Funny how... [mod] fins 4 + catacombs [/mod]

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Post by Briannon »

Arcsalin wrote:with the arrival of catacombs upon us, not one of you has even mentioned bringing fin4 back? So are we ever likely to see the return of fin 4 or have we put that firmly into the past? Discuss :-

Having now got three characters to 50 without ever being in a 4fins group I simply ask "what 4fins"?

Can't see the point of 4fins myself: mobs in later expansions have more xp, better quality drops and higher amounts of cash drops.

4fins was probably the "in" thing in classic DAoC but imho the later expansions have bettered 4fins in every respect.

Of course, those of you who have actually pl'd at 4fins may disagree with what I've just said :)
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Leveling fast w/o catacombs...

Post by Malaeus »

As we dont have necros in hib we have to xp a lil different than others. High lvl PBAoE grps have all days made some darn nice xp, and they still do. The biggest problem is to get enough people to attend to these xp-sessions. Many have lvl 50s and dont wanna lvl alts anymore coz they know that it will take ages to ToA them after they reach lvl 50. We have to get all thos lvl 50s to attend to make this work best. Making frontier grps is a great way to do this, coz the lvl 50s will get artifact xp. Another thing would be making scroll farming grps for rare scrolls. Here the 50s will attend too coz they prolly need the scrolls. The best place for doing this is still in DV (ML 7 tomb). Greatest xp I ever seen+the nicest scrolls dropping all the time. Problem with DV is the ML 3 issue. U HAVE to be ML 3 to enter.
Another problem is that there arent enough people online on Prydwen. Therefore its best to plan xp grps on this forum a couple of days before and get people to sign up. My favorite set-up is:
1 Animist, lvl 35+
1 Warden, lvl 46+
1 BB, lvl 40+ in nurture
3 PBs, lvl 40+
2 Misc (could be leeches, could be low lvl healers, or some sort of power regen if no FoP attending)
This way u can pull 1-10 red/purp mobs into the box at a time (the more high levels the more mobs ofc.).
And please: No more rangers k? :Op

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Post by Hrymf »

Lenah wrote:Hithip you are wrong when you say that is would actually be faster to lvl normally. Atleast at time before catacombs, that is not true. Its true 4fins repsawn time has been reduced, instead of 1-2 seconds its now 4-5 seconds, and there is 6 of them around the tree. Still it doesn't mean that PL'ing wouldn't be the fastest way to 50. Its once again, the lack of people with new alts to PL, that caused 4fins, and all 24h PL to die on this server/realm.

I'm almost certain that there will be threads about xp'ing banshees and vampires together, in various locations .. and I'm personally hoping that there is going to be once again a certain place where peopel would pl 24 hours a day, as it makes alot more easier to help quildies, specially the rare new people, to get into the action faster, specially on the boring 42-48 part where even fast xp isn't fast enough.
Tried it after last patch? the respawn was really really nerfed, me and my friend could easily keep respawn down just being 2x NSs with a bardbot, and we often had to sit there for 10min waiting for a respawn......
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Post by Lieva »

fin4 hasnt technically been in use since the fop nerf yes.
but the spawn on fin4 has been lessoned. is this to compensate for the nerf? :D
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Post by Tammuz »

Banana wrote:so
fin4 hasnt technically been in use since the fop nerf yes.
but the spawn on fin4 has been lessoned. is this to compensate for the nerf? :D
I went to fin4 after the nerf with FoP druid (assuming there hasnt been a second one), it didnt make a massive difference tbh, 3 PB'ers, 1 sat out 2 blasted round robin, added with MCL, all it actually meant is the ani (who was used purely for pulling and really wasnt needed as we could use chanter pet)had to actually be there and not jsut afk with a coin on the button.

Not after spawn nerf thou (not sure when this was) since they seemed as fast as ever

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Post by Hrymf »

Tammuz wrote:I went to fin4 after the nerf with FoP druid (assuming there hasnt been a second one), it didnt make a massive difference tbh, 3 PB'ers, 1 sat out 2 blasted round robin, added with MCL, all it actually meant is the ani (who was used purely for pulling and really wasnt needed as we could use chanter pet)had to actually be there and not jsut afk with a coin on the button.

Not after spawn nerf thou (not sure when this was) since they seemed as fast as ever
Think the spawn nerf came last patch along with new artifact xp system.
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Post by Lenah »

Many are refering to 4fins. True is also that its not longer viable place to PL. Still its true that PL is a part of this game, and no one even that plays catacombs, can say that leveling with 8x lvl20 toons, would be faster than didcated PL grp. It is against the math of the xp system to try claim that.

Many seem to be intrested about finding a new, more viable spot to run PL. Was suggested that xp-runs should be threaded few days before in forums, but as the catacombs is coming and alot of us will want to roll 2x more toons, its clear that there is room for more intensive PL'ing, such as 4fins ideology was. Grp at certain spot, or spots, 8 people, 4-5 high lvl toons and leechers, perhaps mentalist or fopper outside grp aswell, what ever utility is needed tbh. I've personally made investigation about TOA to find such place, but it was clear that the spots that offer the basic needed things to apply (enough mobs, fast enough spawnrate, scroll drops and good xp) all have too many downsides. By far only Khaos Shield encounter had the slightest change to be acceptable, but that spot is too unpredictable to really be handled properly.

Question I see, is there a way to find a viable spot in catacombs. And I'm personaly going to put effort to finding this kind of spot. 24h PL HAS ITS SIDES, it really makes making new toons way easier, gathering the money, upkeeping the economy, helping friends. Basicly it helps to keep the server alive, and that if nothing else, should be everyone's goal.
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Post by Lieva »

what level do the instanced dungeons go to? 50 or lower?
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Post by Haarewin »

Banana wrote:what level do the instanced dungeons go to? 50 or lower?
50. can even instance at 50.
i don't have a sig.

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Post by awarkle »

i have used the fin 4 spot tbh the exp sucked arse compared to places like summoners hall, where a single mob will bag you 150 million exp fins still only return like 20 to 30.

Fins arnt fun they are dull and boring and tbh the requirments for a fin group nowadays are basically 3 pbaoers 1 font of power 4 alts and you could chain pull probbly. But why power level a new class and end up with a character you cant play dont understand and will just /delete because you havnt learned the tricks of the trade.

Still loads of lvl 50 anims that cant stick mushrooms on oil points or raise their gt target.

Now if you say "but you learn your character in rvr" tbh thats rubbish you learnn a lot about your char in pve some things are different some things. If you feel that you have to power level a valk/heretic/vamp/banshee/warlock/ in a power level enviroment just remember that you are still going to be waiting for the other people to level their chars to 40+ before anyone starts any serious mls / arti hunts.

Take your time and enjoy the expansion not just zerg through it in 2 weeks then be bored for the next 6 months.

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