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Emerald Rider
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Post by Xest »

No offence Ankh but you do seem somewhat to blindly follow the media/political bandwagon even though it's not necessarily true.
I do know how the U.N is run mate. This was nothing they voted for, it was just reports by their weapon inspectors which should have been enough.
Sounds good in theory but have you checked how big Iraq is? The fact is the weapon inspections were a waste of time in some ways, it would've taken years and years to find anything if there was anything. Weapons inspectors sound great in theory, but they'll only find things that goverments wanted to be found, I think it's probably true that there is no WMDs in Iraq BUT in all fairness there's still some possibility they could exist and could be hidden out in the desert - again it's something we'll likely never know unless we stumble across them though so you are correct in assuming now that there are no weapons, for the time being at least.

I do agree with the questionable legality of the war though I must say, we're in the UN for a reason so to just outright ignore it is a bad choice on our and America's behalf, but again if you realistically thought Iraq posed a real threat then would you hesitate just because of what can often be an overly politically correct body? The other thing to remember is the French interference with the vote, the fact they threatened to veto the vote either way. The French didn't want us going into Iraq because they accepted a lot of bribes from and sold a lot of weapons to the old Iraqi regime. Like you said though if the vetos didn't exist then that wouldn't have been an issue and we could have had a much more fair vote on the war on Iraq.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Xest wrote:No offence Ankh but you do seem somewhat to blindly follow the media/political bandwagon even though it's not necessarily true.

Sounds good in theory but have you checked how big Iraq is? The fact is the weapon inspections were a waste of time in some ways, it would've taken years and years to find anything if there was anything. Weapons inspectors sound great in theory, but they'll only find things that goverments wanted to be found, I think it's probably true that there is no WMDs in Iraq BUT in all fairness there's still some possibility they could exist and could be hidden out in the desert - again it's something we'll likely never know unless we stumble across them though so you are correct in assuming now that there are no weapons, for the time being at least.

I do agree with the questionable legality of the war though I must say, we're in the UN for a reason so to just outright ignore it is a bad choice on our and America's behalf, but again if you realistically thought Iraq posed a real threat then would you hesitate just because of what can often be an overly politically correct body? The other thing to remember is the French interference with the vote, the fact they threatened to veto the vote either way. The French didn't want us going into Iraq because they accepted a lot of bribes from and sold a lot of weapons to the old Iraqi regime. Like you said though if the vetos didn't exist then that wouldn't have been an issue and we could have had a much more fair vote on the war on Iraq.
None taken what so ever! I do know how big iraq is, but still CIA claimed they had proofs of mass destruction weapons and that iraq was a threat to the world peace. All which turned out to be wrong. (well, we'll never know about the world peace I guess).
Unlike CIA the UN's weapon inspectors had atleast been in iraq (well, cia too proberbly but undercover I guess which makes it abit harder to spot everything)
Im not blindly following what the media says, if I had done that I would have been ok with the war in the first place...but I dont try to protect people who have done wrong - Bush/Blair. I think they should be held responsible for whats going on instead of blaming it on the people working under them.
What use is the United Nations if countries just ignore what they say?


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

I agreed on the first iraqi war, since they did attack another country. But the second one I was against even before media finally started to wake up and report other things apart from the stuff the 'chosen' reporters did.


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Speaking of france accepting bribes and selling weapons...correct me if Im wrong, but CIA sold weapons to Saddam in the first place? (or was it to iran?).

Edit: Entertaining discussion btw, since you have requested more actual Quotes ill try and give you some before making any more statements.


Emerald Rider
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Post by Xest »

CIA sold to a lot of people, who do you think armed half the Taliban in the first place :p They were fighting a combination of their own equipment and stuff stolen from the Russians when they went into Afghanistan in 2001. The CIA armed the Afghans with the aim of helping them defeat the Russians.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Xest wrote:CIA sold to a lot of people, who do you think armed half the Taliban in the first place :p They were fighting a combination of their own equipment and stuff stolen from the Russians when they went into Afghanistan in 2001. The CIA armed the Afghans with the aim of helping them defeat the Russians.
I knew about the talibans...but I wasnt sure if it was iraq or iran they sold weapons too..

