now its gone,will we also loose the second relic?

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Post by Killder »

Albs usually retake any captured keeps each day.
Mids usually retake any captured keeps each day.
Hibs DONT!

Bound to happen sooner or later Alarm Clock or not because most people want iRVR and are prepared to accept our keeps in enemy hands doh:


Post by Kallima »

I was online late last night and rested with nGed and DC fine with all towers intact. I just went into game at 9 am uk time and both relics have gone, looks like it was about 5 am and 7 am uk time since according to social news Midgard took DC and nGed four hours ago, and Behnn 2 hours ago. Maybe a little later, but either way when I was fast asleep.

So... not the most impressive way to take them.

And as everyone will say, iRVR in our frontier makes it easier to do this. Aran tried to do something about getting our keeps back on Saturday, and not surprisingly got limited numbers due to some football match. I don't blame anyone who really wanted to watch the football instead, this is a game folks, and you are entitled to enjoy other things instead. I also freely accept that some people like iRVR. The sad thing for me was that there are people in the game who actually pm someone with insults for trying to lead a keep retake. OK, they like iRVR, but if other realms get relic bonuses against us that is going to put us at a disadvantage in fights and hurt.

You could debate if its a good or bad thing that relics and bonuses from them exist in the game. Personally I think having relics to fight for is a nice extra thing in the game. Its a target for a realm to work for together. We want big targets in the game that take some effort, its nice to have dragons to fight as well as water beetles.

I for one am not able or willing to set an alarm clock for 4am to go on a relic raid, but I will of course assist on normal time raids to get them back. We will get them back.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Killder wrote:Albs usually retake any captured keeps each day.
Mids usually retake any captured keeps each day.
Hibs DONT!
Bound to happen sooner or later Alarm Clock or not because most people want iRVR and are prepared to accept our keeps in enemy hands doh:
Well i tried to get them back, planned time and asked all excal alliances to pass info on.
End result we got 3 or so groups + solo/duo's, we tried our best but soon became outnumbered.
No suprise that this happened just suprised they resorted to doing it pre dawn.
Hopefully people will learn something from this but i doubt it.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Gahn »

spook wrote:str is also in mid hands already though, isn't it?
It is.
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Post by Urughai »

Well to be honest we asked for it, its been over a week that Mids and Albs have owned Crim and Bolg. If we aren't willing to retake keeps then we will lose relics. Was defending Da Behn from the Albs last night at about 9 but got zerged and logged, was probably a sign of things to come tbh. Hope we all learn from this one.

And just one more thing, letting the Albs and Mids Keep their keeps in our land just to get IRvR is rediculous. Firsly go and take one of their keeps, then you'll have some IRvR. Secondly your just killing the game for all those people who find it hard to get a group and are not Stealthers. There is no such thing as soloing in an IRvR Area, its fg fg fg, oh look a zerg, wait wait another zerg.

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Post by Mambopoa »

Forgetting about the IRvR bit, there is no way to stop an alarm clock raid.

By leaving 2 keeps in enemy hands we just allowed them to do it quicker, thats all.

Even if we had all our keeps, someone attacking at 4am on a week day, pretty much means victory before starting.

Not a big fan of IRvR, but there seems to be less people willing to help retake keeps.
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Post by Satyn »

Tried our best last night to protect behn but i cant stay up all night either. And ppl didnt really bother to help cos we got zerged all the time.
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Post by Hemuli »

Someone could take that another relic too, so irvr moves hell from hib. Zzz with that zerg camping @ dc bridge.
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Post by Norcott »

cmon guys be positive.. at least we dont have to take 3 keeps to open the relic gate.. just one keep a relic so.. they wont be there for to long.. tbh it will do mid good in a way, as mid are suffering with numbers even though they just swiped are relics.. so it can only improve the game as a hole.. weve been here many times before and we always end up reclaiming whats rightfully ours...
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Post by Asterixxx »

Satyn wrote: cos we got zerged all the time.
Amen to that
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