should a Mod be punished for saying "stfu and die"

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What should happen to Xest for replying "stfu and die" to a post

nothing (added by request)
nothing (added by request)
nothing (added by request)
nothing (added by request)
nothing (added by request)
Total votes: 127

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Heta wrote:Thats bullshit tbh, its a bloody forum. Who the hell cares?
Puppet wrote:Why have a moderator then, if nobody cares?
Adianna wrote:That's because you're scary.
lol Im as scary as a wet sock :P (which ofc can be scary if its a sweaty one!)


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Jupi wrote:no crucifiction then?
Crucifiction? Door to the left, one cross each.

Edit: or what ever they say in Life Of Brian :P


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Post by pikeh »

Ankh Morpork wrote:Crucifiction? Door to the left, one cross each.

Edit: or what ever they say in Life Of Brian :P

LINE on the left!


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Post by Kallima »

<Skims through the insanity that has taken over the forum and hopes Prydwen is back very fast.>

Oh for heavens sake... If someone has a position of power and trust and abuses it because he don't like someone or is in a bad mood because his coffee spilt, then that isn't acceptable. But there were no rules. Make the rules. Make a version for mods. If any mods don't wish to accept the restrictions on their personal posting then they can give up the position. If any mod accepts the rules and then abuses them then you have rules on what happens.

I don't think a poll with restricted options is really the way to handle this, though I suppose it gives some feel for the mood of the community. <Leaves the all powerful Banana to sort it out.>

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Post by Sharkith »

<peeps out from behind a big pile of wood>

"So we burning Xest? I voted yes."


Seriously chill out folks - as for the new draft CoC I am not so sure about it - it leaves a lot for interpretation. You would have to have a series of rules to guide your mods because if say Xest read that and say ermmmm Ankh the reuslts might be very different.

So be careful - of course the racism and nudity rules are fine but it is some of the other stuff about flaming etc. I am not sure about how those would actually work out in practice.

O and it is nice to be finally back again - time for a coffee. Whoever put this thread up thanks - it was entertaining - I hope you realise that not many of us are taking it very seriously.

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Post by Tare »

Rules are simple, they should be applied using common sense ;o) Any decent person should be able to decide, when looking at the context in which its placed, whether "I hope you get hit by a meteor" is a bannable offense or not.
Xest should not loose mod rights by the way, he's a good mod, just a bit more outspoken than the other mods :) Kinda like Tilda on FH ;)
I'm a Xest fanboi, just don't always agree with him :D

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Post by Poliava »

After reading the first 10 pages i got tired and pressed "Last >>" sorry =)

Before voting on this, people should know in what relation this "abusive language" was posted... As i see it, it has been posted out of context, very onesided, without any....pryd is up oO....gotta go =)

anyway, what happended to the happyness and forgiveness ? dont worry be happy, no need to create bad feelings and making the mob ban people :)
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Post by Quinlan »

Sharkith wrote: I hope you realise that not many of us are taking it very seriously.
Wise words for such a small Luri!

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Post by Mojo »

Let Xest keep his job........or else!!!!!
look, no hands!

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Post by Jupi »

Mojo wrote:Let Xest keep his job........or else!!!!!
mojo for mod.... i think
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