Edit: I'll see if I can get my brother to join the discussion, would be nice to have some backup since your 3 against 1 atm :D


Emerald Rider
Posts: 3166
Joined: Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:00 pm

Post by Xest »

3 against 1? Are you saying I'm fat :< ?
Che Xefan, el presidente.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Xest wrote:3 against 1? Are you saying I'm fat :< ?
Haha well..maybe...but ive got you, finolin and sharkith against me :P kind of anyway!


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Location: London

Post by Finolin »

Ankh Morpork wrote:Seems to me like you can't accept anyone saying anything bad about the U.S..but ofcourse, I could be wrong :)
I appreciate criticism grounded in fact and supported with examples. I point out unsupported opinions for what they are.
Ankh Morpork wrote:I do know how the U.N is run mate.
What you said was "the U.N was overrun by the Yanks totally" which suggests that you do not. The United Nations is run independently from and sometimes at odds with the United States.
Ankh Morpork wrote: Edit: Since you call it US bashing...you know, its not bashing just cos I say negative things about your country...I can do the same about my own country if that makes you happy :)
You can say what you like about the United States, and I'm sure you'll grant me the same when I point out where I think you are wrong.
Ankh Morpork wrote: Edit2: Critics of the U.S. invasion of Iraq have emphasized the failure to find any weapons of mass destruction and the lack of evidence to prove an Iraqi connection to al Qaeda and the 9-11 attacks. However, an even more compelling issue is often overlooked--that the invasion of Iraq was a flagrant violation of international law, since it was undertaken without Security Council authorization and therefore in violation of the UN Charter. As a result it was illegal, and those who carried it out can be held responsible for war crimes.
While that is an opinion you may share with some people, others point out the language in Resolution 1441 (which was passed) called for "serious consequences" in a context that has been interpreted as a trigger for military action. As it stands, there has been (to my knowledge) no ruling by the United Nations on this and no resolution passed condemning the invation, so for now those against the war have their opinion and those for it have theirs. You are welcomed to your opinion, but it is just that, an opinion.

Actually wait - is that your opinion? If you're going to quote directly from someone else, it would be good to point out where your words end and theirs begin. For instance, the last paragraph of yours that I quoted above seems to have been cut and pasted from http://help.lockergnome.com/lofiversion ... 31013.html.
Finolin, 50th Elven Void Eldritch ML10 Convoker
Felia, 50th Celt Bard ML10 Sojourner
Fert, 50th Sylvan Arboreal Animist ML10 Convoker
Finality, 50th Sylvan Valewalker ML10 Battlemaster
Finoshar, 50th Shar Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Findrid, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Fiat, 50th Celt Druid ML10 Perfector
Finesty, 50th Shar Mentalist ML10 Warlord
Fung, 50th Sylvan Verdant Animist ML10 Convoker
Finchant, 50th Elven Mana Enchanter ML10 Convoker

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Finolin wrote:I Actually wait - is that your opinion? If you're going to quote directly from someone else, it would be good to point out where your words end and theirs begin. For instance, the last paragraph of yours that I quoted above seems to have been cut and pasted from http://help.lockergnome.com/lofiversion ... 31013.html.
but it was not cut and pasted from that page :) it was another page...and the full EDIT2: was a quote. Not sure why you got upset by this one tbh, cos it still reflects my opinion.
Finolin wrote:What you said was "the U.N was overrun by the Yanks totally" which suggests that you do not. The United Nations is run independently from and sometimes at odds with the United States.
Oh I do know that it is run independently, I never claimed it to do anything else. But since Blixt reported there was no WMD the US totally ignored it.

Edit: The quote was proberbly not said by anyone famous, but I still agree with it and thats why I quoted it.


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