Deleted Thread on FH - read here (concerns Synergy)

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Post by Penlid »

eggy wrote:No, I went to Flim as I didn't want to be biased, so let him decide if the thread should be closed. He decided that indeed, it should be. It's not about "permission" to close a thread. If I want to close a thread, I can. I checked with Flim in the interests of fairness.
Fairness to you maybe, but in the interests of the people who wished to discuss the matter of 'your' guild, they didn't really get a chance did they.

Seems that you just want to dodge a long awaited bullet.

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Post by Slayn »

Think Lairiodd gave very even interpretation of things.

What happened to Synergy in that thread was extremely rare, and one of the funniest and most pleasurable things I've seen on FH forums. Say what you like about the thread, what occured in it was pretty unique and there was plenty juice left in it. Imo if someone makes a big a fool of himself as bleek did, natural justice demands a few pages worth of gloating. I was rather looking forward to it.

But this didn't happen because the thread was promptly locked. By a mod who happens to be in the same guild as Bleek. This to me, just compounds the humour and ridicule facing Synergy, as many pointed out. It also gave me a beef that I didn't have until that point.

I don't know why I am constantly being *told* that I am whining by the two FH mods. Flim also told me that part of my warning for was for making add-whine in the original post. I make exactly two posts in the original thread, you can read them and determine for yourself whether they are whine and whether they break CoC.

At this point though, I don't wish to pursue it any further. Don't think anything more to be gained. I thought at first that eggy's modding action would serve to get Synergy out of an embarassing spot, but now I realise it's served only to increase their humiliation. Which is good enuf for me.

WAR! Slayn Out!

p.s. it's regrettable to be having such a negative thread when returning to forums. Posted here for like a year and was never involved in anything of this sort. Maybe I've changed :(

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Post by Reza »

Few thoughts:

1) Discussing hypocrisy and discussing adding per say are different things.

2) Expecting a Mod to remain impartial over the decision on whether or not to lock a thread which highlights the hypocrisy of a fellow Mod's guild is naive.

3) The idea of cross forum 'Mod camaraderie' is at best funny. Especially when you consider the origins of this forum and how its high user base was formed exactly because of how different it was run from FH. Tenpit would be looking down lhao at the idea i suspect :) .

4) Holding you hands up and laughing (yes at yourself) is always the best way to deal with these 'Annie Hall' moments.

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Post by Gahn »

Few thoughts:

FH is going down the tube and 90% of shame is upon mods tbh, they are too tight (like arseholes sometimes i might add) and clearly in an insane state of omnipotence crisis.

As for the "Synergy incident" i'd suggest Eggy to 1st discuss in gu who should post and try to defend a position (which clearly was undefendable btw :p) to avoid getting slapped from left and right, also i would suggest him to try and think about what's a clear conflict of interests (ie avoid in the future to mod threads regarding your guild).

To our mods: i do like all of ya folks, but really no need to lick FH mods arses when they are clearly wrong, it only put ya all in a very bad light to us -.-
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Post by Ovi »

Slayn, Penlid,

If you have a gripe about what happened on FH take it to Film, in PMs on FH preferably! No need to bring your arguments here to be honest.

From what I can see Eggy certainly didn't do anything wrong. He wanted a thread closed, but felt he might be in a biased position so asked Film to confirm the action to avoid the very accusations you are throwing at him, of being biased.

It was Film's decision he's the one who as to answer for the actions NOT eggy!

If you don't like the way a forum is modded you have 2 choices; live with it, or don't use the forum.

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Post by Slayn »

Just reading over the original post again. I realise there was earlier post I'd forgotten about where among other things I mention in passing that the only add we had was from Synergy. I go on to mention jokingly that since Hibs outnumber mids/albs 2 -> 1 (in Agramon at least), we for once have the potential to zerg back. Ofc wasn't actually a serious point, as it's something I'd never do; I mean zerging back may have to involve fighting side-by-side with Jupiter. :o

If you look for the first inflammatory post, it's from Beeks who makes an arrogant, mocking, provocative reply to a friendly enough post. This is what switches attention onto Synergy in the first place. So it is synergy member who exposes them by taunting everyone else in the thread. He eventually is shown to be blatantly lying (again in an arrogant and condasending way by telling Crom he should take up writing 'fiction' - i mean omg how silly is that Crom can't write). And, shockingly, this generates a lot of response from the people he has insulted and lied to. At this stage a Synergy mod steps in, closes and gives warnings to other people for doing 'add-whine' at the Synergy member.

Yes. I should really act more mature in future, and I will cease my whine. Humble apologies to eggy/Flim

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Post by Takitothemacs »

eggy wrote:Thread was locked.

Second thread opened. Locked and informed Slayn I would confirm original locking with Flim

Flim confirmed.

Third thread opened, same topic which had been closed.

I closed and warned Slayn.

Slayn PMed me and Flim whining about it.

Moral of the story: get over it. Oh and don't flog a dead horse.

Flim PMed Slayn telling him FH mod's actions were justified.

Slayn whines on here about it.
Here is a thought, consider it for just a moment... not for too long or blood will shoot out of your nose, BUT.... the fact that people were willing to start a second thread to discuss something... that gets closed... they open a third thread for discussion... perhaps there is something that people actually want to discuss.

Perhaps rather than behaving like a bunch of kids who arent getting their own way you could perhaps have allowed the thread which was obviously a contentious topic remain open for discussion rather than closing it like a child taking their football away from the group because they ended up in goal.

It is a forum for discussion, discussions that perhaps can get a little heated at times but you over zealous dictatorial style of modding is, as has been commented numerous times, overbearing and inappropriate.
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Post by Ovi »

Takitothemacs wrote:Here is a thought, consider it for just a moment... not for too long or blood will shoot out of your nose, BUT.... the fact that people were willing to start a second thread to discuss something... that gets closed... they open a third thread for discussion... perhaps there is something that people actually want to discuss.

Perhaps rather than behaving like a bunch of kids who arent getting their own way you could perhaps have allowed the thread which was obviously a contentious topic remain open for discussion rather than closing it like a child taking their football away from the group because they ended up in goal.

It is a forum for discussion, discussions that perhaps can get a little heated at times but you over zealous dictatorial style of modding is, as has been commented numerous times, overbearing and inappropriate.

Perhaps people could realise after the second thread being closed it's something the mods DON'T want discussing on their forum?

A forum is a reflection of the administrators, and the mods they "employ", if you want to discuss something the mods don't want discussing, then you need to find another place to discuss it.

I don't agree with the original thread being closed, BUT opening other threads on the same subject is NOT the right way to protest.

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Post by Takitothemacs »

TBH I dont care about that particular thread... just the ongoing attatude of some mods.

I think its fair to say that Eggy was more than a little biassed on that topic and his judgement was for want of a better expression... clouded! :)
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Post by ambera »

A forum is a reflection of the administrators, and the mods they "employ", if you want to discuss something the mods don't want discussing, then you need to find another place to discuss it.
That would be a fair argument if the admins and the mods funded the forum 100% out of their own pocket. But they don't. Some of the people getting censored here have contributed financially to that forum, and are therefore customers and have a right to expect a certain level of service, surely?
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