The practice of adding (Spread the Love) - Stupeh ignore

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Post by Elrandhir »

VegetaFH1 wrote: As my understanding of woman goes, they have more brains cells then guys, they think more logicaly then guys, they can even multitask better then 99% of guys.

damn, maby I could use that when going to a party to get more girls =P
erm.. not saying it's wrong ofcourse (could almost feel the Evul glares the comment gave me)
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Post by Lieva »

I always get confuzzled.
How can you know if someone is adding?
For all you know there could be zerg of enemy stelthers just beyond the hill or something so surely to kill the enemy quicky is the best way. If help is given then surely it should be taken without qualms.
Or do peeps get reduced RPs when peeps add and thats the reason why they dont like it?
Id seriously like to believe most people complain as its against the spirit of fair play but...
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Post by Grymligast »

Elrandhir wrote:In a solo fight 1 vs 1, I would rather die then getting help/adds, same goes for when doing 8 vs 8.

Still this is one way of wanting to play the game, and other think different.
:bow: Exacly my thoughts

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Post by Sharkith »

This one got a discussion going anyway. When I posted it on FH there had been a lot of whine (when is there anything else over there) about adding. It was the time of iRvR pre cluster and people were going daft at each other. The idea behind this was not to say that adding is good but to try to guide people when they could 'reasonably add'.

Of course there are purists like Elrandhir and Grymligast in fact it was out of respect to this play style I was trying to figure out when it is right to practise not adding. I don't like the idea that I could be ruining the game for other people by adding on them and after all it is those that don't want adds that tend to be the ones that get most upset.

Ok so when was it healthy or not? For example it would seem silly to stand in the middle of 150 people fighting and start yelling - don't add FFS! Even though I have seen some right numptey's do it.

Its about expectations and how they get dissappointed. We get pissed off when the game doesn't give us what we expect so the best thing to do is figure out rules to guide those expectations - hence the post. When could you resonably expect to add?

If your in a zergy area you should expect adds. Likewise if a solo stealther goes to a stealth zerg camp area he or she should expect adds. The point is that one should modify where one plays and try to find places where the rule would apply. So for example a FG running through agramon should not flatten solo players and neither should they interfere in their fights. Why? Because its a clear area where there is no zerg and so everyone should really avoid adding. Its quite clear that Agramon is designed for that style of playing.

Put them into a zergy area and I am afraid those soloers and FG's should expect adds and on the other side they really should try not to be dissappointed by this and go whining at others.

The cardinal rule though for me was always be polite Elrandhir and many others are always polite and that will do more for the argument not to add than anything else. Including these guidelines ;)

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Post by Moley:) »

If your a ranger anyone is game :) TS 3 no one can say that's not fair can they (double normal ranger range) :mwahaha:

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Post by Dardalion »

Whats complicated to work out ? If someone is solo-ing, chances are he/she are looking for 1v1 fight's, if they are having a 1v1 dont add, If its 1v's2/3 etc then add. Same goes for 8v8, most of us here have been playing DAoC for 2 - 4 years, most of us know who solo's, who duo's who the RvR guilds are, why cant we just respect each others playstyles?

A lot of people play this game differently to what is percieved as Mythic's view on how it should be played, the major factor here is although Mythic make the game, they dont make up a large % of the player base. In my opinion a lot of people use "MYTHICS VIEW" as an excuse to play like little kiddies.

Theres enough room in the game for all kinds of playstyles be it 1v1, 8v8 or zerg Vs zerg.
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Post by Elrandhir »

Dardalion wrote: A lot of people play this game differently to what is percieved as Mythic's view on how it should be played, the major factor here is although Mythic make the game, they dont make up a large % of the player base. In my opinion a lot of people use "MYTHICS VIEW" as an excuse to play like little kiddies.

have to agree somewhat on the Mythic View there, have to say I also think all to many has that as an excuse tbh.

however mythics view is, it dosent change that most players want 1 vs 1 and 8 vs 8, and Im basing this on how I have seen people react etc around me when RvRing, and I have been around for a rather long time.

When I started the game it was more like Raaaaaor everyone is welcome and join in the big zerg to fight the other realms for Hibernia, or something like that, it was great at the time I though.

Now it has become more competetive and you get more even fights if 1 vs 1 and 8 vs 8, after having been up and running for so long it really isent strange as I said earlier, and having a BG with Cap of RR5, is one way of helping peeps maby.

What have been greatly reduced is attempts to take and will to defend the frontier, and even if Im not the one to speak I guess that is alitle sad though ;D
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Post by maxis »

Banana wrote:Id seriously like to believe most people complain as its against the spirit of fair play
That's exactly why I don't like adding on reasonably fair fights (and yes we can argue about what that means) - really there's no fun in just steamrollering people by outnumbering them. If simply overwhelming the enemy is your bag, go roll an Alb ;)

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Post by Lieva »

Dardalion wrote:Whats complicated to work out ? If someone is solo-ing, chances are he/she are looking for 1v1 fight's, if they are having a 1v1 dont add, If its 1v's2/3 etc then add. Same goes for 8v8, most of us here have been playing DAoC for 2 - 4 years, most of us know who solo's, who duo's who the RvR guilds are, why cant we just respect each others playstyles?.

i think
you need to look at whos adding.
By all means get annoyed if its a person who rvrs every time they are online but dont get annoyed as its a n00b like me.
I see red names and attack. Its not ment to be evil...its just well..rvr kinda makes me panic sometimes. Specially if we get surrounded >.<
its like - 'crud should i pbaoe? but mezz is up .. f8...nuke...bah he died...arrgh im mezzed now ... iwantpurgeiwantpurgeiwantpurge... dagnammit ...dontpickonmeimtoosmall... staff of d00m!' <-- my normal rvr brain at work ;)
And yes.. i sometimes try to attack hibs if there running about too til i notice my spells dont work :o then i change targets ;)
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Post by Sharkith »

Dardalion wrote:Whats complicated to work out ? If someone is solo-ing, chances are he/she are looking for 1v1 fight's, if they are having a 1v1 dont add, If its 1v's2/3 etc then add. Same goes for 8v8, most of us here have been playing DAoC for 2 - 4 years, most of us know who solo's, who duo's who the RvR guilds are, why cant we just respect each others playstyles?
It has less to do with respecting playstyles it has to do with your own reasonable expectations of the situation you are playing in. You cannot reasonably expect to run in a highly populated zergy area (Hadrians at the height of iRvR) and tell everyone to feck off and leave you alone. In this situation you are the selfish player effectively forcing everyone to play to your own very particular style of play and that I disagree with. Your not actually respecting the person who likes a free for all. If you don't like adds 'in that situation' don't go there - solo elsewhere or just accept that people will add in that situation and get on with it.

On the other hand in a fairly spacious arena it is much easier to leave fair fights and the argument not to add would hold well in my view i.e. I would not add and I honestly feel others should not add. So no I disagree it is more complicated than it looks it is not about what you think you should do and everyone else should do. It about moderating your expectations according to the situation at hand and yes respecting other people - note you don't have to respect their playstyle - the PERSON comes first.

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