Deleted Thread on FH - read here (concerns Synergy)

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Post by Takitothemacs »

nah... we are talking about Sprite not Brite ;)
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Post by Childofkhain »

this crap winds me up so much. This game is a WAR - there is no such thing as "adding" in pvp. People die one side wins game over man!
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
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Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by ambera »

That kind of attitude is exactly what Shark has been trying to snap everyone out of. Of course there is such a thing as 'adding' - the fact that a significant number of people beleive there is, and that it has a reliable definition that those people all agree on, and which can be clearly and repeatedly demonstrated, makes it real.
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Post by Genedril »

Childofkhain wrote:this crap winds me up so much. This game is a WAR - there is no such thing as "adding" in pvp. People die one side wins game over man!
As I said on Freddies House:
Stuff from me on FH wrote:People claim to have the moral high ground on both sides ('the game was designed this way & we pay our subs so we'll do what we want !!!!' vs. 'it's a game of skill & respect of the enemy & the rest of you are skill-less (insert random insult)). Shark's suggesting that instead of standing on your respective moral high grounds & flinging crap at each other (as that's hardly a moral high ground is it), you take the time to actually talk to each other & come to some agreement. There's room in this game for everyone & as a 'community' we should be able to talk about it & work it out.

Yes everyone pays their own subs - however by doing whatever you want & damn the consequences you're affecting someone else who pays their subs & wants to do what they want. So constructive debate & try & come to some resolution.
I'd have thought that with it's history of comuunity etc would at least try & be more constructive than FH & come up with something other than - 'it's war we should all add meights!!!' or 'it's a game of skill you tarded n00blets!!!'
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Post by Sharkith »

[quote="Takitothemacs"]nah... we are talking about Sprite not Brite ]

I know that you numptey its just I love the question.

What do you get if you cross sprite with Brite?
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Post by Genedril »

Sharkith wrote:I know that you numptey its just I love the question.

What do you get if you cross sprite with Brite?

A bad tasting fizzy drink that insta-taps you to death?
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Post by Norcott »

ambera wrote:That kind of attitude is exactly what Shark has been trying to snap everyone out of. Of course there is such a thing as 'adding' - the fact that a significant number of people beleive there is, and that it has a reliable definition that those people all agree on, and which can be clearly and repeatedly demonstrated, makes it real.
why should people have to agree on anything apart from killing the enemy.. Ive said this before and i challenge anybody to find any statement in this games rules or information in the box on the webby of the run down to this game that states on the advertising of it and guildelines that this game we all play is 1v1 or 8v8 and ur not to assist in killing the enemy..

we had an island put into this game for the sole purpose of grps who want to roam and fight against other grps but having said that there was no statement to say that soloers couldnt enter that zone to pick off the odd healer at that back <grin>.. (because its fit for nothing more)

Its always been like this and it will continue to be like this its a mmorpg, and its down to the person whos playing the character to decide if he wants to join in or not.. its got nothing to do with honour and if i wanna add on my ranger then i will and if i dont then i wont and the same with my bainshee if i run onto a bridge and theres loads of mids/albs there fighting whoever on the otherside then ill unload im not gunna start trying to click on who the hibs are or mids/albs are cus quite frankly i dont care.. i choose to stay out of a the agrom island because quite frankly i know that i cant compete there and respect that its more of a grp zone but in main NF zone then its open season. Thats not to say that id jump on everything that moved cus i dont but if someone yelled for help then id help, if i saw a realm mate gettin his arse kicked then ill join in (if I chose to) but on the respect of that person ofc if it was a member of my community whom i know then id send him a quick /y do ya want a hand if he said no then fair enough ill clean up after if he doesnt want to share.. but then that can get you whined at so in most cases u cant win..

You cant have so many diffrent sets of rules to abide to.. the game providers set the rules we play to that otherwise its complete mayhem one set for NF one set agrom island one set for keep takes and one for defence its just bloody stupid.. we all play our own game within a game and some are just pathetic personal rules,
On a personal issue
the amount of times ive been murdered on a bridge and watched by 4 or 5 visable charaters and yell for help and not get any at all with a pm after saying sorry bud didnt want to add.. but there quiet happy to clean up after and take the easy kill of 25% hp and no RA's up on the guy is untrue.. so my realm mates are prepared to let the enemy gain full arpees from me and i get none and also gain full arpees themselves and have an easy time of it...
double standads imo..
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Post by Genedril »

A community set's it's own rules.

