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Post by Xest »

Aran_Thule wrote:well you can have your wish xest.
I dont think ill be looking in here again, ill stick to the private sections relavent to me.
Banana thanks a lot for fighting the loosing battle <hugs>
So it's better to just sulk and run from every situation in life where you don't get your own way than accept that whilst sometimes people will respect your feelings but other times you just have to accept that you might actually have to respect theirs?

I think it's more than fair stating as I have that I and I think most people do regularly respect the opinions of those who do not wish to see this type of thing and hence don't post it. Is it so wrong to ask that sometimes, just sometimes that those people in return respect the fact that many of us enjoy humorous comments regardless of the content involved and that those offended by the comments instead for once just take it upon themselves to respect the feelings of those who enjoy it rather than expect everyone to pussy foot around their feelings for their entire lives?
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Post by Lieva »

Takitothemacs wrote:What if I were to say that I enjoy the feeling of stroking a young pussy? Now there are two ways to read that... but I mean the feline sort ofc... I cant be chastised for that surely?!
i think thats why the word isnt in the swearing bit.
because it can be used three ways..

that said
you could always say cat and get the same meaning :)
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Post by Tuthmes »

Xest wrote:So it's better to just sulk and run from every situation in life where you don't get your own way than accept that whilst sometimes people will respect your feelings but other times you just have to accept that you might actually have to respect theirs?

I think it's more than fair stating as I have that I and I think most people do regularly respect the opinions of those who do not wish to see this type of thing and hence don't post it. Is it so wrong to ask that sometimes, just sometimes that those people in return respect the fact that many of us enjoy humorous comments regardless of the content involved and that those offended by the comments instead for once just take it upon themselves to respect the feelings of those who enjoy it rather than expect everyone to pussy foot around their feelings for their entire lives?
No you drive it way to far. It's like you wanne make a point of it. Aran doesnt like it, neither does Killimba, why upset them?
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Post by Takitothemacs »

Banana wrote:you could always say cat and get the same meaning :)
true.. but the point isnt made by doing that... interpretation needed to remain open to enable my point to be made.
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Post by Xest »

Tuthmes wrote:No you drive it way to far. It's like you wanne make a point of it. Aran doesnt like it, neither does Killimba, why upset them?
Of course I want to make a point, that's the whole idea. Crom has been upset here too you realise? I'm pointing out that respecting other people's feelings is a two way thing and by forcing censorship someone is bound to be upset. Pushing for self censorship and respect of opposing opinions of what is and isn't acceptable is a far fairer option for everyone.
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Post by OohhoO »

Xest wrote:Of course I want to make a point, that's the whole idea. Crom has been upset here too you realise? I'm pointing out that respecting other people's feelings is a two way thing and by forcing censorship someone is bound to be upset. Pushing for self censorship and respect of opposing opinions of what is and isn't acceptable is a far fairer option for everyone.
/agree 100%

With the greatest respect for the people involved I also didn't appreciate the (IMO) over-reacting or the semi-insinuations that anyone who didn't find the original comment upsetting was somehow a potential sexual-abuser, or that abuse is a problem which can be reduced to male-abuser / female-victim.
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Post by Satyn »

This place has gone from a very active forum to a very boring forum. If it wasnt for the NFD ppl, Ankh, Oohhoo, the mods and a few others there wouldnt even be a anymore. (besides the private forums)
What is pretty clear to me from what i can read here is that lets say 10% (prolly less) is offended by the p***y word and the rest isnt. Is it fair to ask the 90% to walk over eggshels?
When i was a mod i listened to the 10% all the time, which made me a very bad mod cos i couldnt be myself anymore. Doesnt everyone have the right to be who they are?
And tbh i dont think p***y is an 18+ word, i think some 15-16y olds know more than we do about sex.
Sensorship is only gona drive ppl away. I think crom's comparisment was pretty funny.

tata ppl
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Post by Lieva »

every time something happens in this place
49% of the forum agree wholeheartedly with whats happened
49% of the forum disagree wholeheartedly with whats happened
and the other 2% neither agree nor disagree but walk away.

btw when i saty 18+ i mean adult and possibly offensive stuff not peoples ages.

for heavens sake even takit said OMG as he was shocked by the fact crom had used something like that in the general forum.
He wasnt offended but he was surprised he said it as it isnt a chat between friends and you know people wont be offended.

Well people HAVE been offended and there IS an 18+ section for any type of chat people wish to view as the last time this happened more than 90% of the forum were against having it in the forum and everyone agreed with it.
Thats the whole reason that forum in particular was made.

I wonder if 90% would disagree then and only 50% now...forums are going downhill (note i said forums in general not this one) as are peoples tollerance to what they will read.

The main peeps who have been offended. Aran and Kallima. They have been happy to state in the past what offends and doesnt offend them so this is not a 'lets just do what we feel like' moment.
These are people who stick to what they believe and if they think that leaving a forum will make the atmosphere happier for them and for the people left on the forum than they will do so.

We have had crudity on the shoutbox and to counteract that we made a rule so the shoutbox should open should you wish to view it as you can pretty much say what you like.

We are NOT changing this forum so it opens should you be ok with offensive/crude/18+ wording as there is no offensive/crude/18+ words .. period.

Like i said again - this forum is a general forum therefore you should be able to let your child/wife/parent or anyone else look at it.

Heck you do realise if we continue to have crude words in the forum the site will be blocked from most peoples works places right?
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Post by Lieva »

<looks at above post>

i do believe thats the longest post ive made ever...

<goes off hunting for cookies>
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Post by Satyn »

Aran and kalima ... you said it yourself nana, two ppl that got offended. What about the rest of us that arent? Do we have to bite our lip every time? I'm sure as hell wont do that anymore.
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