Interview with Chip Lange of EA

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Interview with Chip Lange of EA

Post by <ankh> »

Thought you might wanna read this.

/Ankh wrote:Interview with Chip Lange of EA Online
By : Garthilk

Immediately after the announcement of the EA purchase of Mythic I contacted EA in the hopes of getting their perspective on things. We had heard so much of just how things are going to be from Mythic, but I wanted to hear it from EA. So I went to the source. Chip Lange, VP of EA Online, was so very kind to answer some of mine and our readers most pressing questions.

Chip, how about you start out and tell us a bit about yourself and your position at EA.

Chip: I've been working in the gaming business since the mid-80's. I joined EA in 1991 and spent 10+years in our marketing organization working on projects like EA SPORTS, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

I'm an avid gamer. I have a 50 Paladin on the Merlin server in DAOC and also play quite a bit of WOW. Both games are great and I think we're just getting started in what online gaming can bring to the game designs of the future. I spend a lot of my time at EA thinking and working on just that----how can games be made more fun with the introduction of online into the mix?

Our readers have been extremely interested in the possibilities that the acquisition of Mythic represents. It's fairly obvious the benefits this deal brings to EA, this has left a lot of people pondering, what did Mythic receive as compensation?

Chip: We don't discuss the terms of the deal. However, Mythic will benefit from EA's wealth of resources in the game creation space. EA features the largest and most expansive game development operation in the world and there are numerous resources for the Mythic team to tap into as they continue to up the bar in the production of world class online gaming experiences.

Mythic also will benefit from the support of EA's publishing capacity. EA brings the most dynamic and powerful publishing organizations in the gaming space to the table and will be able to help expand the size of the overall launch for Warhammer as we look to bring this product to market in as big a way as possible. More players means a more fun community and game experience in Warhammer for the fans….which is a good thing.

Obviously the investment in Mythic represents more than a short-term venture. In terms of future massively multiplayer products, have any commitments been made beyond Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?

Chip: We've not discussed anything beyond our continued support and enthusiasm for the Dark Age of Camelot title as well as our excitement over Warhammer.

What is it about Mythic that caught EA's eye? Was it Warhammer Online, and if so, what about the game is EA so excited about?

Chip: Several of us at EA are big DAOC players and have always enjoyed the way in which that game was designed. In particular the Mythic team has designed the best Realm vs. Realm experience in the MMO space. Something we've all played and enjoyed.

Rolling Mythic's clear expertise in RvR to a game like Warhammer was a natural. They'll be able to build on this core competency, bring to a new generation of stunning visuals and deliver what we believe is the most exciting MMO in development today.

How much importance does EA place on Mythic's relationship with Games Workshop? As part of this deal what has the relationship between EA and Games Workshop been like?

Chip: The Warhammer license is a natural for the MMO space and is a natural fit with the Mythic team's development expertise. In a fiction where war is everywhere you need a game designed to capitalize on player vs player combat. Mythic's RvR designs are the perfect fit for this IP and will set a new high water mark for all MMO's in the future.

Motor City Online, Earth and Beyond, Ultima X, UO2…. By my count EA has published more failed MMOs than any one publisher in existence. How did EA approaching this deal differently than its past ventures? Why should gamers believe something is different about this deal?

Chip: We feel differently. UO is the longest running MMO in gaming history and still supports an active user base who love the game as well as the new content we're pouring into the UO universe. We've had some other projects which have not lasted as long in the space as UO, but the learnings in game design which have come from those projects make EA a better partner in this space. We look to combine this learning with Mythic's design excellence and create the most dynamic and exciting games in the genre for years to come.

What effect will the merger of Electronic Arts and Mythic have on the European distribution of Warhammer Online, in consideration of the contract with GOA, especially in the areas of localization and customer support?

Chip: We're in active discussions with both Mythic and GOA and we're sure that the Warhammer game will be launched expertly in Europe.

What role will EA have in the development role of Warhammer Online and its release date?

Chip: We'll be partners with Mythic in ensuring the game hits all of the quality potential which Mythic has designed. If there are any development holes which need to be addressed over the course of the development, Mythic will have EA's full support in making sure the game comes to life at its full potential. Mythic has a fully capable team to bring this game to life and we're here to assist in any way they feel necessary.

What role will EA play in marketing Warhammer Online? What types of things do you believe Mythic EA will be able to do that Mythic alone could not have?

