Group looking for Bainshee

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Emerald Rider
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Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:26 am
Location: Somewhere Out There

Post by Belisar »

The adventures of Maxis Grp – part 3.

When we last visited our friends Drach and Paul were arguing…

“I am not useless” said Paul

“You are” insisted Drach

“Am not”…. “Are”… “Am not”…. “are”….

“Shut up” said Ambera “you are behaving like a couple of little kids”

“Am not” said Drach and Paul together

“You are” said Ambera

“Am not”… “Are”… “Am not”… “Are”…

“Shut up” said Maxis “the three of you are behaving like kids”

Drach, Paul and Ambera all looked at Maxis but decided to say nothing.

“Jamie says he has a fg of aggro” said Maxis “let’s go help him”.

“Where is he” asked Paul “I can run us there real fast”

“He is east of the bridge” said Maxis

“What bridge ?” asked Paul

“The one west of him” said Maxis

The group looked confused.

“I know where that is” said Sharkith “it’s south of the tower that is north of him”

Gwen choked on a piece of cake, “not that tower” she said “that’s the square one with a door”.

“Ok ok forget Jamie” said Maxis “lets roam a bit”

“Jamie has such nice nipples” remarked Sharkith as the group moved off.

After a few minutes the group see Isletha fighting a fg of albs.

“Isletha getting beaten up” said Alex

“Yeah” said Drach “let’s kill, kill, kkkeeellll”

The group charged in.

“I got no SoS” said Paul “can I tank ?”

“NO” cried the group “heal, mezz and interrupt”.

"What ?" asked Paul "stop for 5 minutes while I reconfigure my quick bars".

For the next few minutes there is nothing but the sounds of…

Woosh, ching, heal hheeeaaaaallll, SoS down, my target, on me, hheeeaaalll, thwack, hhmm nice cake, oohh nipples, SoS still down, slap, ching, gerroff, afk etc

By the end the hibbies have survived.

“What did you add for ?” asked Isletha “I was just about to wipe them”

“It’s his fault” said 7 of the group in unison and all pointed at Drach.

“No adding” said Isletha as he stealthed and went off to find another full group to gank.

“Where to now ?” asked Gwenn

“Dunno” answered Drach “but I want a Bainshee as a group member”

“Why ?” asked Alex

“Cos they are the only class likely to get more FH post than me” said Drach.

And so our hibby friends went off to find more enemy to slaughter…

No doubt we will hear more of their adventures soon.
Brain cells come and brain cells go but fat cells live forever !

Currently playing Hib (ofc) on Uthgard

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