Ah, mass My-Hime release by static-subs, eps 19-21 out.. so yep, bet nobody was expecting all *that* madness! ****SPOILERS WARNING***** Takumi dead! Mikoto nuked yet alright, mashiro (was that her name? wheelchair girl president/chairperson gal) beaten rather badly it seems by just mikoto.. and midori lost to her maid too (fumi?), which just plain sucks since midori is teh coolest hottest hime and should obviously beat everyone and claim the ultimate power just so we can get to see more of her \o/ Oh yeah and student union chairperson (what's her name again?) is on the verge of exploding from her pent up yuri feelings, or wait no, she did explode (in a non-yuri way, tho because of her love for Natsuki) on poor Mao ;x Natsuki is pretty damn clueless tho, since it seems she thinks president-girl was just saying she liked her (given her reply, since it doesn't seem natsuki swings that way..).
Have started on Hajime no Ippo at long last, a series I've wanted to see for a very long time, since as some/all of you will know it's one of the all time greats. It's about Ippo, your regular high school student, who through a chance encounter with a pro-boxer (who saves him from some bullies) ends up going to the boxing gym and training to be a pro too. Personally I would never watch real boxing since it has no appeal to me whatsoever, but anime boxing is much better