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Post by Dorin »

Childofkhain wrote:not a lot of people know that.
you well know that there was a treaty between Poland and Britain i hope (germans know about it aswell). Germans known well what will happen if they start the invasion of Poland, though the nasty way they tried to show the world that it was a provocated act from Poland (radio_station story at border) was rather pathetic.

Germany also ignored the final British ultimatum which was sent on the sept1, declarence of war was on sept3, such backstab allrite lol

before posting get your facts right.

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Post by Satyn »

Childofkhain wrote:yes i beat animals if they deserve it - humans are animals and they very often deserve to be beaten senceless for what they have done. My country is going to shit because of what other people are doing to it, a long time ago my ancestors ruled part of my country - the people prosperd and life was good people knew their place in society - now every one thinks they are somthing they are not, its an abomination of how things should be.

People who have never paid taxes are now in a position to live of a government that isnt even their own native one - how is that just? how is that fair? How can it be allowed?

Being blunt it isnt and untill things are resolved I will be this way, tbh I dont care what ppl think but i respect people for having opinions - but what I dont want is some whiny little turd comming to me in the middle of a raid going - ooh your doing ml 1 and 2 I didnt see that on the topic, and I though you said you had 4 of these already and we were only going to get one for creditc - wtf it was the friking header of the topic stfu and get back to killing mobs and re read the damn post /SLAP.

If people did 3 very simple things raids would be easier:
1: If you sign up attend if you cant attend give decent warning - 6 hours minimal.

2: RTBPX2 = Read The Bloody Post Twice and if you really have to read it again so you know whats being done, you know what you need and you know the rules and you know what might and what might not happen. If you cannot keep to the rules its simple - dont friking bother showing your face.

3: Raid leader is like a Games Master, on the raid they are leading they are god, they say jump you are in the air asking how high, they say suicide and pull that mob - you should be taking off your armor getting ready to die fast, if they say we need X items to complete Z part of the raid do not question them do not even ponder why - they are the raid leader - you are their minions DO AS YOU ARE TOLD AND IT WILL BE OVER FASTER.

if people followed these fairly simple rules <the only problem i forsee is somone being incapable of reading AT ALL> then raid will be smother there will be less moaning and things will be done faster.

I think your mum dropped you on your head when you was born or something. Nobody in there reasonable mind would think the way you do!

You dont go beating up animals mister! You are lucky you live far away from me. Ppl like you are the reason dogs etc go crazy and attack other ppl. And then the dog has to be killed. Imo they should do the same with the owner.

You are a very frustrated person and I really hope you are NOT like this in real life or you will die very lonely.

I dont even understand ppl turn up on your raids tbh.

you are sick

/glad i got this of my mind
Fallen Spirits GM
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Post by Aran_Thule »

Childofkhain wrote:well if you beat a human he cowers in fear if you beat a dog it cowers in fear if you reward a dog its happy and believes what it just did gets rewarded and so will repeat itself if you reward a human if will either belive that it has done somthing right or see it as a weakness and try to take advantage - go figure
And there were people calling me a tyrant. <laughs>
If i had that kind of attitude i would expect only three people to show up for my raids... me, myself and i.

In the above example you might see the human as cowering in fear but secretly they are plotting your demise and checking if they have a friend with a bigger stick then yours. :p

But as you said, read the rules and if you dont like them then dont go.
Guess what, i dont think ill be going along on your raids and feel sorry for any that do given that you treat them like dirt.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by `Naema »

Finolin wrote:This is a very important point, especially when Childofkhain is leading as he's been known to edit them in the middle of the raid. So read the rules every few minutes to see if things like "Loot rolling is at raid leaders descreasion [sic]. <<<< AS USUAL!!!" show up a few hours into the raid. Post, complete with edit mark nearly three hours into the raid, is here.

Mmmm ok :flame:

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Post by Childofkhain »

Ok perhaps a few key points that people have missed here:
1: I am not Xcerus / Zcerus / Scerus / Mcerus / any other chars with [XXX]cerus

2: I am Childofkhain - that is all no more no less on this server atm

3: I do not own a dog i infact own 2 animals both of which are cats - why - because cats arnt retarded and are fully able to look after themselfs - i have NEVER had to tell them of since they passed the age of 6 months for ANYTHING. They do not bring dead animals into the house, they do not pee on my floor, they do not crap on my floor, if they have a furball comming they go outside they come in at 9:30 <BST> for breakfast and 6:30 <BST> for dinner - ALLWAYS They come and sit on my lap they play with me they are good animals and there is nothing wrong with them. However if i ever had reason to tell them off i would.

