Deleted Thread on FH - read here (concerns Synergy)

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Post by Adianna »

Hrymf wrote:You make it sound like its bad to say when someone add or zerg? If you as a person feel offended when someone use the word "adder" or "zerger" towards you, it must mean you can see its wrong and feel ashamed by doing so. Else adder or zerger is just a word and it is in no way offending, its just a describtion of your actions just like if i would say a person walks, runs or fly!
That guy adds, he like to add and he almost always add... That dont sound wrong to me if the person actually do add.
No, I don't see anything wrong in "adding" or "zerging". I just do get the intention behind it, that it was meant to insult the other one. I just know that no one of you will say that as a compliment, you only say that to put the other one on a lower level from your point of view. I can see behind the word itself, which taken alone without any intention behind it is meaningless to me.
Adwaenyth - Alathanne - Adianna -=- Face Down / Prydwen-Excalibur

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Post by Hrymf »

<ankh> wrote:Not really, I did suggest one thing that might work - a namelist to Mythic. But you ditched that idea cos its "silly".

Point is. You CAN add, You CAN Zerg, you CAN res people who arent grouped wit you...but so far you CAN'T stop anyone from adding/zerging and playerset rules sure wont help. Don't get me wrong, if you got it to work it would be great - but I doubt you can get thousands of individuals to follow your rules.

Ofcourse i ditched your idea, as making the whole part of fg instances only etc would take out a great part of the surprice element the game currently have, you tried wow BGs? Horrible, just insanely horrible pvp that and in so many ways it dont have the amount of possibilities as daoc have.

It was indeed you starting with a complain about people not helping you when you fight and die, and then you went with this the rezz comment which obviously was made because you expect everyone to rezz you.

I dont expect everyone to follow any rules or play like they dont want to, but i do suggest a way to get around the problem roughly, and most of the groups going agramon play like this and when someone dont, we others like to name them on forums which the topic is all about. Its about the fact that Slayn wanna make sure idiots like that Beeks guy get some rocks thrown at him for telling bullshit on forums and then get a videoclip that disprove him and all he said.
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Post by <ankh> »

As I need to go outside with my son now - ill wait with further replies until I get back :)


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Post by Hrymf »

Adianna wrote:No, I don't see anything wrong in "adding" or "zerging". I just do get the intention behind it, that it was meant to insult the other one. I just know that no one of you will say that as a compliment, you only say that to put the other one on a lower level from your point of view. I can see behind the word itself, which taken alone without any intention behind it is meaningless to me.
Obviously thats wrong of you to think this, because if you dont see anything wrong with adding or zerging it really cant be offending if someone sais you do these things? When someone drop on irc and say xx grp added on xx fight, its so those of us who like we like it, know it and then we can expect that from that certain group, or person for that matter. And its really no worse than when you people complain about us being "leet" or being "ircwhores".
Inzo Nightshade 7Lx
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Post by Hrymf »

<ankh> wrote:As I need to go outside with my son now - ill wait with further replies until I get back :)

I should go do something, but got day off so just gonna be lazy i think :D
Inzo Nightshade 7Lx
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Post by Grymligast »

I has already been discussed about agramon being fg vs fg place and was acknowledged by more or less all ppl that had seen/read the thread that it was ok aslong as ppl don´t whine when they go iRvR and get adds.

Then we have groups that go to agramon even though they know the fg ppl go there to have their good time only to ruin it thus forcing their playstyle upon others.

And it has worked for quite some time now until lately when groups who knows about what kind of RvR takes place on agramon decide to go there to ruin it.
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Post by Adianna »

[quote="Grymligast"]I has already been discussed about agramon being fg vs fg place and was acknowledged by more or less all ppl that had seen/read the thread that it was ok aslong as ppl don&#180]

Errr... well... I even got complains about adding on Boldiam Bridge!
Adwaenyth - Alathanne - Adianna -=- Face Down / Prydwen-Excalibur

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Post by Grymligast »

<ankh> wrote:Actually no. Its more silly to expect a full community to agree on rules made up by players. There will ALWAYS be people who dont follow it and you know it. And as long as there are people who break those rules it just wont work - you will always end up in different forums making whinetreads about adding (not aimed at you personally btw).

so its silly to bash on ppl emptying guild vault, or pulls a mob infront of other ppl or maybe even kill mobs just before a big announced raid is suppossed to kill it? Or like the alb ML9 incident when the BG leader just kept the loot?

Even though u see alot of whine about that when it happens.

And all these things are playermade rules aswell
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Post by Tuorin »

Nice to see some constructive comment on good old

I pointed out to the Fh mods some time back that their policy of not allowing people to point out being griefed (as there are people who deliberately form a large zerg and grief others) actually permeates a bias towards those that chose to grief. The reason i did was there was a thread where a player from Albion said that they were going to zerg all the fg people in Agramon because of some "perceived unevidenced suggestion that someone griefed him in game to stop adding". Agramon had at this time moreorless been shoe-horned into an area where 8vs 8 ppl could go to play "theirstyle" of rvr. So that person was going with the intention of grieving. Clearly not a good idea. If anyone had complained about it, they would have been moderated. Therefore the FH policy is biased. Its even more viewed as such, because the moderators seemingly encourage this with their attitude/opinion. In fairness to one of the mods, he managed to prevent this happening and the player that suggested it, also chose not to, which was good for all. This attitude seems to have also gone away, which is good.

Fh policy if you name a person/guild and use the word add, you get moderated in some way, thread lock, deleted, warned or banned. Even if you point out that 90 ppl just zerged you 10 times on the trot and griefed you, the FH mods will prohibit the comment and potentially close the thread.

In that regard their policy condones griefing in the same way someone hacks an account and steals items from peoples vaults. That those that grief can also taunt those that cant post about add whine, so long as they dont overdo the insults, also with the backing of the moderators.

Couple that with a fact that the moderator in this thread is in a guild who have been synonymous with ruining things just makes the community distrust.

The mods have a thought about this, they may be making some alterations, but I have yet to see a response from any of the mods to actually realise that. One of their policies is set in stone, there's no leeway, if you point out adding/zerging, it gets moderated. Due to that lack of discretion, you cant point out either that you have been zerged by someone who choses deliberately and taunts/baits you on the forums that will go and ruin things deliberately.

I hope that think about how that policy shows bias towards one side and make adjustments to it. Whilever there's that set in stone policy, the incident Slayn reported will be held as a shining example of potentially the mods showing bias to certain people.

Thats all, pretty simple.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

Hrymf wrote:You make it sound like its bad to say when someone add or zerg? If you as a person feel offended when someone use the word "adder" or "zerger" towards you, it must mean you can see its wrong and feel ashamed by doing so. Else adder or zerger is just a word and it is in no way offending, its just a describtion of your actions just like if i would say a person walks, runs or fly!
That guy adds, he like to add and he almost always add... That dont sound wrong to me if the person actually do add.
Thing is that you you dont know how people will view what your saying.
The same word can be read in many differant ways so its more likely that people will take it in the context of your post.
The way someone says a word can be insulting just in the way its implied.
This is a problem with the writen word as you cant see the tone or expressions that would help translate to you the true intention of the word.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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