about your char in pve some things are different some things. If you feel that you have to power level a valk/heretic/vamp/banshee/warlock/ in a power level enviroment just remember that you are still going to be waiting for the other people to level their chars to 40+ before anyone starts any serious mls / arti hunts.

Take your time and enjoy the expansion not just zerg through it in 2 weeks then be bored for the next 6 months.

Heh can see where you are coming from, there is no substitute nor ever will be for learning a char by playing it from the start, always has done and always will make a far better player.

I seem to recall that peeps used to say but we can learn to play in toa, still isn't a substitute for learning from the start either :)

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Post by Sharkith »

Lenah wrote: Question I see, is there a way to find a viable spot in catacombs. And I'm personaly going to put effort to finding this kind of spot. 24h PL HAS ITS SIDES, it really makes making new toons way easier, gathering the money, upkeeping the economy, helping friends. Basicly it helps to keep the server alive, and that if nothing else, should be everyone's goal.
Dunno Lenah on this point whether I agree or not I am sure you guys have discussed it endlessly before. It is an undeniable fact of the game that PL is there and will probably return in some guise. However, I thought your notion of 'ideology' was interesting because it made me think that there will always be a difference between 'gaming' and 'playing'. We probably all do a bit of both as different times because there will be bits of the game we will want to speed through and other bits we would like to take our time at.

When focused on 'gaming' the person likes to use all the statistics and game mechanics to most effecient effect to get the most powerful character/balanced groups for fast PvE or best RvR. This is a game of working out the averages and trying to push the margin of the average for the group that bit higher in terms of speed for PL or cash or whatever.

When 'playing' it is a case of enjoying the view. running around and seeing the full breath of the game its about having a wee puppy to follow you around. Finding the nicest spot to farm with the best sunset (Daeman Aiers near Howth for example nice for a ranger and nightshade between 30-32). When 'playing' one isn't really that interested in reading how it works you just like to chill and enjoy a bit of exp or running around figuring out some of those very confusing quests - without the walkthrough...

I can buy the fact that pure 'gaming' is good for the realm because it can pump money into the system. I can see how that can help our war fund. Where it doesn't seem to work is with incidents that statistically have a very low occurrence in the game anyway and it is here that 'gaming' get its arse kicked as an ideology. It is here that ToA becomes frustrating to the 'gamer' who wants a scroll that only drops once in the blue moon.

I remember being refused places on scroll 'farming' groups a while back on old Have the prices of scrolls come down yet?

I am not sure they have. When it comes to rare incidents like those stupid artifacts you cannot be 'gaming' for them you end up just having to play for them so you have to learn stuff like patience. Find an arti you can activate and then level while hunting for the scrolls for your next arti. PLan out how your going to 'play instead of trying to charge through the game because when it comes to scrolls you cannot 'game' for them.

Unless you can farm 16plat in a couple of days in which case - go for it. IMHO though for this side of things you have to learn how to play in a way that is easy going and relaxed I think. I think we all just have to plan each session out carefully - are we 'gaming' or 'playing'?

Apolgies for the essay - omg I am turning into Wyst.


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Post by Xest »

Arcsalin wrote:Heh can see where you are coming from, there is no substitute nor ever will be for learning a char by playing it from the start, always has done and always will make a far better player.

I seem to recall that peeps used to say but we can learn to play in toa, still isn't a substitute for learning from the start either :)
Don't really agree with that once you've mastered one caster you've pretty much mastered them all etc. Some classes of course have differences, but if you play one of each type you can easily port over to another pl'd char of equal type and do just as well. An enchanter will port to an eldritch as a druid will port to a cleric and you'll notice no difference in the player's performance only in class performance if there's class imbalances.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Arcsalin »

Xest wrote:Don't really agree with that once you've mastered one caster you've pretty much mastered them all etc. Some classes of course have differences, but if you play one of each type you can easily port over to another pl'd char of equal type and do just as well. An enchanter will port to an eldritch as a druid will port to a cleric and you'll notice no difference in the player's performance only in class performance if there's class imbalances.

as an sb will transfer to a shade, infil or mincer without problems. There are similiarities between the classes, depending on what you play. Your disagreement in itself lies with transference alone, but there are alot of people on euro servers that tend to stick to just one class and dabble with the rest, the tendency with the fixed char is generally the one that wasn't pl'd.