I used to have a dog, the only way to get through to them is to tell them off and often to smakk them once or twice when they are bad at a young age then they wont mess about when they are older. My dog could sit, heal<somthing a lot of dogs fail to do>, lie down, fetch, beg, roll over etc etc it would even wait till it was told it was ok to eat its food - unfortunatly some fuckwit ran it over when a friend of mine was looking after it and left the garden gate open. I have never got another dog because i know it will never be as good as that dog.

I love all animals with one exception: Humans - why? because they are the only animal on this planet that will go about with the aim to intentionally harm another <with the exception of some other primates> for little to no reason - all other animals kill for food / sustinence. Some animals will hunt for pleasure if they are not taught what is right from wrong at a young age.

3: On my raids people are treated as equals till one of the following happens:
A: they excel and do somthing really well for the raid - then they are rewarded <see my raid rules for the arti raid>

B: They do somthing stupid and get every one / most of the party killed - I have stern words with them and keep an eye on them in any future raids of a similar nature <ie: arti raids in this case>

C: They chug along and turn up every week to my raid, they get recognition through bonuses <again see my arti raid>

Answers to a few questions/statements:

Satyn + Ankh: You dont know me and i dont know you so how you belive you can get an accurate personal image of me from a statement is quite beyond me <claps> Also I dont make statements based on what little I know of you.
From the pictures section I COULD say the following about you:
Satyn: Bit of a slapper but probably ok irl
Ankh: Omg he is going to mug us all.

However im not:
A: An insensitive pric who is not in touch with reality
B: Somone who jumps to conclusions based on no hard facts
C: An outgoing person who has a variety of people to socialise with including but not limited to: Jews, Christians, Satanists, Goths, Hippies, Muslims, Budhists, Seek's, Hindu's, Evangelichists, Scientologists, Homosexuals, Transexuals, Nerds, Grungers, Townies, R&B fanatics, People on the dole, People <or members of their family> who earn more than £1 million a year, Homeless, HIV suffers, Sporty Jock types, Lazy couch potatoes, Crazy Russians, Nutty Scotsmen, Essex Chicks, People who play mmorpg's, people who pen and paper role play, Larpers, Crazy music people who play umpteen different instruments and sing like an angel <damn them>, manga lovers, "vampires" <goth thingy tbh>, quite types, Science brainiacs, Computer wizzies, call centre dudes, Brainy people who have been to oxford and cambridge <0o i know i was like wtf at the time as well>, Guildies, People who work in Game, Horsy people, Pro foxhunters, Anti foxhunters, People in america .... the list goes on and on

So dont judge me before you know me just as i havnt judged you or anyone else here and if it looks like I am judging you tell me and I will quosh your doubts / fears.

Dorin: Im not going to take this any further after this statement: The germans may have been in the wrong however that does not excuse the breach of a treaty signed in good faith. If such things where condoned then america would be nuking the crap out of more places that it already has been.

Finolin: That edit was the <<<AS USUAL because people couldnt seem to find it on my post so i pointed it out to them - if i knew how i would have edited it to bold just to make the point. <blegh just looked above the smilies - damn it>

Mirari: Every one has their own ways of treating their animals for you it appears to be the "i am alpha male/female, im incharge which is fine." For me its "I know what is best for you, dont piss about and we will get on fine." The only exception to this rule is going to be a pet like a fish tbh 0o. however each to their own and so long as it works then thats all that matters. <to the public dont give me that lets nuke a country because its good for us crap im not interested and it has nothing to do with this statement>

Banana: I live in England yes but not in cambridge... Xest trying to be big and failing there tbh.

Elrandhir: I could be wrong but i think you are taking my reference to beating a little to far - we are not talking about taking a baseball bat and beating the animal till its brains leak out of its head, that is sick and disturbed. We are talking about slapping them on the side / haunches when they do somthing bad to let them know it was bad backed up by saying "No" in a stern voice - please dont jump to conclusions.

