The practice of adding (Spread the Love) - Stupeh ignore

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Post by Moley:) »

[quote="Elrandhir"]haha, well I don't think it's wrong killing someone like that, I would probably have shot at the group also as I have no patience(so not that good haveing a Bowspecced ranger =P) but it's not that useful attacking a fg really ]

Unbuffed ranger and group usually had DI love :(
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Post by stupeh »

Sharkith wrote:It has less to do with respecting playstyles it has to do with your own reasonable expectations of the situation you are playing in. You cannot reasonably expect to run in a highly populated zergy area (Hadrians at the height of iRvR) and tell everyone to feck off and leave you alone. In this situation you are the selfish player effectively forcing everyone to play to your own very particular style of play and that I disagree with. Your not actually respecting the person who likes a free for all. If you don't like adds 'in that situation' don't go there - solo elsewhere or just accept that people will add in that situation and get on with it.
Amazingly, you could get many FG v FG fights in the most populated area of the server, while being literally 10 seconds run away from a zerg of several FGs..

Typically when there is an iRVR situation, each realm has a 'path' that they follow with their zerg. For example in HW, it would be berks -> villa -> past beno tower -> beno bridge area. You could actually get a decent fight towards berks river tower, and the ruins near the zonewall. The zerg very very rarely broke its 'pattern' and ventured out to that area.

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Post by <ankh> »

I can understand that people get upset from time to time when people add, but I sure as hell cant understand why people refuse to help when you ask them to add to help you out. Which happened to me today when I finally decided to give rvr a go again after 2 months break. That was good enough for me to make my final decision to leave the game for ever (well, not really - I had already decided to do so...but it sure as hell didnt convince me to stay).

Oh well, nevermind my point of view on this subject as i've quit anyway :D

Edit: Tbh imo daoc feels more like PvP than RvR nowadays (if you get how I mean...can't be arsed to explain)


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Post by Elrandhir »

<ankh> wrote:I can understand that people get upset from time to time when people add, but I sure as hell cant understand why people refuse to help when you ask them to add to help you out. Which happened to me today when I finally decided to give rvr a go again after 2 months break. That was good enough for me to make my final decision to leave the game for ever (well, not really - I had already decided to do so...but it sure as hell didnt convince me to stay).

Oh well, nevermind my point of view on this subject as i've quit anyway :D


yeah I would help if someone asked me, but some probably have gone into the 1 vs 1 so deep and also never wanting to seem as an adder that he would do so for that reason, is what I think and I wouldent leave the game because of something like that Ankh ;D

*aah see you stated another reson also :P
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Post by stupeh »

A major factor in adding is the difference in attitudes towards players, imo.

There are those that think that a person in the same realm as you is above all else, and you should primarily help them out, as, obviously, you are in the same realm.

However, there are those that consider fights not as say HIB GG Vs MID GG, but GG Vs GG, and don't distinguish between realms. This is the side i'm on, so when looking at a fight, i see a player fighting another player, not a hib vs a mid. I don't consider that because they're in the same realm as you, that it is your 'duty' or something, to help them out. If you add when asked to help, sure, you please the hib, but you displease the mid, and we're all here playing a game. Of course, all this goes out the window at keep/tower/relic takes etc. as there is a common goal, and not just to get more rp, or to boost /stats.

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Post by Xest »

stupeh wrote:and don't distinguish between realms. This is the side i'm on
Does this make you an x-realmer :< ?
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Rejecta »

If you run solo, you die solo..dont whine at others to help you.

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Post by Xcerus »

add for the good of hib imo - less rp's for the other realms more rp's for us! thats the way it was in the beginning and thats the way it should be now! our ancestors would be embarresd by our actions today! long gone are the emain mg fights!
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