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Post by Luz »

Well the numbers mayb be wrong or not (I think they are aswell, I'd say 90% of the people I know is listed as Christians but they dont believe in anything).

I like this bit, says it all really :

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

See list of Anhk as referense to other gods and think about the fact there is hundreds more religions not listed.

Then simply read this quote and think to yourself, oh as silly at it is for me to believe the other gids, just as silly it is for you that my God exists.
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Post by Gandelf »

Heta wrote:No I dont believe that, its false numbers generated by the west. And also alot of the "Christian" people don't realy believe in it, they just happen to be enlisted somewhere so the numbers are inacurate. Also the numbers of Islamic people are hard to get right aswell cause its alot of very poor and hard to count countrys where they believe in Allah.

For someone who is so sure, where is your proof? I don't mean just general statements that sound as if they could be correct, but independently researched material.

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Post by Gandelf »

Heta wrote:People that don't believe in evolution really need to get there head checked, no offence but not believing in it is insanity.

No offence also, but evolution is still a theory. It has never been proved.

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Post by Heta »

Gandelf wrote:For someone who is so sure, where is your proof? I don't mean just general statements that sound as if they could be correct, but independently researched material.
I'm just using the same logic as you are when you are saying a God exists.
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Post by Heta »

Gandelf wrote:No offence also, but evolution is still a theory. It has never been proved.
Neither have that God spawned all life in 6 days. Evolution is by far a more logic answer to it all.
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Post by Heta »

I just cant understand how people can take a book that been written 2000 years ago all based on facts from hearsay, have no one ever played the game where you sit in a ring and whisper in each others ears then when it comes back to you its something totally different from what you heard at first.

I believe Jesus existed that I do, I believe he was a great person that did a lot of good for the people around him. But things like him walking on water were most likely from the start that it looked like he was walking on water. And him being a son of God just proves how much the people around him believed and how little they knew. The Bible is a great book, a great Novel and the first of its kind.
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Post by Luz »

Gandelf seem to ignore my posts :(

Lets try again.

If I say Gandelf, I am God, I am Jesus reborn. Do you believe me?

If not, I wonder why? Please let me know, cuz if you believe I am Jesus I have some things I want to get done.
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Post by Heta »

You can't acutally be God and Jesus reborn, that would make you your own father... doh:
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Post by Luz »

I am God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ?
Whats so strange about that. Honestly.
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Post by Xest »

Gandelf wrote:No offence also, but evolution is still a theory. It has never been proved.
Erm, evolution has been proved actually. On countless occasions in fact and in many ways. Three obvious examples:

1) Moths in manchester that used to be mostly white before the industrial revolution became black through survival of the fittest in a small and measurable time scale, due to the large amounts of smog the darker moths of the breed weren't as easily spotted by the birds that prey on them, the white ones were and were hence eaten much more frequently. Over time the breed became darker and darker in general. This is survival of the fittest in action, in an easily observable manner, a key part of evolution proven and absolutely no intervention from any higher being.

2) Scientists did an experiment where by they used knowledge of how previous creatures had evolved (i.e. various features they'd gained) at a certain point in history to "design" a new creature, they also noted what kind of setting this creature would need to survive with these features. The scientists then looked for a place on earth that would be the perfect habitat for this creature at a certain point in time, and sure enough after excavating deep enough to reach the time frame they were aiming for and after a few months they found a new creature almost identical to how they'd designed using the ideas of evolution.

3) Darwin encountered and orchid flower that held it's pollen deep inside a tube. With pollen spread being required for the flower to reproduce, Darwin predicted that there must be a creature that had evolved to spread this pollen - that is, as over time the flower evolved to hide it's pollen from creatures that would only eat all the pollen leaving it unspredable there also evolved a creature that could work in harmony with the flower to help spread it - again the plant with the longer tubes survived as the shorter ones died out over time whilst the moths with the tongue long enough to get the pollen survived and the ones with tongues too short died out or evolved into other species of moth that gain their food in different ways. Sure enough, a moth was discovered that fitted Darwin's predictions - Darwin's moth.

So as proof for evolution has been provided, how are you getting on with that proof that god exists Gandelf? We're still waiting for it and this is exactly why it's obvious to anyone capable of logical, reasoned thought that religion is a joke and scientific theories are the most realistic option - because there is a plethora of evidence for scientific theories whilst religions despite being around for thousands of years have yet to this day failed to provide any proof whatsoever that there is any possibility of there being a god.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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