If i missed anyone's questions let me know or if you have any more go ahead and ask...
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Childofkhain wrote: 3: I do not own a dog i infact own 2 animals both of which are cats - why - because cats arnt retarded and are fully able to look after themselfs - i have NEVER had to tell them of since they passed the age of 6 months for ANYTHING. They do not bring dead animals into the house, they do not pee on my floor, they do not crap on my floor, if they have a furball comming they go outside they come in at 9:30 <BST> for breakfast and 6:30 <BST> for dinner - ALLWAYS They come and sit on my lap they play with me they are good animals and there is nothing wrong with them. However if i ever had reason to tell them off i would.
And exactly what would you concider be good enough reason to tell them off?
Childofkhain wrote:Satyn + Ankh: You dont know me and i dont know you so how you belive you can get an accurate personal image of me from a statement is quite beyond me <claps> Also I dont make statements based on what little I know of you.
From the pictures section I COULD say the following about you:
Satyn: Bit of a slapper but probably ok irl
Ankh: Omg he is going to mug us all.
First of all, I didnt judge you on anything else apart from your comments. And the things I quoted are the things that made me - and still do - concider you a fruitcake. Those quotes are good enough unless you actually said those things but mean something completely different.
Childofkhain wrote:Dorin: Im not going to take this any further after this statement: The germans may have been in the wrong however that does not excuse the breach of a treaty signed in good faith. If such things where condoned then america would be nuking the crap out of more places that it already has been.
Just like the germans did with Russia. As I said earlier. Also, the yanks break rules/laws all the time so please don't bring them into this discussion.

Your right, reading posts is NOT enough to judge anyone - but it sure is a good start. Much better way to judge somebody than looking at a picture and say 'Omg he is going to mug us all' thats a pretty impressive conclusion from just looking at a picture tbh.
ChildofKhain wrote:because they are the only animal on this planet that will go about with the aim to intentionally harm another
So thats why you hate humans? You do know that everyone is born innocent? And since thats the case, the ones that intentionally harm others are the victims of either a bad childhood or bad parents OR brain damage. (you could ofcourse add other incidents too, but to become 'evil' you really need something in your life to make you that way). You know, just like with the humans you can find this among animals aswell..so please dont give me that crap.

Speaking of it, since english isnt my main language Im not 100% sure what you mean with "Bit of a slapper but probably ok irl" so if anyone would be kind enough to explain the "slapper" part about Satyn I would appriciate alot.


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Post by Satyn »

Ankh Morpork wrote:
Speaking of it, since english isnt my main language Im not 100% sure what you mean with "Bit of a slapper but probably ok irl" so if anyone would be kind enough to explain the "slapper" part about Satyn I would appriciate alot.


it means that from the sights of my pic he says i sleep around a lot and am easy. Just had it translated myself
Fallen Spirits GM
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Post by Flobba Job »

Childofkhain wrote:Ok perhaps a few key points that people have missed here:
1: I am not Xcerus / Zcerus / Scerus / Mcerus / any other chars with [XXX]cerus

2: I am Childofkhain - that is all no more no less on this server atm

3: I do not own a dog i infact own 2 animals both of which are cats - why - because cats arnt retarded and are fully able to look after themselfs - i have NEVER had to tell them of since they passed the age of 6 months for ANYTHING. They do not bring dead animals into the house, they do not pee on my floor, they do not crap on my floor, if they have a furball comming they go outside they come in at 9:30 <BST> for breakfast and 6:30 <BST> for dinner - ALLWAYS They come and sit on my lap they play with me they are good animals and there is nothing wrong with them. However if i ever had reason to tell them off i would.

I used to have a dog, the only way to get through to them is to tell them off and often to smakk them once or twice when they are bad at a young age then they wont mess about when they are older. My dog could sit, heal<somthing a lot of dogs fail to do>, lie down, fetch, beg, roll over etc etc it would even wait till it was told it was ok to eat its food - unfortunatly some fuckwit ran it over when a friend of mine was looking after it and left the garden gate open. I have never got another dog because i know it will never be as good as that dog.