I've yet to find anything in the CoC that says I can't join a guild for a day - strip it's vaults - quit guild & look at my takings. That's frowned upon by the community though (& rightly so). As was killing arti mobs while other people were waiting & trying to get their FG there, despite having been there before who ever strolled in with 4 toons on stick & blew the mob into oblivion. Anyone remember the fuss these things caused??

We're a community - we interact - part of this is the creation of some sort of rules/guidlines for this interaction as this is how society acts.

If we're going to get het up (rightly or wrongly) over the PvE 'guidlines' for behaviour, then the same goes for the RvR. You can't on one hand complain that someone stole something, killed your arti mob you were assembling a group for etc & on the other hand say I don't give a rats arse about your percieved RvR ruleset. You simply can't have it both ways. Either you say it's not covered in the CoC therefore I can do it, or you accept that the community has develpoed guidlines beyond the explicitly stated CoC.
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Post by Elrandhir »

ambera wrote:That kind of attitude is exactly what Shark has been trying to snap everyone out of. Of course there is such a thing as 'adding' - the fact that a significant number of people beleive there is, and that it has a reliable definition that those people all agree on, and which can be clearly and repeatedly demonstrated, makes it real.

I agree to that many people Enforces their way of playing all to much and I don't like that, people can do what they like.

Still there are for sure something that you can call Adding/spoiling the game for others/being greedy, I call it adding if people run like nuts just to get the final blow on an Enemy..knowing there is no need for this whatever, and I know that they know there is no need, their only reason for doing this is because they want a few RP's, and this is really Sad.

When it's done for helping realm mates, then I think it's okay and yuu can't really get mad on someone that really do think he helps his realm mates, but from what I have seen it usually isent about this, but the fact that they just need to get a few hits in to get some RP points... this imo is ADDING.

The things I have written here is so when people do it to someone in a 1 vs 1 duel or 8 vs 8, knowing there is no need to help and they only do this for their own gain and care nothing about the REALM.

But when we have Defences/keeptakes/iRvR then I belive everything goes, because then you will only help.

When people know they spoil fights for others, then it's adding in a bad way imo, and then they can say helping/for the realm, but that aint so.

Still I would never make a Thread about someone adding, because people can do whatever they like to do, even if some things are rather sad tbh.

Bleh this is becomming long!!

Some things to think about:
People want fair fights and thinks that fg that adds on others are crap.
Still more or less all groups will run over soloer etc just for the extra RP's as there ofcourse aint no challenge in this and if to really be fair they should try to leave those alone also (Some do ofcourse, but most always farm for the purpose of getting some RP's now and again)

Still if we can get one area better I guess thats good atleast, but people really only care about themselfs and add rules to things they want to have a sertain way ^^

What hibernia need is more Keeptakeing and by doing so there will also be much keep defending, this is the best place to play like I have stated above, because then you are just helping.

So make more of this and I do think it will be easier for 1 vs 1 and fg vs fg fight to be left alone (And those unable to compete usually will have fun), people get bored and need something to do, and all wont be able to get groups to easy and lower RR stealthers will have a tuff time.

I think this is solved if people start doing more siege/keeptakeing/towertakeing etc.

Enforcing your own rules will never help though, if someone told me to do something, well if he asked me nicely I would consider it ofcourse, but if comming on brutally and rude I would tell him to go to h*ll tbh (And here we have FH mentality usually)

Well all I could come to think of right now /bye bye
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Post by Norcott »

That bang on genedril.. but.. were not the same community that we once were because 2 communities have been thrown into the mix both with different "in house rules" so those bridges need to be crossed and addressed. but back to the original topic.. thats why closing a thread of this sort of discussion really doesnt help in building bridges and sorting out some sort of community guilelines it just makes a spark then its a flame war....
perhaps with hindsight the post should have been left open and see where it goes it could have been closed at a later date np then at least certain parties could have vented there frustrations and got it out in the open.. as most disscussions that used to be on here and still are to a certain degree.. its was heated then mud slinging then hugs and kisses make up and it was sorted.. things need to be let to run there course..
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