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Post by Mojo »

<ankh> wrote:Fair enough - you dislike them...may I ask why you bother with this thread in that case? Especially as you said you belive having a conversation with a religious person is a waste of time - and thats what we were trying to do in this thread earlier.
I do not belive in what they say and I tried to prove them wrong. If you got anything that proves that they are wrong (other than just saying "they are wrong") feel free to share instead of insulting them.

If you really belive they are idiots - you should even bother with a thread as this anyway as you know its a waste of time.

.... then again, its not like if much happens on this board nowadays anyway. Unfortunatly Gandelf, one of the few christians who dared to stand up for his belief (even though he couldnt answer much), ran off cos of the constant personal attacks. Would you stand around explaining your beliefs if all you got as a reply was "your an idiot"? :)


Why bother with the thread, well no reason other than to state my opinion, get a few digs in at the religous folk and to entertain myself. (for once i have free time)

Yes I beleive they are idiots and I will bother with what ever thread I like untill it gets locked deleted or whatever else PC mods might like to do with it. Unless your a mod and have the power to shut me up, I suggest you give up on your efforts of controling my tounge. I will stop posting when either. A) I want to. B) I am forced to do so.

And your right these boards are pretty dull, had they not been I probably wouldn't have posted. (because tbh, I dont much care for what people beleive in, its when their beleifs overspill into my life I really get bothered)

As for proving them wrong, the Onus is on them to prove they are right, we don't go through life telling anyone that makes a un reasonable statement of beleif that they are correct untill proven otherwise, why make an exception for religion?

Gandelf probably ran off because he couldn't defend himself with a reasond argument, which is a bit of a big issue for religous folk. Well that's tuff for Gandelf, if he cannot argue his case maybe he will come to the realisation that he has no case to argue.

If you want to pussy foot arround people being politically correct and polite not wanting to hurt their feelings thats great, it doesn't work for me Ankh. :p
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Post by <ankh> »

Mojo wrote:I suggest you give up on your efforts of controling my tounge. I will stop posting when either. A) I want to. B) I am forced to do so.

If you want to pussy foot arround people being politically correct and polite not wanting to hurt their feelings thats great, it doesn't work for me Ankh. :p
First of all, I didnt try to control you in anyway. I kind of pointed out that its no good way to discuss. Big fucking* difference mate.

Im not trying to be politically correct nor do I try to be polite: But if you wanna discuss something with somebody, surely you don't expect them to listen if you tell them they are idiots? Dunno about you, but I'd rather listen to their opinion and respect them for having it.

* yeah yeah, I did mention bad language in the next post :D


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Post by <ankh> »

Mojo wrote:Why bother with the thread, well no reason other than to state my opinion, get a few digs in at the religous folk and to entertain myself. (for once i have free time)
If you had read all the posts (which you said you didnt) you would have noticed that Gandelf/Banana gave up so your really not getting anywhere with this thread atm anyway.

Edit: Which means your opinion would proberbly just be read by people who arent religous anyway.

Edit2: Don't get me wrong, you have the right of an opinion just like everyone else. But I still think having a discussion works much easier without personal attacks/insults or bad language.


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Post by <ankh> »

Xest wrote: tbh personal attacks on Gandelf were a result of him NOT explaining his religion, that was the whole point, he just avoided them through the entire thread which frustrated people who were answering his questions and getting nothing but further questions or ignorance back :p I'd welcome a reasoned two way discussion on religion but it has to be just that - a two way discussion, not a one way thing as this thread has been thus far. When someone posts links to someone saying they'll pay $250,000 or whatever to anyone who can prove evolution inferring that as this guy hasn't paid this out no one can prove evolution as their "evidence" in the argument then you know it's pretty pointless even trying to discuss it, as pointless as trying to win that $250,000 because when you do provide the requested proof they just say "No you're wrong, there's no possible way to prove you're wrong but I say you are so tough you're not getting the $250,000".
You know Xest, if you don't get an answer from the guy by being polite - you shouldnt expect to get one if you do personal attacks either. So posting those insults gains nothing what so ever apart from adding extra posts to the thread (which also makes people skip most of the posts due to the high number of posts - and possible miss the more relevant ones).

