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Post by Heta »

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Gandelf wrote:OK, here is another thing to contemplate:-

Supposing, just for one minute, that God does exist and that he created the Earth. Now suppose that God created the world to LOOK as if it was millions of years old. How could you prove that to be wrong?
Incidently, it's billions of years old. Perfectly reasonable argument, the obvious question would be why. The fossil line shows that there have been many mass extinctions, some destroying over 95% of the species alive on the earth at that time, does this indicate that god got in wrong successive times, and mercilessly destroyed all his creations?

The other key is that near human remains, over 150000 years old have been found, this is a hell of a lot longer than the time he gave over for the creation in genesis. Did he place those bones there, did he place the ones there that were one day before he created the earth? How do you reconcile the evidence that shows that homo sapiens spread from out of africa across europe and russia and that these people certainly werent born again christians? I dunno what happens - is everyone who isnt christian, ie all those people who were born before your god let everyone know about him through writers condemed not to enter into heaven - or are they just let off? Actually do born again christians believe in hell, or anysort of punishment for transgression of the ten commandments? That effigy one really does seem unfair to all those prechristians in greece and early rome who were polytheists.

Ofcourse, to answer your point, it isnt recorded in the bible as saying that 'god, on the 7th day, had a bit of a kip, got up, was a bit bored, and throught he'd mess around and create a load of old fossils 'n stuff, then go on to ensure that radioisotope tests with carbon 14 and other radioactive elements would show all the rocks were real old, just to have a bit of a laugh when a couple of thousand years later Marie Curie would discover radioactivity'.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Actually, i'd be interested in hearing what flaws there are with the modern theory of evolution.

You see the wonderful thing about science is that what it does is elucidate observable phenomenom. Now if science had observable proof that there was a god, then it would set about in it's mythodical way trying to explain it.

I wonder what would happen if we managed to wipe ourselves out (very likely when taken in the context of the length of time of the existance of other species - its almost certain we'll have a global nuclear war, or other such calamity in that space of time), would god just create another universe and populate it with more toys to pass the eons?

You'd think an omnipotent god would have something better to do than just mess around with this small planet, maybe he has other projects going on throughout the universe to keep him amused? Suppose they must all look human, or did he not produce them in his image - if not, they are gonna be really pissed off when they meet us, but it will give us an excuse to erradicate them for not looking like the lord. Perhaps we are the side project, like a man messing with his train set on Sunday evening - he certainly doesnt seem to listen to the majority of his creations most of the time.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by <ankh> »

Gandelf wrote:So really, it's a 2-horse race, that's what you're saying. Do you bet on Creation being first past the winning post or Evolution?
Evolution - cos there are more proof of evolution than there is of your so called god. I still belive science > Religion.

Dinosaurs is also a good proof imo.


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Post by <ankh> »

Oh btw - im still waiting for you answer on my question about what you think about the other billions of religious people who arent reborn or don't even belive in the same god(s). What makes you think that your better than them? Cos surely thats what you are saying..


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Post by Cromcruaich »

It's a shame god doesnt come down and clear things up once and for all. If he'd just appear to all those pesky muslims, seeks, hindus, pagans etc and just say, look, i'm awfully sorry, but youve got it wrong, its those christians that were right, and incidently the roman catholics/anglicans/7th day adventists (take your pick, surely one of them is doing it right) were right on the money. It really would solve a lot of problems. Guess being omnipotent and all he's to busy for that, then again, he can turn back time and is in all places as once, so there really is no excuse.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Heta wrote:Here's the proof for the opposition

He didn't create the Earth. Cause he don't exist!

Only thing I agree with you Gandelf is probably that we are both equally sure of what we believe in. Tho I should let you know that I am the one that is correct :p
The other obvious point is, even if a god does exist, why the hell would you choose to worship it? It isnt making a very good job of things at the moment if indeed it does. I'd even go with backing democratic government as a means of getting things done - and that truly is desperation!

I suppose those people who worship god do so for personal gain, not believing in god seems more charitable and christian to me.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Post by Xest »

Gandelf wrote:If evolution is more than just a theory, then why don't we see any half-breeds in the world?
lol wtf? half-breeds are pretty common.
Gandelf wrote:Why does every species seem to be the "final model"?
This demonstrates that your disbeleif of evolution is based on ignorance, naivety or lack of knowledge, fair enough. Current species are in no way the final model.
Gandelf wrote:Why is there no half-breed between an ape and a man, or even half Chimp and half Gorilla?
But there is and there has been, neanderthals as well as countless other missing links that have been unearthed. Gorillas are big and strong, chimps are fast and dexterous, humans are intelligent - we're all evolutionary branches off the same tree, with different qualities that enable us to survive. You don't get half-apes and half-humans because those branches are simply genetically incompatible, you do however get half-breeds between different types of ape for example though due to them being close enough to be genetically compatible. There's also evidence of neanderthals being interbreeding with modern humans in some people's genetic make up.
Gandelf wrote:There is so much diversity in life, yet in no case will you ever find half-breeds
In the moth example, the half breeds weren't exactly hard to find.
Gandelf wrote:They still haven't found the "missing link".
That's because there isn't a single missing link, it's a slow process, the changes are unnoticeable when looked at closely, they have found plenty of half way points though which are generally referred to as the "missing link".
Gandelf wrote:How would a plant know how to grow thorns to protect itself? How did certain creates know how to grow wings? If you're about to eaten by a dinosaur, you can't suddenly decide to evolve and grow wings to escape!
They don't need to know how to, just that it happens, again see the very simple moth examples I mentioned previously, it's not a hard concept and it's one that's highly observable in the industrial revolution case.
Gandelf wrote:Evolutionist claim that's all down to natural selection and genetic mishaps, but again that's just theory and unproven. It is more easy for me to believe in creation, because the way the world is suggests it.
No that's not the way the world is suggests, that's the way you understand because you lack knowledge in the relevant area as you have demonstrated here.
Gandelf wrote:Theory is still theory until it can be backed up by impirical research. So far evolution is still in the category of being a theory. Different colourings on moths is not evidence of macro-evolution, as I say, it's no more than racial differences, but they're still moths.
Oh I see, so it's okay for small changes over a short period of time to be micro evolution, but small changes over a long period of time which appear as big changes when you compare the start and end product over a long period is wrong? Convenient!

Gandelf, everything you've said demonstrates you don't understand the topic you're suggesting is wrong, how can you claim we don't beleive in religion because we don't know about it when we apparently know as much as you yet when it comes to evolution you CLEARLY know nothing about it yet disbeleive it and say it's wrong? Typical uneducated creationist hypocrit quite frankly.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Heta »

I think our planet got the god that got bullied in god school and once he got his own planet to create he decided to take it all out on us, now he just sit up there and giggles at all the miseries in the world.
Woho! I got a 360 \o/

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Post by Cromcruaich »

<ankh> wrote:Oh btw - im still waiting for you answer on my question about what you think about the other billions of religious people who arent reborn or don't even belive in the same god(s). What makes you think that your better than them? Cos surely thats what you are saying..


Unfortunately they are going to burn in hell for eternity, but 'dems the rules, who are we to question.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Thanks to Tuthmes for the link.

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