Is it Zerg or Bust for the casual player in RvR nowadays?

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Post by Elrandhir »

<ankh> wrote:Thats where I don't agree tbh. Imo we got 8 spots in a group, if you fill them with just stealthers or just non-stealthers shouldnt really matter. As long as its a fg its just a FG no matter if its stealthers or not. Some of the best memories Ive got from daoc is from playing with fg's of stealthers. Thats actually one of the few things I miss :(


Well as I said everyone has right to think and do whatever they want.

And it aint really the 8 stealthers that is bad, and sure fill up a group with stealthers, it's if you use that fg and go around killing soloers that I think it's rather lame tbh if you go for other larger groups or whatever it aint so bad.

Still stealthers are made to solo imo, otherwise it will never be a fair fight and it's no skill to kill off few peeps with a fg.
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Post by <ankh> »

Elrandhir wrote:Well as I said everyone has right to think and do whatever they want.

And it aint really the 8 stealthers that is bad, and sure fill up a group with stealthers, it's if you use that fg and go around killing soloers that I think it's rather lame tbh if you go for other larger groups or whatever it aint so bad.

Still stealthers are made to solo imo, otherwise it will never be a fair fight and it's no skill to kill off few peeps with a fg.
Actually, I never said the FG was gonna kill soloer. I was just asking what people thought of FG's of stealthers :) If a FG of stealther kills a solo guy its just as bad as when a non stealther group does it.

A solo stealther has just as big chance to kill a solo enemy as any other class (apart from support classes). Only difference is that you see more solo stealthers than non stealthers around. I think the constant complains on stealthers is abit unfair as many people tend to forget how other classes kick arse too in one on one battle.

Difference is, if a fg of stealthers attack people starts to whine, when a fg of nonstealthers attack they mostly just accept their fate (Im not talking about adding now)


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Post by Elrandhir »

True I guess most you say, and well people really expect stealthers to solo, so I guess thats why people will whine.

I never do any threads about anyone adding or anything for that matter as everyone can do whatever they want really.

what I think is bad when people actually trying to solo and don't add and so, gets ganked by several stealthers, or non stealther groups or whatever, we usually try to avoide killing anyone we know to do that when we are out RvRing.

As I said, killing 1 stealther as 2 or 3 aint hard, no skill and then no fun really to me, still other may not care about things like that and are just happy about the RP's and enjoy killing peeps without the challange, and then noone can really argue about that, except that he/they wont get any credit for doing so.

Same goes for 8 vs 8 it's the challange that are fun, and when people add from whatever realm it gets boring as you loose the challange and you or they gets robed of having that victory.

Still this is what most people think, and I do to, still some will complain if anyone do something else then this, but I would never do so as there is no poin, nothing saying it's wrong really ;D

Im not saying we don't kill soloers, but we avoide killing those we know only go solo, never add etc, and we would never add on 1 vs 1 fights ^^

Everyone has different views, this is mine, more or less ;D
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Post by Genedril »

Kind of discussing this in our group forum at the moment & in the interests of my laziness:

"Starting a new fixed group with a RR5ish toons right now would be a nightmare if you ask me. We struggle to compete against higher rr's so god knows what it must be like for others. Doing an 'Evita FG' is all well & good, but don't forget that Evita was high rr before she started doing that so she brought a lot of toys to the table. Aran's group seemed to be doing ok, but they were outnumbered, or out realm ranked as far as I could tell. All they can try is practise in the current environment (which is like beating your head against a brick wall, only more painful sometimes).

If you've a group off rr7+ you can afford to take one rr4+ person & help them gain rr's (if someone wanted to change their toon for example), but I think you'd struggle to do that to more than 2 of the 8. RR's really do make a huge difference (well that & ml's & making sure you've a suit that really does have many bells & whistles)."

RvR at the moment seems to consist of zergs or high’ish rr groups. When you do meet an even fight then quite often you get added on. Last Sunday there were 3 fg’s of albs running round Agromon pretty much on stick.

As for whether or not stealthers should group: why not. They're not going to get a group with 'visibles' so why shouldn't they get their own groups?. Adding on fights or soloers as a fg, visible or not, causes aggro with some - but why should stealthers have to live by a different ruleset because of class choice? A stealther group vs a visible group is fair game (though I think they'd have to be quite nuts to try it). The whole stealthers have it better solo is made a mockery of by any decent mage or b/l light tank.
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Post by Tammuz »

Totally agre with an earlier post, time makes the memory go blurry and you remember the good stuff it has mostly been the same for a long time, high RR groups have always been there and will 99 times out of 100 kill those who dont follow the same rules (fully specced, full gear + things like vent), if your a casual player you will not compete, its the same as anything, if your a casual player and dont havea regular group, if you join PUGs you will mostly die to those who play together all the time, since they will have the backup of the teamates and knowing what someone is going to do and how they react makes a massive difference.

