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Post by Satyn »

Banana wrote:well :p its fun tho most of the time.
duno why peeps seem to give up on daoc to have a RL

ok i havent got one but i know alot of peeps on the forum are married, have kids and stuff so they can do both :p

I seem to do a pretty good job at combining the two :D My son is 7 months now and i'm teaching him how to type :p

anyway good luck in real life (cant understand why ppl cant play a game and have a real life aswell but what the hell ;)) but i got the feeling you'll be back, same as Peppa :)
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Post by Rami »

cya gamzor

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Post by Blight »

Cya, have fun.
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Mrbond shade ml 10
Maryan ment lgm tailor ml 2 (house 3259)
Laraev hero ml 5
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Post by Sharkith »

Rejecta wrote:Well yes, can't take away all lifes little pleasures :jupiler:
excellent and of course you realise that you can expect the usual no brain comments like "What you wining about you don't even play anymore?"

Na Fianna Dragun

Karak-Eight Peaks, Kiera ze Witch Hunter

Eve online - Kaminjosvig.

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Post by Treeeebeard »

bye gamah :( :treeee:
Cya on fh :P
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Post by Oakenheart »

Was good to fight alongside you, and against you of course :)

Keep your pecker up and the only sure way to stop yourself coming back is to delete every toon on your account. then create lvl1 toons in every slot so they cant be restored, selling the account will just let some talentless chimp loose :)

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Post by Rejecta »

Thanks for the kind words, I won't be deleting and I also wont be selling my account, if in the future I am happy with my life in general then I may return :thand: but I am not missing daoc at all atm ;)

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Post by Tare »

It's a setup, he's moving to Mid!!

Anyway, I understand your arguement about RL, twas very hard for me aswell keep RL and DAoC separated and in a way I'm glad I managed to leave the game behind.
Twas a valueable experience but when I realised both wasn't possible for me, I decided RL was more important for me.
So please don't judge people who leave DAoC for RL, we're not all capable of keeping them separated.

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Post by Listerine »

cya gamah

i understand wot u mean about IRL and daoc clashing its a pain :(
but is everycase IRL > DAoC
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Arevade rr8L2+ Light Eldritch

ELF > ALL :mojo:


Playing Marijuana on Freeshards. cba with live any more. it is no longer the same game i bought 3 years ago. FU!

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Post by Briannon »

Rejecta wrote:Prydwen got shut down for 2 weeks, and I realised I dont need to play daoc.

Edit: Reply to banana!

I think this is the real problem GOA have got over the Prydwen shut down - customers are realising they don't need their product any more and are leaving.

Just for interest's sake: the US servers are now on version 1.79 and Darkness Rising is due for release in about 4 weeks time in downloadable format. Just in case peeps wanted to know ;)
Badvicar EvilIdiot: level 3x heretic - Anywhere/Gaheris
Bardsimpson Botoxxbuddy: level 50 bard - Hibernia/Gawaine
Botoxx Injections: level 50 animist - Hibernia/Gawaine
Bowlina Botoxxbuddy: tiny ranger - Hibernia/Gawaine
Briannon Silverblades: level 50 nightshade - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)
Draccula TheCount: level 46 vampiir - Hibernia/Gawaine
Playmate Ofthemonth: level 50 enchantress - Hibernia/Prydwen (retired)

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