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Post by Cromcruaich »

Sharkith wrote:First of all apologies Ankh my comments were aimed at this debate in general and I meant nothing personal to anyone. I disagree with these kinds of discussions because they are paradoxical. The person of faith is required to rationally justify themselves to the rationalist and the rationalist cannot get that faith is not rational. So all these sorts of dicsussions lead to is paradoxes of observation when two modes of looking at the world cross each other. What is there to be gained by that?

Since I posted the debate has once become centered on reason and rationality and this simply takes you further from even beginning to understand or even coming close to grasping what it is to go through the experience of faith. Unless you have really spoken with people who are deeply faithful you will always struggle to see what it means. This is not because of some insufficiency of reason on your part it is simply because you haven't experienced it.

Some of the most beautiful people in the world have the kind of faith that bring such a feeling of humility that when you look in their eyes all you can see is happiness. I know quite a few people like this muslims, christians, buddists and hindus. They might not all follow each others pretexts but none of them would ever condemn the other because none of the people I know who are deeply faithful would ever feel they were able to pass judgement on anyone else.

So please be very careful when you go ahead and stereotype this group of people and place them with the whores that tout faith in the interests of national security. All of that is kind of missing the point.

Alternatively we could turn the mode back on the beam of rationality and ask - is scientific rationality free from blame in the worlds conflicts and problems?

I doubt it is.
I was pushing on a specific area, that of the creationist theory, also arguments made by gandelf regarding proof of creationism over evolution. Simliar requests were made by Ankh. I dont find any paradox on being prepared and able to answer question regarding your beliefs. Infact the argument often made by people of faith, is that science and rationality is simply another form of faith.

Regarding your last point (which is a divergence from my own personal thread I was pursuing here) - please expand on why you dont think it is free from blame.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Luz »

I cant bring to mind a single war started over science ?

Every war is started over beliefs, be it religion or political. Or simply over money and profit. Not science, or am I completely off
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Post by Sardine »

I wouldn't have any problm with that trailer if the kids were replaced with adults who have made up thier own minds. Kids generally just go with the flow and don't question anything, and dont know any different.

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Post by Succi »

religion is evil

whoever first started it had great business sense though

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Post by Mojo »

I couldn't be arsed to read this entire thread but based on a few comments that I have read I would just like to say.

Creationism is complete and utter bollocks and so is religion, anyone who beleives in such things is a complete moron. If i offend anyone who beleives in such things, well thats just tuff shit. You beleive in god, I beleive your an idiot.

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Post by <ankh> »

Actually no need to insult people just cos they belive different than you Mojo. I don't belive in god myself nor in any other "higher" being - but that doesnt mean I think they are idiots. I would more like to see them as confused people than idiots. And as I've said before - they are welcome to try and convert me (they will proberbly not succeed...but its worth a try).'s kind of hard to get the ones who actually do believe in God to discuss if all we do is call them idiots.


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Post by Mojo »

Succi wrote:religion is evil

whoever first started it had great business sense though
I started it, this is how it went.

"Hey peasants, you all scared of death right"


"Well, I had a vision last night, a vision of God, he said if u follow these rules (which I just so happen to have written down for you) you will all go to heaven and hump virgins when you die rather than decompose like everyone else will"

"What do you say? Virgin Humping or Decomposing?"

"Virgin humping" "Virign humping"

"So your all going to do as I say then right?"

"Hell yeah!!!"

So thats pretty much how I owned humaity.

later on I let people in on the secret and offered them gold and hookers and in return they went out to spread the word for me.
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Post by Mojo »

<ankh> wrote:Actually no need to insult people just cos they belive different than you Mojo. I don't belive in god myself nor in any other "higher" being - but that doesnt mean I think they are idiots. I would more like to see them as confused people than idiots. And as I've said before - they are welcome to try and convert me (they will proberbly not succeed...but its worth a try).'s kind of hard to get the ones who actually do believe in God to discuss if all we do is call them idiots.


I think they are idiots, and I am more than happy to let them know. This goes beyond mr and mr religous. We have these idiots at the highest levels in our society making decisions that affect the rest of us, and it's based on bullshit. If that doesn't wind you up and piss you off imensly good for you, but it pisses me off no end.

I'm not really into discussing it with them either, they beleive in something that doesnt exist and they do so without reason, having a conversation with someone who has no reason is a waste of time.
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Post by <ankh> »

Mojo wrote:I'm not really into discussing it with them either, they beleive in something that doesnt exist and they do so without reason, having a conversation with someone who has no reason is a waste of time.
Fair enough - you dislike them...may I ask why you bother with this thread in that case? Especially as you said you belive having a conversation with a religious person is a waste of time - and thats what we were trying to do in this thread earlier.
I do not belive in what they say and I tried to prove them wrong. If you got anything that proves that they are wrong (other than just saying "they are wrong") feel free to share instead of insulting them.

If you really belive they are idiots - you should even bother with a thread as this anyway as you know its a waste of time.

.... then again, its not like if much happens on this board nowadays anyway. Unfortunatly Gandelf, one of the few christians who dared to stand up for his belief (even though he couldnt answer much), ran off cos of the constant personal attacks. Would you stand around explaining your beliefs if all you got as a reply was "your an idiot"? :)


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Post by Xest »

<ankh> wrote:I would more like to see them as confused people than idiots.
Is "confused person" the politically correct term for an idiot ].... then again, its not like if much happens on this board nowadays anyway. Unfortunatly Gandelf, one of the few christians who dared to stand up for his belief (even though he couldnt answer much), ran off cos of the constant personal attacks. Would you stand around explaining your beliefs if all you got as a reply was "your an idiot"? [/QUOTE] tbh personal attacks on Gandelf were a result of him NOT explaining his religion, that was the whole point, he just avoided them through the entire thread which frustrated people who were answering his questions and getting nothing but further questions or ignorance back :p I'd welcome a reasoned two way discussion on religion but it has to be just that - a two way discussion, not a one way thing as this thread has been thus far. When someone posts links to someone saying they'll pay $250,000 or whatever to anyone who can prove evolution inferring that as this guy hasn't paid this out no one can prove evolution as their "evidence" in the argument then you know it's pretty pointless even trying to discuss it, as pointless as trying to win that $250,000 because when you do provide the requested proof they just say "No you're wrong, there's no possible way to prove you're wrong but I say you are so tough you're not getting the $250,000".
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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