Stealth lore pets wtf

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Post by Lieva »

thats better :)

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Post by Oceaa »

Banana wrote:thats better :)

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Post by Xest »

[quote="Gandelf"]That's ok, not everyone has the intelligence to understand my arguments. ]
Luckily in the real world, intelligence is judged on having a high IQ, not a low IQ like in Gandelfland.
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Post by Xcerus »

I am fully prepared to attack a fg with my ml10 infil go go aoe mezz and if i hita caster its dead fast enough for me to vanish after :D 1000rp's tyvm.

Ok so I can only do that every 15 mins or at least every 15 mins and live. But with stuff like DI working when you are mezzed and casters having a casting time of 1.5 seconds per 1k damage stealthers need love not hate. Brittle guards make my life hell i actually have to shoot the things with X-bow somtimes to take out a caster which is insane and as for using lw's in a viable template if there is a banshie in the group I will hit for 0 damage on pa. Stealthers have been nerfed alot. Bring back the good ol days when a stealther could 1 hit its target and their stealth wouldn't even break now that was op.
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Post by Belisar »

I am one of those players who gets a bit bored from time to time and so tries different classes for variety. I have played toons from a fair few different classes now (bard, chanter, BM and more recently a ranger).

As far as stealthers go - I find them a lot more difficult to play than either the tank or the caster. Most times they are unwelcome in groups and so have to fend for themselves patiently picking off the right target. Insta cast stun or pet classes make even selecting solo casters tough, shield tanks block far too often and stealth vs stealth is even more predicated by realm level than most other types of fight.

Yes they are frustrating when they add or pick you off when you are least expecting it but everyone in this thread has been in it long enough to know it is part and parcel of the game and is not going to change any time soon.

Back on topic..

In a way it makes sense to allow stealth lore pets, a dog with a nose could doit if trained right so why not other mobs. If someone wants to drag a mob half way across a map to make decent use of it then so be it, I have seen menta's drag charmed sally's across TOA zones to help on arti's and I do not see this as any different.
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Post by <ankh> »

I don't think casters need anymore love atm nor do I think SL pets are very fair. As i've claimed before its hard as it is to damage casters who have BT and Brittles up. And with DI bots and Shield bots around its even harder. Add nearsight too it and I can assure you the life of a ranger/scout/hunter isnt fun at all. A typical scenario is that you finally find a caster to fire at. You shoot, miss cos of a brittle, he use his insta and your nearsighted followed up by a stun. Then the caster does his thing and BLAM your dead. Another typical scenario is if you actually start to use rapid fire on the caster he has his blockbot just picking the arrows off him or his DI bot healing him (but ofcourse these two can be used by the archer too, but that kind of makes it hard to use stealth). Now this is ofcourse the archers I'm talking about, I only got like 200k with my NS so I dont think im experienced enough to get into an argue about them being too weak or OP. Tbh I wouldnt mind if they removed stealth from the archers as long as they gave us some compensation to make it easier.
Oh btw, many people always mention how much better Rangers are in melee than scouts/hunters when ever there is any discussion about the rangers archery skills. I'd just like to say that I personally think that I'd prefer if they were better with bow than melee as if we want a melee stealter we got our Nightshades. (just thought I'd mention it while I was at it)

Umm...after reading through my text I realized there wasnt much new in what I said so this post was proberbly a waste of time as usual :monkey:


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Post by Gandelf »

I can appreciate that Brittle Guards are annoying to certain classes, but to be fair, not every caster has them because some casters don't go down the path of being a Convoker. Even when they do, it is sometimes the situation if you're a caster in a group, that you don't always get the chance to create a Brittle, because you're either stuck to someone in the group, or the rest of the group is running off and you want to keep up with them. So do you stop, to create a Brittle and lose speed, or do you stay with the group and hope you can create one if the group stops? It's quite difficult sometimes to get 4 Brittles up at once. And if you do get killed, sometimes the timer is not up on your Brittle, so you're running around without any, if you don't have time to wait.

The skill is therefore for the caster to find ways to get Brittles up as quickly as possible. Or, if you are attacking a caster, to select a caster without any Brittles up, if possible.

As for stealthers not getting groups.... I can appreciate that also. I think there should be some reward for groups who have a diverse variety of classes. Maybe, for example, if your group has more than one of the same class in it, then the whole of the group would get reduced realm points and the more of the same class there are in that group, then the bigger the reduction. Something like this may help those classes who find it hard to find a group, to find one.

However, one advantage of being a stealther, I would imagine, is that you can earn realm points in ways that other classes would find difficult. For example, camping bridges, milegates etc, so I think it is the old case of "swings and roundabouts".

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Post by Satyn »

I think that stealthers have to work much harder to get their rps than any other class.
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Post by Grymligast »

I camped bridges with my dark sm for a while. Got alot more rps in a faster rate then my SB ;)

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Post by Ovi »

Satyn wrote:I think that stealthers have to work much harder to get their rps than any other class.

I think non-stealthers that can't get into groups have probably the worst time.

Although to be honest not many classes come into that category as most classes have at least one spec that will get tham places in pick-up groups if not regular groups.

The problem I think with stealth is that there is no solution that is acceptable for both Stealther and victims. If a stealther attacks from stealth logically he should win more than he loses, but then that isn't entirely fair on the victim, but if he doesn't get a good chance to win then it makes stealth pointless.

If a way could be found to include stealth as bigger part of open field "group" fighting then things might be better, but the only ways that is practical have a significant effect on gameplay, probably reducing combat speed significantly.

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