Deleted Thread on FH - read here (concerns Synergy)

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Post by Dardalion »

When i used to get home from work, first thing i did was turn on my pc & read the forums, firstly & then Barrysworld (now FH ofc), i used to get a good half hour plus, winding down after a days work reading most of the threads, doesnt matter if it was add whine, zerg whine, stealther whine or raid posts, requests for help / advice or whatever.

Nowdays it takes me about 2 minutes to check both forums & my Guild forums.

Can anyone explain to me why we need such extreme (it seems to me somtimes) modding & strict forum rules ?

I can understand rules about foul & abusive language, sexist & racial comments etc but any other topic if its game related should be left to run its course, shouldnt it ?
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Post by Lairiodd »

Dardalion wrote:When i used to get home from work, first thing i did was turn on my pc & read the forums, firstly & then Barrysworld (now FH ofc), i used to get a good half hour plus, winding down after a days work reading most of the threads, doesnt matter if it was add whine, zerg whine, stealther whine or raid posts, requests for help / advice or whatever.

Nowdays it takes me about 2 minutes to check both forums & my Guild forums.

Can anyone explain to me why we need such extreme (it seems to me somtimes) modding & strict forum rules ?

I can understand rules about foul & abusive language, sexist & racial comments etc but any other topic if its game related should be left to run its course, shouldnt it ?
I think there is just less people playing the game and also there is less stuff changing in the game. Having said that, there wasn't that many threads discussing the mechanics of champion levels.

In any case, there is a balance. Under modding also leads to nobody using the forum. Mods get complaints about letting spam threads go on and on.
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Post by Jarahl »

People add on Synergy, Synergy adds back. I dont see much problem here. Its the drivers call, if he calls add, we add, simple as that. However some groups we do not add on, but thats mainly groups like Our Group cus they play so damn well and never ever added on us. Even withdraw once when Mids added on our fights.

Its simple, if Synergy wants to add, they add. Nobody pays our subs but ourselves, so we have done nothing wrong really :)


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Post by Genedril »

& on on & on & on & on.....

All this adding malarky is getting sooo long in the tooth. We (Max/Asc/Shark/Drac (though he's a bad, bad cowboy)/Cay/ Alex & co) try not to add full stop, regardless of whether we've been added on in the past. I can't be arsed to keep a list of who's done it to us in the past.

No one pays our subs but ourselves & we don't want to be added on, doesn't stop people though.

I suspect if Synergy have an 'add' policy it'll come back to haunt them. I, personally, refuse to let my group (as driver) add on them regardless. It has nothing to do with whether they deserve it or not - what gives me the right to spoil the fun of who they're fighting??

Yes, I've probably added in the past. Yes, it may happen by accident - it's not our policy though (as it is not to kill solo'ers depsite Drac's itchy trigger).
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Post by Tuthmes »

Which is all nice and all, but when people agree on having 8vs8 rvr in agramon and certain groups decide to add anyways, surely you must see there's something wrong in that. After all those people who want a 8vs8 fight pay their subs too.

Can give a long rant on how this game is beeing destroyed in some way's atm, but i wont.

As to overmodding, yes this is the case. Mod's should be able to listen to people argument's and give the thread a chance, instead of locking it down at first sight. Saying less people play the game is just nonsense, the "old" whas much more free in where threads should belong and what should be closed (the mod even asked for our opinions in some occasions)

As for someone who never changed his opinion, has never learned anything.
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Post by ambera »

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Jarahl wrote:People add on Synergy, Synergy adds back. I dont see much problem here. Its the drivers call, if he calls add, we add, simple as that. However some groups we do not add on, but thats mainly groups like Our Group cus they play so damn well and never ever added on us. Even withdraw once when Mids added on our fights.

Its simple, if Synergy wants to add, they add. Nobody pays our subs but ourselves, so we have done nothing wrong really :)
Your missing the point. Synergy claimed vociferously that they didnt add. A member of the group actually accussed me of lieing about the series of events that I described in the thread and which fortunately Slayn had recorded.

The thread then went on to be locked by a member of synergy (eggy), who sought permission from a fellow alb (film) who is in any case is far from sympathetic with the 8v8 fights that a large part of the community like to participate in.

Argue what you like it is unreasonable and self interested censorship. Personally if I was a moderator I would be much less likely to censor a forum which referred to myself or my guild than if it didnt.

Now its clear to anyone who runs in agramon after 8v8 fights that Synergy do add, contrary to protests by Synergy themselves. Now its been demonstrated that their protests are essentially worthless.

Now thats not to say that if they want to enter into the spirit of matching themselves against like minded groups in 8v8 rvr that we won't respect their full group fights, in fact we will if that is something they genuinely want to aspire to, however if they dont aspire to that then they need to cut the bullshit that they don't add and just get on with it. They will however find themselves in a situation where the people they add on will just stop and flatten them before retreating away to have another go.

I sincereley hope that they aim for clean 8v8 fights in the future while running in agramon. Overall i'm sure you will find this more personally rewarding than pissing on other peoples parades. I'm speaking from a position of a guild group that has gone through having a deservedly bad rep for adding some 8 months ago, to one who has then since decided to turn things and around and now gets a lot of enjoyment from testing ourselves against other like minded groups.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Lieva »

Slayn wrote: WAR! Slayn Out!

yey :hug:

made my day :D :D :D :D :D

and no you havent changed ;) so dont worry

as to everyone else

who cares if FH deleted a thread? we dont mod them nor do they mod us.
Also a while back people were saying FH was better than but as soon as unpopular vote is cast all of a sudden pryd is fab and FH sux...

Anyway i think slayn made this thread in regards to woody allen resemblences so please stick to that and not to wether a thread should have been closed on a forum that technically has nothing to do with this one barring the fact its the same game.
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Post by Satyn »

The thing is mods (most of them anyway) try to do good for everyone but its impossible to do so.
Some dont want to see flaming etc etc others just get a kick out of it.
Its really hard to draw a line somewhere.
On we try our best, we got my 18+ section where you can do pretty much what you want, the off-topic section etc ... a group that you can join that filters the swear words ...
As for the modding itself ... at one point this place was bad. You couldnt open one thread without being flamed at. Something had to be done, so the mods stepped in with some hard bangs, we got some serious nagging for it but since then i must say that the flames have nearly come to a halt.
I love serious discussions, but you'll always have one or two dickheads who turn it into a flamefest.

As for FH ... i must admit that i only read the off-topic section, and once in a while the rest. I havent seen any over-modding in the off-topic section. There's a thread running there about shaving pubes and it has over 25 pages atm. Its a fun thread to read. So i think that if they would be over-modding they would have locked it when it first started.

But thats just my 2 cents :D
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Satyn wrote: As for FH ... i must admit that i only read the off-topic section, and once in a while the rest. I havent seen any over-modding in the off-topic section. There's a thread running there about shaving pubes and it has over 25 pages atm. Its a fun thread to read. So i think that if they would be over-modding they would have locked it when it first started.
Well political censors dont censor what does them or the people they work for no harm, only that that causes them political embarresment.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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