Chip: We'll be partnering with the existing Mythic marketing organization to ensure that Warhammer has the resources needed to launch this product as large and wide as necessary. More people playing means a better game and we'll make sure this game has the launch to back up these numbers.

What is EA's commitment to Mythic's existing title Dark Age of Camelot?

Chip: We are huge players of Camelot and can't wait to see what exciting new chapters the franchise has to deliver! We're big supporters of the DAOC product and will do whatever necessary to ensure it remains one of the top MMO's in the space.

For the last five years Sanya Weathers has very successfully managed the Dark Ages of Camelot community and is now Mythic's Community Director. In what ways will this acquisition change how Mythic's Camelot and Warhammer communities be managed?

Chip: I'm a huge fan of the work Sanya has done. I consider her and the team at Mythic the best community management team in the business. We want to learn from them and continue to actively support one of the most dynamic and engaged communities in the business.

Chip, I would personally like to thank you for taking the time to answer some very difficult questions. Do you have any other thoughts that Warhammer or Camelot fans should be aware of?

Chip: Thanks for the time. Mythic is the most dynamic and skilled game developer we've seen in this space. I'm personally a huge fan of the DAOC design and still play regularly. It's a pleasure to work with the team that brought this title to market and we're looking forward to bringing new experiences to market with them.

Nothing in development looks better than Warhammer. It's a perfect marriage of Mythic's core RvR game expertise with a license that will bring WAR to life for the MMO space. Can't wait to play this game….we'll see you on the battlefield.

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Post by Xest »

I'm an avid gamer. I have a 50 Paladin on the Merlin server in DAOC
Wonder if it's anyone I've come across, most Paladins I've come across are either muppets or PvErs on Merlin (You fit into the former category Heta :p), that or perhaps Mythic made one for him instantly using GM tools just for the interview :p
For the last five years Sanya Weathers has very successfully managed the Dark Ages of Camelot community and is now Mythic's Community Director.
I could've sworn she used to be called Sanya Thomas, someone married her? I feel sorry for the poor guy whoever he was, unless of course it's the alternative and the poor guy in question split up with her and she reverted to her maiden name :p ?

I largely agree with what the guy says though, the Warhammer universe is indeed perfect for an MMOG and I agree Mythic's probably the best team for the job, they already have a working MMO engine and a shed load of fantasy assetts that can be shifted over to WoW to save development time (everything from seige weapons to trees to sounds to fonts - the little things that take time but wont look out of place in another fantasy MMOG).
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Post by Tuthmes »

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Post by centurion »

Interesting read if you ask me. He seemed very enthusiastic about DAoC, which is good. Always had my doubts regarding EA, but hope this can be good for DAoC in the future!

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Post by <ankh> »

Not sure what they got to do with it, I think there are more reasons for EA to keep an mmorpg than those games.


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Post by Heta »

Xest wrote:Wonder if it's anyone I've come across, most Paladins I've come across are either muppets or PvErs on Merlin (You fit into the former category Heta :p), that or perhaps Mythic made one for him instantly using GM tools just for the interview :p

I could've sworn she used to be called Sanya Thomas, someone married her?
You make my heart bleed when you say suchs things about me :'(

and yes, her name used to be Sanya Thomas... untill I married her :'(
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Post by Xcerus »

im still pissed about goa getting the euro rights to war :(
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Post by Lieva »

Chip: We're in active discussions with both Mythic and GOA and we're sure that the Warhammer game will be launched expertly in Europe.
looks like theyre keeping an eye on stuff

one thing that has amused me...
How much importance does EA place on Mythic's relationship with Games Workshop? As part of this deal what has the relationship between EA and Games Workshop been like?

Chip: The Warhammer license is a natural for the MMO space and is a natural fit with the Mythic team's development expertise. In a fiction where war is everywhere you need a game designed to capitalize on player vs player combat. Mythic's RvR designs are the perfect fit for this IP and will set a new high water mark for all MMO's in the future.
is it me or did he ignore the question completly :p
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Post by Heta »

it's not you
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Xest wrote:Wonder if it's anyone I've come across, most Paladins I've come across are either muppets or PvErs on Merlin (You fit into the former category Heta :p), that or perhaps Mythic made one for him instantly using GM tools just for the interview :p
You old cynic you.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Thanks to Tuthmes for the link.

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