Maybe we should send a message to GOA?

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Post by Cyfr »

It took them ages to mass email everyone their passwords, and that had to be done for everyone not a select lot. So god knows how they'd cope with that.. they should take some tips from these penis pill spammers, they seem to get a good million an hour out or something ;)

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Post by Guinnessrules »

[quote="Cyfr"]It took them ages to mass email everyone their passwords, and that had to be done for everyone not a select lot. So god knows how they'd cope with that.. they should take some tips from these penis pill spammers, they seem to get a good million an hour out or something ]
Well, seems not all has lost items.
But those who has, seems to have lost items on more then 1 char.
So they wouldn't have to send to all on prydwen.
Thank god i seems to not have lost anything important anyway.
Useless crap i cba to rightnow, tho not sure i have lost anything.
Sometimes i feel like such a lucky bastid. :)
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Post by Sharkith »

I don't know about a lot of this thread, I am not sure what to really think about this all just yet. I have had a month away from the game more or less (with the exception of one nights gaming three weeks ago and last night). I have missed my friends and I am really saddened to see a lot of people whom I have come to know see hour and hours of very earnest gameplay go up in smoke.

I have total sympathy with Peat (Cryn) on this thread but it is a little hasty. Too hasty perhaps.

Here is what I am currently thinking. GOA have promised to provide all people who regularly play on Prydwen (Alb, Hibbie, Mid) with a service. We trusted them. Many of us have ploughed years of hobby time into playing this game on that measure of trust. Now that trust in them and this service has been shaken to the core.

Suddenly we have all found that for whatever reason the service that we trust with 99% (in some cases) of our free time is not to be trusted . We cannot expect it to always return what we expected of it. What are we to do? GOA what would you have us do?

For me there is a very careful equation here. Many people's trust in this service has been shaken to the core. What can GOA do to repair that trust? I am not sure that any form of compensation package is addressing this core issue. Many of us have lost nothing but many of us are asking - what is the point of ploughing so much time into this server when it can so easily vanish. Puff - in smoke or pixels or whatever.

Compensation is one thing trust is something else entirely. I have yet to hear anyone from GOA come out and explain just what we are supposed to do when the system we trusted has presented itself as so obviously flawed.

Requiel I suspect you will not reply to this post I expect it is going to get lost in the irate posts that are flooding into the board as I type and preview what I am reading. Please give some thought to this very important issue.

It seems that many of the poor sods that have lost items will never have them replaced. Am I right? I don't know. It is possible that in a week or so I will be coming here saying that we could not even trust you to put right the wrongs of this accident or whatever?

Tell me Requiel please do because we are all listening.

Compenaste those who have been wronged and begin to repair the trust we once had in your company - stop and think very carefully many people are begining to indicate that this compensation is not working and cannot even begin to repay templates that cost upwards on 300plat to build - not to mention the time.....

I want to trust you again I really do.
Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Cromcruaich »

count(*) as cnt
item_name NOT IN (SELECT item_name FROM server_items)
AND NOT player_items.item_type = 'Rog n other crap'


.... oh shit.

Actually its a function of the db to detect corruption, not the backups, this is the ultimate responsibility of the DBA. Obviously GOA have a problem that they are running a db that appears to have no RI.

Oh and rather than comment on the rest of the posts, I agree with the spirit of Peat and Xest's posts with regards the service. Keep up the vociferous posts Xest, no point taking any prisoners.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by stupeh »

No disrespect Sharkith, but i REALLY hope you don't get any answers from Requiel. Any time spent replying here could have been used to restore someones items. Not saying this because i would like my rightnow processed quicker, as my accounts were totally untouched, but so everyone can get the things back asap. :>

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Post by Kari »

Xest wrote:But that's just it, this isn't a one off screw up is it? It's one of many constant screw ups.

