Wow, I haven't read these forums for a while
Arcsalin wrote:bah you guys need to learn to spell
Beg your pardon. You can refer to me as MA and DPhil candidate from the university of sussex in social sciences. And if you take a look at the time the post was made, yes I could forgive myself some spelling mistakes ]You'll be lucky to get anyone.[/quote]
Hence the reason for the extra caution
Cromcruaich wrote:And why are you bothered about recruiting people who are already fully toa'd and ml'd. A guild should recruit based on personality, not on current characters.
As it has already been said, if you don't like it, don't apply. But to humour you, I'll explain why. There have been some individuals throughout the years that have taken advantage of the manpower in CF to fully equip a toon just to bugger off after a while. And trust me, doing EC etc for people that are going to leave, is no fun at all
Cromcruaich wrote:Posted it to point out that a guild should not restrict who it accepts into its membership based on the individual characters mls and template completion. I would expect it to be on player merit alone rather than the current state of that players character.
It's been answerered I hope
OohhoO wrote:I guess willingness & ability to use voice-comms is also a requirement then
I'm afraid that it is and my appologies for not having said it in the first place.
The current state of rvr demands some form of voice communication. If you're a shy person, or one who's feeling not competent in english, you don't have to talk that much, all up to you really as long as you can follow the bard's instructions
Belisar wrote:Guild requirements should be based on having the right coloured underpants.
Shh.... that's the test for full membership
Well anyway, whatever people think we run one or two groups almost every day. We have no set groups, we don't force our people to rvr with us, they can still run in set groups with other people (like I do), it's quite easy going and we're trying to enjoy some parts of the game.
I'm sorry that there are a couple of reservations, but we had free riders in the past and we simply want to avoid having any more people of that sort again.
Thanks to all, and see you around