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Post by Xest »

You definetely have a point there, my Theurgist is the first class I've stuck to in quite a long time and that was levelled up from 20 using normal xp/groups/BGs ;) Although that said still only been playing it a few months so I guess there's still time for me to get bored yet. Think not being arsed to do artifacts on my mentalist etc. is another factor for not playing him though whereas I managed to push myself to do them on my Theurg because of the guild. Still, I do love my Theurg as it's one of only a few classes capable of dealing with whorelocks too.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Thaadi »

I have used the fin 4 spot tbh the exp sucked arse compared to places like summoners hall, where a single mob will bag you 150 million exp fins still only return like 20 to 30.

yes, thats true:(

Fins arnt fun they are dull and boring and tbh the requirments for a fin group nowadays are basically 3 pbaoers 1 font of power 4 alts and you could chain pull probbly. But why power level a new class and end up with a character you cant play dont understand and will just /delete because you havnt learned the tricks of the trade.

No exping is really fun, catacombs change this abit.Some Toa encounters/ml's are fun the first time but after doing same thing with 2-3 charcters its get boring

Still loads of lvl 50 anims that cant stick mushrooms on oil points or raise their gt target.

Never seen any oil in PvE to train your abusive oil-trick but ok..

Now if you say "but you learn your character in rvr" tbh thats rubbish you learnn a lot about your char in pve some things are different some things. If you feel that you have to power level a valk/heretic/vamp/banshee/warlock/ in a power level enviroment just remember that you are still going to be waiting for the other people to level their chars to 40+ before anyone starts any serious mls / arti hunts.

As you said that's rubish :) When you know the base of a class its pretty much the same with all other, nothing you need to spend 3 weeks in pve to learn.

Take your time and enjoy the expansion not just zerg through it in 2 weeks then be bored for the next 6 months

/agree even though getting to 50 takes about ~1,5 week in catacombs!

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Post by Botoxx »

Banana wrote:what level do the instanced dungeons go to? 50 or lower?

There's two types of instanced dungeon: task dungeons and adventure wings.

Task dungeons need a task from the nearby task-master to get into them and they are restricted to bandings of 10 levels i.e. levels 1 - 10 outside Mag Mell; levels 11 - 20 on the hill near Merle at Howth; levels 21 - 30 outside TnB, not sure about 31 - 40 but 41 - 50 is outside DL. The group leader must be within the level range to get the group in the dungeon. From memory, you can have a party member below the lower level of the dungeon range if the group leader is in that range. For example, my level 40+ animist was able to take in a level 30+ bard to the 41 - 40 dungeon. But if the Bard was group leader it couldn't get in even with the 40+ alt in the party.

If you die in the task instance your task is lost and you need to start again. Even if your group stays inside the dungeon, if you release (which you have to do in the MM one unless you have a level 10 rezzer with you) you can't get back in without a task. If your group is still inside you can't get a task until they finish or leave. In other words, if one dies its best for all to leave and start the task again.

The mobs in a task instance adjust to the level of the highest party member. The task instances are primarily designed for solo players but adapt to groups too.

Then there are adventure wings which are instanced areas of classic and new dungeons. Adventure wings are set for groups of particular numbers and levels. Solo toons can go in but they need to be higher level than the recommended dungeon level. For example, the Broken Mirror in the Veil Rift is set up for a group of 4 level 8 alts but can be soloed if you are in your mid-teens.

In adventure wings, if your group is wiped out the instance remains for a couple of minutes after the last player has released to try and give you time to get back in before the dungeon re-sets: this is particularly important if you are on a quest in the dungeon. If you have a wipe-out it's best for someone to stay dead in the dungeon till the party returns to rezz you, that way the instance remains.

Why is it important to keep your instance going in an adventure wing? Because mobs in an instance (both a/w and task dungeon) don't respawn until the instance re-sets. So you can clear out a good portion of the dungeon to make your trip back to the wipe out spot a whole lot easier.
Botoxx Injections
Level 50 Arboreal Animist: Gawaine
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Post by Lenah »

very nice post sharkith ... I liked that alot, very clearly tells the difference of a gamer and a player =)

I'm a gamer definetly my self =)
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

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Post by Sharkith »

Lenah wrote:very nice post sharkith ... I liked that alot, very clearly tells the difference of a gamer and a player =)

I'm a gamer definetly my self =)
Hi Lenah

thanks - I guessed as much from your writing!


I am a player most times but I have been known to game now and then i.e. when it suits me. I spend all day doing research which is like gaming - so I tend to avoid all the calculation and hard stuff when I am drinking wine/beer/whiskey and relaxing.


Anyway theres no reason why we can't all get along even if our aims are different!


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