Protective Harpys + Bugged Zoarkat ,,, this new?

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Post by Shike »

Requiel wrote:Fighting mobs from a position where they can't fight back has always been cheating. This includes being on land to fight water-borne mobs. The encounter has been designed to fail if the mobs are pulled from the arena as this is not how the encounter is supposed to be completed.
woa ok? And howcome it works with the islandmethod in US? :o since they are patches ahead of EU.

In order to kill the mobs you need to be on same lvl as them, or it wont happen much at all. So if support is standing on the island and tanks/pets/whatever is killing mobs, only support are bugabusing?

I have one question that I really would like a proper answer to, if mobs are put into the game, with a certain design, such as a tether, why is it considered as bugabuse if you use that designed tether against it? I mean, why put in things by design, and then say to people that they have to do an encounter in a specific way in order to "legally" succeed? Its like begging for people to break rules, either unknowing or knowingly. How can you expect people to know for sure whether something is considered "legal" or not, these greyzones is of evil imo.

Afaik Danos have been killed about.. oh say.. 1000 times by using the tether he's on, have you yet until todays date banned or even placed a warning on anyones account because of that? It is a similar situation as with the Zo'Arkat in my eyes, dont you agree? I could list up a couple of other borderlining ways of doing things, but I think Danos is the best example since it is a widely used artifact.

As far as I know, Mythic have designed the game, the scripts of the mobs are their creation aswell as everything else, they also have their own rules for things, why does GOA enforce their own rules that doesnt match Mythics? I mean, if an event ingame is coded in one way, and approperiate rules are applied, why do you guys even bother with acting like some sort of minipolice and complicate things by forcing players into greyzones? Since thats quite precisely what you are doing when you take rules and apply them to encounters that had different rules upon creation. As far as I know, Mythic have never banned anyone for using the old islandtrick to easen up a HELLISH encounter (mids have it worst here by far) that often bugs up when you do it normally and also on a stupid timer if you fail it. They have never ever banned anyone doing Danos the tetherway afaik, not even if you pulled mobs to shore and went underwater. They have never mentioned it in grabbags, never in patchnotes, nowhere. They designed the encounters and let people do them the way they see fit without using obvious cheating that are by all considered to be cheats. Why cant GOA simply use the same rules that they do? And spend more energy on things that are more important, like catching real cheaters. It all makes no sense to me tbh.

I can understand how standing on a specific rock middle of tons of mobs, and pbae them all down is considered to be cheating, and also a quite severe form of it, but when you have encounters like GoV or BoZ, that arent that easy to do even when you use mobs tethers against them I kinda dont see it as cheating, I see it as an alternative way of doing it, since you can fail very easy anyhow. BoZ can be a real bitch nomatter what way you do it.

this is from FH, its a post made by Ilum some time ago.

Question for GOA - Bug abuse or not?


I would like it clarified whether the following PvE "methods" are bug abusing or not.

- Pulling mobs to the edge of their engage radius, focusing them there and having healers out of range.
- Pulling artifact mobs to haven and use haven guards to tank them.
- Pulling artifact mobs to haven but fight them off yourself and only use guards to take the adds.

Is all this allowed, or is any of it bug abuse and not allowed to do? And if so, what are the consequences?


and Xalin, one of GOAs GMs answered like this:

None of these are concidered bug abuse. But that's also NOT the way the encounters are meant to be done. So don't come crying to us if you don't get credit or the artifact, or if the mobs suddenly despawn on you.


Requiel, you yourself also answered this:

Also note that if you use NPC guards to fight your battles for you, you are giving up control of the encounter which means that if other players want to join in, they are not stealing your encounter and are not in breach of the CoC even though they are attacking a mob which is already pulled.


Now, is it just me, or did the rules suddenly change for some reason? If we take BoZ and apply these rules it would be something like, it is fine to pull the mobs to a tether, that would be to the island, they still cast, but they cant hit on land. Meaning, they still attack, but not 100% of their full capacity.

What Xalin wrote makes perfect sense, and should be enough guide in how to do the encounters, you do risk it when you pull the mobs out from their original area. Ive seen BoZ fail due to bugged timer, sometimes they just dissapear, sometimes it works, etc.. which is all fine, since I've done it in alternative ways. What changed?