Edit: You saw my questions to Gandelf Xest, I was just as frustrated as everyone else. 4-5 times I asked the same question but got no reply - but I don't expect him to give me my answer by calling him an idiot.


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Post by Gandelf »

<ankh> wrote:If you had read all the posts (which you said you didnt) you would have noticed that Gandelf/Banana gave up so your really not getting anywhere with this thread atm anyway.


I haven't given up. I haven't had the time to respond. When I do respond, it won't be with scientific evidence. I might add also, that I don't have to respond scientifically, when there are many scientists and physicists who believe in God who would run circles around any non-believer with their evidence. Even Stephen Hawking believes in God... he has said so! So why not write to him and ask him why he believes in God.

My full response is still to come, but don't hold your breath.

And to those who say there is no God... either prove it or shut up! It's one debate you'll pat yourself on the back, with all your UNPROVEN theories of evolution etc that you'll spuriously quote, but you won't win it! God's smiling and laughing at your short-sightedness. I am too! lol2:

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Post by Xest »

The point is it wouldn't matter how long you carry on being polite he wouldn't have answered anyway. His avoidance of answering questions whilst questioning and belittling everyone else is rather frustrating and insulting so frankly I have little sympathy for him when he himself was unable to participate in a sensible and reasonable discussion.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Xest »

Gandelf wrote:And to those who say there is no God... either prove it or shut up! It's one debate you'll pat yourself on the back, with all your UNPROVEN theories of evolution etc that you'll spuriously quote, but you won't win it! God's smiling and laughing at your short-sightedness. I am too!
See ankh, if that's not idiotic short sighted idiotic ignorance from a extremely naive religious zealot I don't know what is :p He once again proved exactly what I said in that even when proof of things like evolution are provided he denies it without any credible way of denying it - it's no different than me saying Gandelf doesn't really exist, sounds stupid doesn't it? but that's exactly the same sort of idiotic comment that Gandelf is making here.
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Post by <ankh> »

Stephen Hawking is concidered to be the most intelligent person on earth - but that doesnt make him flawless.
Gandelf wrote:And to those who say there is no God... either prove it or shut up! It's one debate you'll pat yourself on the back, with all your UNPROVEN theories of evolution etc that you'll spuriously quote, but you won't win it! God's smiling and laughing at your short-sightedness. I am too!
Dear Gandelf - thats exactly why non-religious people will ever understand people who are religious. Never ever do we get any real answers. We live in a world where you can see scientific things where ever you look or go - and the answers just keep comming faster and faster now that we got computers to help with research. All this happens while religious people STILL havent proved anything - all they do is point at their bible and quote it...a MAN MADE book..that really doesnt prove anything.


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Post by <ankh> »

Xest wrote:The point is it wouldn't matter how long you carry on being polite he wouldn't have answered anyway. His avoidance of answering questions whilst questioning and belittling everyone else is rather frustrating and insulting so frankly I have little sympathy for him when he himself was unable to participate in a sensible and reasonable discussion.
True - but bringing the insults into the thread gains nothing what so ever apart from personal satisfaction, and the thread is not just about ONE person imo. I admit that I've been laughing and swearing while reading this post - but I have no need what so ever to share those things with the forum as it doesnt wont be any good for the discussion anyway.

Unfortunatly this is a thread that wont lead anywhere unless we had people who belive in other gods here to join in the fun too. (Atleast thats what I think)


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Post by Xest »

Oh and btw Gandelf, I asked Steven Hawking why he beleives in god and all I got was this:

Oh wait nevermind, you're just completely wrong and outright lying in a weak attempt at covering up your incorrectness, Steven Hawking just doesn't actually beleive in god, oh well, try again :< Or wait actually don't tell me Steve Hawking is in a wheelchair because he defied god and hence god smited him down? Yes sorry of course that must be it. He does beleive in a type of spirituality of some degree, but unfortunately not in the sense you're trying to infer, ironically in much the same way as Einstein did, that is, Einstein didn't directly beleive in a god but felt that there was some force that was potentially more powerful than that of man, neither of these however in any way say that the universe was definitely created by some higher being and on the contrary, say quite the opposite.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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