I lub you Hibbehs :D

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Post by Mojo »

Gamblor wrote::gamblor:
You have a smiley addiction, go see a doctor!
look, no hands!

Now retired

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Post by Brite »

Banana wrote:nah no need

i figured it was a private joke but to the rest of the forum it seemed rather dodgy comment - so just required explination :D
wasnt a private joke i think the guy is just weird ;/ who is he ;/

and go away evers ;p

and now luris you cannot hurt me with your little plastic toy hammers, now go on ya little rascals

i want more elpf and luwi lub ;<

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Post by Lothandar »

Banana wrote:the more time i spend on pryd.net the more people i truely believe take drugs in the world :p

And relic - that seemed to be a private joke?!?
No, he was serious!

/runs away

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Post by everz »

!! Calling all Luwi's !! Calling all Luwi's !!

Start the Rebellion, for a long time we have been abused and used as siege material...

NOW!.. We are going to strike back!..

Coming to a cinema near you.
deleted/sold rip daoc

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