20-50 Leveling

General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster
Emerald Rider
Posts: 125
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:22 am

Post by awarkle »

On glastonbury we leveled up mainly in TD's remembering that we needed aurulite to equip our characters. So the few of us that could play other days or longer created farming classes such as necromancers and farmed the aurulite ahead of schedule and equiped our mains. ALSO the early task dungeons are a good source of pve equipment. At 45 do all your epics and get everyone their epic armour even if you dont use it in your template the epic armour is good pve gear until you get artis/crafted etc.

Priority of equipment always went


on middy excal before catacombs we leveled up by finding camps of mobs that would be fast spawning high con (red+) and with multiple camps near by (we never did modernagrav)

at around lvl 35 to 40ish we hit the toa zones starting with oceanus we farmed scrolls for our artifacts until around i would recomend starting your ML's with your group as soon as possible we started at 40 but found it to be a bit difficult so we started properly around 45+.

Farming scrolls and artifacts as well as doing ml steps dinged us 50 in typhons reach (aka ml7)

That was with on average 2 days a week for 4 hours. Somtimes we did longer if we were on a ml and trust me get them done as soon as you can once we got healing font before we were 50 life was so much easier you can pull and exp a lot quicker with fonts of power / healing.
Albion : Arod (tic) Ponies (cleric)
Midgard : Cavewark(sham), Augwark(healer), cursiara(warlock), mistieral(valkyrie)
Hibernia : Bastilia (vamp)
Albion (glast) : Zalasta (sorc) awark(wiz) mincer (minstrel) + others
DAOC E&E find me on any char for assistance.

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