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Post by Jupiler »

We'll always have FOTM chars but I always thought any class except stealtherq got into a grp easy
let's see on mid:

zerker: 8v8 king

skald: if they have the room for you

thane: only find grps if you know a lot of peeps and/or are high RR(with atleast ST3). ml8 battlemaster a must.

warrior: will easily find grps if he has BG. If you don't run in a FG with a BGer, most arpees are for non primetime.

savage: no clue, usually there aren't more than 10 savages (of 600mids) max online

-pac healer: if you're good, you'll be begged to join grps from the moment you log in.
-aug/mend: finds a grp easily too.

shaman: most FGs run with one shaman they know, other than that it's not too hard to find a random grp.

hunter: no clue, don't play stealthers

sb: see hunter

runemaster: not sure, most people prefer warlocks or dark SMs nowadays, not a problem if you are rr7+ though.

spiritmaster: what can i say? dark will get you a grp easily, and you can solo very well anyway. supp spec(PBAE) is mostly for higher RRs.

bonedancer: great interrupter in FGs, but not really being looked for besides that.

warlock: king of tower/keepfights, gets a grp easily because arpees are almost always guaranteed. The problem might be 99% of mids have a warlock nowadays.

Valkyrie: even worse than thanes, though an ml10 warlord valk can really own hordes of stealthers in a duo/trio.
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Jupiler »

Heretics are a little gimp
:? what do you mean, rr5+ heretics are :dairylea:
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Ovi »

Xest wrote:Agree, you know how I whine on about how stuff is overpowered and honestly I don't see why people whine about vamps, they're about where the new classes should have been. Valkyries/Heretics are a little gimp and Warlocks/Bainshees are horribly Op'd, Vamps are just about right imo.

I would think Vamps are over-powered on classic, never got to 50 to find out though :)

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Post by Ovi »

Dardalion wrote:I think half the current visible classes / specs would struggle to get into a "good" rvr set-up these days. (hate to use the term FOTM).

The thing is you don't need to be in a "good" group to be able to gain RP quicker than a stealther, just need a reasonable group.

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Post by Xest »

Jupiler wrote::? what do you mean, rr5+ heretics are :dairylea:
A class that depends on a few timered abilities isn't too great, just because they can be good like once every 15mins doesn't hide the fact they're useless the rest of the time :p Certainly a Heretic that's like RR10 wouldn't be bad with DI3, BAoD3, RR5 and the required passives etc. but to get a class that's crap without those RAs to RR10 in the first place really isn't easy.

Even though then when you compare to say a warlock which at RR5 could have VP3, RR5 RA, insta-PBAE chambers, Banelord and possibly deci trap as well and you have a class that's far more deadly as a bomb than the reaver bomb ever was so it kinda makes the Heretic pale in comparison - likewise even Bainshees get a pretty nice RA selection, BAoD again, VP etc. on top of their already extreme high damage - a high RR bainshee with a ton of MoM/WP/AA and/or MoC3 can just produce a zero falloff large area killing field.

Heretics aint bad as RA dump bots sure, but without their RAs they're nothing, heals are useless, damage is low unless the enemy is dumb enough to stand there for 30 secs and the utility is buggy/easy to negate for example the buffsheer proc buff still strips off your own roots sometimes, so you could QC root as a caster, the tank then hits you and the proc procs and sheers off the root you just cast.
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Post by Xest »

Ovi wrote:I would think Vamps are over-powered on classic, never got to 50 to find out though :)
Classic screws a lot too though ;) For example, think of poor scouts running round unbuffed whilst Rangers/Hunters have their self buffs, there's just no comparison ;) Same with friars/champs with self buffs etc., although at least with friars/thanes it's arguable that they're so gimp they deserve the advantage of actually gaining something from their self buffs I guess :)
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Post by Gandelf »

Is it fair to say that it's the older classes that suffer in general?

I mean, because DAoC has developed over the last several years, do you think that the Mythic has thought of new abilities that far outclass the abilities with the original DAoC? For example, spell chambers for Warlocks, pulse focus spells for Heretics, Cone area spells for Bainshees and Valkyries. Not to mention Vampiirs etc. etc.

I know that the original healer classes have always been in demand, but do you think that maybe that because of all the great new abilities the new classes get, that the older classes are not wanted because they are a bit old-fashioned?

Do you think, that maybe instead of adding new classes and expansions, that Mythic really needs to start from scratch, with a clean sheet and start afresh, redesigning all the classes? Instead of all the patches that nerf this or that class, then those nerfs make some other class too powerful and other nerfs happen?

It's interesting that they call patches "patches"... it's sounds like they're patching something up to make it last a bit longer. If you get a puncture in your bicycle wheel inner-tube, you can stick a patch over the hole, but that hole is still there. Then you get another hole and patch that up. Eventually all the patches mean that the inner-tube is beyond repair, so you need to start again from scratch with a new inner-tube.

I think it's like that with DAoC. It's been patched up too much. It needs scrapping and redesigning from scratch!

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Post by Satyn »

a story isnt written all in one go either. You write, you re-read, you add to make it better or for all sorts of reasons.
Wouldnt say the old-fashiond chars are 'victims' there will always be FOTM char I guess, and there will always be a char that is that tad bit better then the rest. But imo if you know your char very well you can play any char to its best potential... and then it doesnt really matter if you're playing an old char or not I think.
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Post by Xest »

Is it fair to say that it's the older classes that suffer in general?
Kind of, classes tend to fade in and out of usefulness, Champions used to be godlike at DAoC release for a while then they became utter gimps, since NF they got pretty decent again. Every class bar a few has had it's time, just some get the spotlight more frequently than others - light tanks have been uber since the original det. love etc. that brought light tanks upto (and far far above nowadays) par.
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Post by Cryn »

Gandelf wrote:Is it fair to say that it's the older classes that suffer in general?
I'd guess it's more complex than that. All classes change over time. Sometimes it makes them better, sometimes worse. Take Blademasters. For a long time they were one of the least played classes on the realm (bottom 3 for a couple of years I think). Then some changes fixed some of their problems and now they are popular.

Where the new classes win over old is just at expansion launch. Mythic want the new classes to partly justify the expansion, so they err on the side of making them attractive to play. Sometimes this makes them powerful. Once the expansion has been and gone, the classes are no longer the golden boys and they get handled within the same game balancing objective as all the others.
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