Satyn, don't blame me for shooting the messenger, when I present facts about GOA's lack of professionality Requiel is the one who seems to take it personally, he then decides to go off and try and attack me which basically just proves more my point about how unprofessional GOA actually are.

Tell me Requiel, why is it only my comments that you seem to take so much to heart? Do I keep striking some kind of nerve? Instead of coming here making excuses, twisting some comments, ignoring others why don't you relay back this feedback to your managers and point out how bad GOAs reputation actually is so that they can go about fixing it rather than just continuing to prove that GOA are the biggest bunch of blame-shifting, problem ignoring, unprofessional people on the planet? Requiel can argue with me all he wants about whether something I says is true or not, but again as I said already it doesn't do anything to change the fact GOA are doing a whole lot of things wrong and offering and outright terrible service.
Since so many people seem to want to disagree with Xest over this issue based around the fact he plays US these days, I'd like to step into the ring & say I agree entirely with the statements he has posted on here regarding goa.

I'm a paying EU customer, and I think it's about time GoA & their employees took some flak. How many of you lot who actually work out there could suspend 50% (of the UK's) service for 10 days and not take flak? Likewise for Requiel, take the flak & move on. You're a community rep, and after a very bad period in your company's performance you should expect some tricky questions - suck it up & carry on. At least you're being paid for your time, eh?

So instead of being all lovely towards the GM who reset that encounter for you & you dont want to upset, and being all nasty to that forum bloke who seems to stir up so much controversy - try reading what each one of them says, and actually understanding the issue, that of customer service & confidence in a product.

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Requiel wrote: Seeing as you're so interested in the way the service runs here are some stats for you, 95% of all RightNow queries are answered with 25 hours, 60% are answered within 1 hour.
Ahh yes, the old support stat trick of saying x% queries were answered in time x.

Answered needn't mean resolved, it means there has been a reply. And those that are flagged as resolved are done so by the goa support desk, and not by client signoff. Also, to make the stats even more favourable all reports that are not themselves issues seen as requiring a fix are presumably also set as resolved, such as 'Majsan was using radar', ok noted, this has now been resolved :D

Note that I just use that name randomly, could of said penlid.

Ofcourse the other point is that percentages are pretty meaningless unless you know the numbers involved. 60% could be 3 people out of 5!
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Jupi »

Kari wrote:Since so many people seem to want to disagree with Xest over this issue based around the fact he plays US these days, I'd like to step into the ring & say I agree entirely with the statements he has posted on here regarding goa.

I'm a paying EU customer, and I think it's about time GoA & their employees took some flak. How many of you lot who actually work out there could suspend 50% (of the UK's) service for 10 days and not take flak? Likewise for Requiel, take the flak & move on. You're a community rep, and after a very bad period in your company's performance you should expect some tricky questions - suck it up & carry on. At least you're being paid for your time, eh?

So instead of being all lovely towards the GM who reset that encounter for you & you dont want to upset, and being all nasty to that forum bloke who seems to stir up so much controversy - try reading what each one of them says, and actually understanding the issue, that of customer service & confidence in a product.
Nah, i dont think its a case of Xest bashing tbh, but his comments would carry more clout if he was an active member. And btw i'm in agreement with most of them.

You also have to remember that Prydwen population constitutes 6-7% of the total european population. So yes its an inconvieniance what happened but not a catastrophy (sp) for GOA.

Also with clustering Prydwen will be no more and general english popualtion will increase.......
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Post by Belisar »

Cromcruaich wrote:Ahh yes, the old support stat trick of saying x% queries were answered in time x.

I am still trying to fathom the fact that there are a million characters on prydwen !!!

Wonder where they all went ? Or will the albs soon create a mega zerg and smash the lot of us.
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Post by Xest »

Belisar wrote:I am still trying to fathom the fact that there are a million characters on prydwen !!!

Wonder where they all went ? Or will the albs soon create a mega zerg and smash the lot of us.
Well we could start a count, I had 10.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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