TBh appart from the fact i dont see anything wrong with zergs if you want to play with the big boys you gota be one, no one sees a div 4 football team really worrying a premiership one.:'(

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Post by Ovi »

Elrandhir wrote:
Same goes for 8 vs 8 it's the challange that are fun, and when people add from whatever realm it gets boring as you loose the challange and you or they gets robed of having that victory.
Whilst on the whole I agree that it's fair fights that are challenging and fun, I don't think you can say that 8v8 is a fair fight. Often is is (or as close as you can get in a MMORPG), but the problem is for a lot of "casual" players it isn't.

I wonder if a <rr5 BG might help this. It would give casual players a place to go where they stand a chance against whatever they come across.

Not sure if it would be used enough though as most people at 50 would still be in "proper" RvR zones.

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Post by Gahn »

Aran_Thule wrote:Problem is that where the low-mid RR groups go the high RR groups will go as well.
we tried to take an unclaimed tower, using ram ect, before we even got the door down a RR10 group appears and ripped us to shreds.
Maybe we have to change tactics and targets i dont know, main point is that we have fun and getting stomped into the ground in 10 seconds isnt fun.

The high RR guilds want 'fair fights' but RR10 gank group vs casual group isnt 'fair' therefore the only thing i can see is trying to do things to even things up, ie attacking them when they are occupied, taking more people along ect.

With regards to the solo/stealth field i dont like duo, trio, fg of stealthers, if i come across them and im leading a group i will run them down, i will probably spare someone i find solo as i know how hard it is.

Does this make me a hypocrite, or someone that sees both sides of the fence.. i dont know, if i see someone in a 1 v 1 fight i will ask if they want help, if they /y then ill help, simple as that.

Life as a low RR group is very up and down, you will get flattened by high RR groups, you just have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again.
The good times makes up for the low and as long as you manage to keep happy then you can cope.
Tbh m8, all high rr ppl won't blame a rr4 (avg group) if they add on em, they will if u started to win some fights and your group is avg rr7 plus.
If they do and u still rr4-5 avg... well u can leave em screaming cause they are a bunch of tossers :p
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Post by Elrandhir »

Ovi wrote:Whilst on the whole I agree that it's fair fights that are challenging and fun, I don't think you can say that 8v8 is a fair fight. Often is is (or as close as you can get in a MMORPG), but the problem is for a lot of "casual" players it isn't.

I wonder if a <rr5 BG might help this. It would give casual players a place to go where they stand a chance against whatever they come across.

Not sure if it would be used enough though as most people at 50 would still be in "proper" RvR zones.

Well ontop of what I said I think they should make a BG that Caps when you hit RR5 to make the lower RR peeps to compete in real RvR.

RR's are a factor, but you can still start from having no RP's atall in the frontiers, still if you don't have any or little experience it will be rather hard as noone wants you in their group.
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Post by Gahn »

[quote="Genedril"]Kind of discussing this in our group forum at the moment & in the interests of my laziness:

"Starting a new fixed group with a RR5ish toons right now would be a nightmare if you ask me. We struggle to compete against higher rr's so god knows what it must be like for others. Doing an 'Evita FG' is all well & good, but don't forget that Evita was high rr before she started doing that so she brought a lot of toys to the table. Aran's group seemed to be doing ok, but they were outnumbered, or out realm ranked as far as I could tell. All they can try is practise in the current environment (which is like beating your head against a brick wall, only more painful sometimes).

If you've a group off rr7+ you can afford to take one rr4+ person & help them gain rr's (if someone wanted to change their toon for example), but I think you'd struggle to do that to more than 2 of the 8. RR's really do make a huge difference (well that & ml's & making sure you've a suit that really does have many bells & whistles)."

RvR at the moment seems to consist of zergs or high&#8217]

No1 will ever whine cause a fg of stalthers get on an fg of visibles (cause they gonna lose BADLY, that is), all the whine is cause of those 3-4-5 grouped stealthers getting on the soloers (like happened to me countless times when i was solo).
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Post by Tammuz »

Elrandhir wrote: Same goes for 8 vs 8 it's the challange that are fun, and when people add from whatever realm it gets boring as you loose the challange and you or they gets robed of having that victory.
The thing is 8v8 isnt always fair, often its very unfair, jsut because you have the same numbers really doesnt mean that much, a fg of random class rr3-4 fighting a fg of optmised rr8+ cannot be considered in the same league, numbers dont make things fair.

Its exactly the same with 1v1 if a druid runs into a stealther or a caster s it fair, ofc not, but will the caster let the druid go on his way, no he'll attack and kill him, no such thing as red cross or amnesty here, ppl seem to use the excuse of numbers alot as a good answer.

A challenge is something close to equal to yourself or your group, for some fg's out there that really is 3fg's of enemies, for some its a monkey with a rotten banana, wouldnt it be better if we looked at the challenge not the numbers.

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