My ultimate point here Requiel is this: Do you really expect players to read forums to learn the rules of everything? In US if I am in doubt about something, I can just appeal and get a good enough answer pretty fast whether its safe or unsafe to do something, in EU players have to turn to automated Rightnow and wait for an answer before they can be 100% sure that they have GOA's permission (which quite frankly, is silly) to do something in a new way they came up with. That answer wont come fast as we all know. If you guys now are gonna have specific rules about encounters and PvE in general, write down those rules on your website so they can be read by everyone, not just people reading forums. Oh and dont change rules that have been expressed by GMs without making it very very public. Bugabuse is by your companys eyes a serious violation of the rules and the punishment is also ofc quite serious I guess. Dont let players put themselves into positions where you can come with a vissle and punish them, just because of public contradictions and not enough information overall, its not a good thing for neither GOA or the players. This big brothersyndrom I sometimes feel when I deal with GOA, isnt a nice feeling tbh. I want my freedom to play the way I want, with clear, 100% waterproof rules so that I know for sure when I am reaching borderlines. I dont think it really is that much to ask for.
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Post by Lieva »


where does it say requiel said youll be banned for it?
he said its just not the way the arti was sposed to be done and if you pull it to the island it may bug out.

Everyone knows the correct way to do the encounter so using a different method to make it easier will be obviously the incorrect way.

Besdies he said it was changed recently. Although i cant find it in any patch notes ;)

However the peeps here have said they were doing it correctly when the mobs bugged out. imo that is a bug in the encounter - not sure how requiel can check but tis worth a try. If anyone has screen shots of the bugged mob that would help :)
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Post by Shike »


where does it say requiel said youll be banned for it?
he said its just not the way the arti was sposed to be done and if you pull it to the island it may bug out.

Everyone knows the correct way to do the encounter so using a different method to make it easier will be obviously the incorrect way.

Besdies he said it was changed recently. Although i cant find it in any patch notes ]

well he did say it is cheating, cheating tend to be punished i think :) Maybe I misunderstood :p

And I strongly disagree with the statement about how you do encounters, most encounters can be done in quite many ways, some do have an obvious "correct" way of doing them, some do not :)

Most I want is simply better, easier accessible official information Banana, which has always been GOAs biggest flaw imho. :seehearsp
Shikei, Temples, Shike, Imidyr and Shiko
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Post by Lothandar »

What you say is true in most places shike but I disagree with the fact mids have it hardest.

Piss easy to do that encounter with a tank group due to the celerity buff. Way easier than hib at least.

I don't care about animists, yes I have an animist as well but as I have access to a fg to help me with artifacts (of course I also help them :) I can do these artifacts as intended and for zo it is a tank group.

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Post by Shike »

Lothandar wrote:What you say is true in most places shike but I disagree with the fact mids have it hardest.

Piss easy to do that encounter with a tank group due to the celerity buff. Way easier than hib at least.

I don't care about animists, yes I have an animist as well but as I have access to a fg to help me with artifacts (of course I also help them :) I can do these artifacts as intended and for zo it is a tank group.
Dno, Maelstrom had quite alot of trouble doing the enc while we did it very easy with our hibgrp so.. I kinda based it on that. Possible that I'm wrong ofc. Albpve is just a laugh, palas and necros.. can make pretty much any enc that doesnt need extreme tohit with one FG.
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Post by Cromcruaich »

What is extrememly poor is that they are making changes to the way the game works without any formal release notes.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Kari »

I'd quite like to know whether the harpies were supposed to kill anyone going near the surface in the north of meso at random - specifically the very NW corner & around kithra sanctuary? Couldn't even surface to see where they were as I got insta ganked by 40+ hits before I made it to the surface.

And I wasn't near that encounter, or in anyway involved - personally I call that bugged.

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Post by Sehanine »

So ppl cannot improvise anylonger to do encounters in the way they see fit.... that is sooo screwed.. ToA is becoming more and more stupid for each passing day it seems...

Perhaps GoA should fix the REAL problems on the servers insted of jumbing into conclusions about players "cheating" ... and "fixing" hard encounters into even harder encounters..

/clap GoA
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Post by Lothandar »

Sehanine wrote:So ppl cannot improvise anylonger to do encounters in the way they see fit.... that is sooo screwed.. ToA is becoming more and more stupid for each passing day it seems...

Perhaps GoA should fix the REAL problems on the servers insted of jumbing into conclusions about players "cheating" ... and "fixing" hard encounters into even harder encounters..

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Post by Maeloch »

Well instead of doing via pulling to shore, we did it tonight the way I'm sure it was designed to be completed by taking 7-8 animists...

They'll never stop us using braindead methods !!
Mael, 50th ment.

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