Realm Lotto and Event's

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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

But it also makes it possible to craft yourself like 50 gems with different numbers and cheat :P

You could ask goa if there is any chance they can make 50 tickets for you with numbers on them. (if possible that is)

Edit: ....or so i've heard atleast!!!!


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Post by Kabane »

no ankh f we do it lariodds way and make 2 copys of each tickt ill know none is teying to cheat as the items that the tickets are crafted on will be crafted by me so it you will only beable to claim if u can give me the ticket and then i check its made by me and the nummbers corspond :-)

Lairiodd i like your second idear .. i understand it !!!!!!!!!!

im still confused how to work your first idear :-/ i just cant seem to put it in practice. but your second one will work :-OOO

Ok Guys from 7pm Uk time ill have 500g and 50g Raffle tickets on my CM for you to Buys for the Lotto there will be 2 copys of each one for you to buy and one for my copy, 1 hour before the Lotto i will take the tickets off sale i will then nummber all the ticets 1 to X amount then do /random X at the main Event i will check the random nummber up agest the nummbers i have asigned the tickets then i will tell everyone EG
And the winner is
5 void
10 ment
5 enchantment
20 creeping

as lairiodd sugested :-)

Thx you lairiodd this way will work fine i think :-) .

My house Nummber is 3590 Plz go ther for you tickets guy's

cheers Kabane
As a safe guard agest ME cheeting the Event organisers Cannot take part in the Lotto Ie Me¬¬¬¬

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Post by Amedor »

Would like to sign up for teh dueling competition then. Though I'll get pwned a lot :(
Retired until further notice

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Post by Jupi »

i'll fight, wtf warden doing in healer class?..... nm signing up... no ra's huh hmmm looks like i will have to respec to toughness5, MoPain4, Aug Quickness2, Det2, Aug Con2, AoM2, Aug Str3..... bring it on :D
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistance. Talent will not: nothing more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistance and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.......

El Grapplo RR10+ ML10 Warden :sheepskip
Silken RR3 Chanter :banghead:

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Post by Kabane »

Righto guys sold but 1 ticket so far So ill give it till the end of sat night .. if nomore have gone ill take them off the CM and sell hummbers like i did on the Raffle so that means almost 2 weeks of sitting in DL for u lazzy buggers.

For the ones that want to be in the fighting compO Please sign up so i can start the arrangements :-) i have 2 ppl so far so come on guys get in the spirt of thing its gonna be a full day event with not only fighting but ram races and other events lots and LOT's of prizes to be given away !

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Post by Bourkey »

50 ranger signing up :)

and lol jupi ;) think ill go get me some Physical Defense ^^ :p
[19:25] Jupiler: in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here...when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer

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Post by Bugzy »

I'll sign up my battlebard, could be fun.

Warden would be better off in tank section if you ask me. Druids and bards should be able to kite a warden unless reg. spec'd.

Have you considered class duels like bard vs bard as to be honest, some classes will be ripped a new one by others (animists vs other casters for example - stun will be nasty).

Spec doesn't matter as much for most classes but for a bard it may affect it alot. The ability to have 2 effective damage outputs vs. red aoe mezz and red speed which is what most group bards have isn't as friendly as 2 chanters dueling, one mana, one light for example.
Bard - ML 8 - RR4Lx - 33/37/43
Vampiir - ML 1 - RR3Lx - 38/32/43

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Post by Kabane »

Signing up Hero = Kabane lvl50 (tank class)
the faster you guys sign up the quicker youll see who fighting who :-O
it'll also let me get an idear of how many more events ill have to do to to make it a full packed fun day:-)


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Post by Ethild »

I should be OK to attend.

Signing up Ethilds (Warden).
<Severance> GM.
Ethilds RR9 Warden
Minikene RR6 Ranger

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Post by Bourkey »

Perhaps should unstick it as tbh i didnt notice it till not log ago ut being right up top :p maybe make a new thread with a link to here
[19:25] Jupiler: in heaven there is no beer, thats why we drink it here...when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer

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