I love all animals with one exception: Humans - why? because they are the only animal on this planet that will go about with the aim to intentionally harm another <with the exception of some other primates> for little to no reason - all other animals kill for food / sustinence. Some animals will hunt for pleasure if they are not taught what is right from wrong at a young age.

3: On my raids people are treated as equals till one of the following happens:
A: they excel and do somthing really well for the raid - then they are rewarded <see my raid rules for the arti raid>

B: They do somthing stupid and get every one / most of the party killed - I have stern words with them and keep an eye on them in any future raids of a similar nature <ie: arti raids in this case>

C: They chug along and turn up every week to my raid, they get recognition through bonuses <again see my arti raid>

Answers to a few questions/statements:

Satyn + Ankh: You dont know me and i dont know you so how you belive you can get an accurate personal image of me from a statement is quite beyond me <claps> Also I dont make statements based on what little I know of you.
From the pictures section I COULD say the following about you:
Satyn: Bit of a slapper but probably ok irl
Ankh: Omg he is going to mug us all.

However im not:
A: An insensitive pric who is not in touch with reality
B: Somone who jumps to conclusions based on no hard facts
C: An outgoing person who has a variety of people to socialise with including but not limited to: Jews, Christians, Satanists, Goths, Hippies, Muslims, Budhists, Seek's, Hindu's, Evangelichists, Scientologists, Homosexuals, Transexuals, Nerds, Grungers, Townies, R&B fanatics, People on the dole, People <or members of their family> who earn more than £1 million a year, Homeless, HIV suffers, Sporty Jock types, Lazy couch potatoes, Crazy Russians, Nutty Scotsmen, Essex Chicks, People who play mmorpg's, people who pen and paper role play, Larpers, Crazy music people who play umpteen different instruments and sing like an angel <damn them>, manga lovers, "vampires" <goth thingy tbh>, quite types, Science brainiacs, Computer wizzies, call centre dudes, Brainy people who have been to oxford and cambridge <0o i know i was like wtf at the time as well>, Guildies, People who work in Game, Horsy people, Pro foxhunters, Anti foxhunters, People in america .... the list goes on and on

So dont judge me before you know me just as i havnt judged you or anyone else here and if it looks like I am judging you tell me and I will quosh your doubts / fears.

Dorin: Im not going to take this any further after this statement: The germans may have been in the wrong however that does not excuse the breach of a treaty signed in good faith. If such things where condoned then america would be nuking the crap out of more places that it already has been.

Finolin: That edit was the <<<AS USUAL because people couldnt seem to find it on my post so i pointed it out to them - if i knew how i would have edited it to bold just to make the point. <blegh just looked above the smilies - damn it>

Mirari: Every one has their own ways of treating their animals for you it appears to be the "i am alpha male/female, im incharge which is fine." For me its "I know what is best for you, dont piss about and we will get on fine." The only exception to this rule is going to be a pet like a fish tbh 0o. however each to their own and so long as it works then thats all that matters. <to the public dont give me that lets nuke a country because its good for us crap im not interested and it has nothing to do with this statement>

Banana: I live in England yes but not in cambridge... Xest trying to be big and failing there tbh.

Elrandhir: I could be wrong but i think you are taking my reference to beating a little to far - we are not talking about taking a baseball bat and beating the animal till its brains leak out of its head, that is sick and disturbed. We are talking about slapping them on the side / haunches when they do somthing bad to let them know it was bad backed up by saying "No" in a stern voice - please dont jump to conclusions.

If i missed anyone's questions let me know or if you have any more go ahead and ask...
Tbh... i read some of this threasd (not this post, just parts... too lazy to read all of it) but tbh i don't like your attitude you screwed up little piece of shit, NO abusing people who are my friends such as Ankh and Satyn, sure you may not like them cause i sure as hell know they don't like you, but they are really nice people, ALSO! dogs are not retarded, the only reason they act screwed up sometimes is cause of assholes like you, so don't you dare blamne a dog, blame yourself, and if you won't do that, then i suggest you get the hell of this website now before you get flamed by everyone who has read this

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Post by Childofkhain »

ankh: Stop - re read my post particularly the bit about you.....

i will give you some time....

done yet?

I will assume so... Now you see the COULD part .... yes well done COULD and only DID as an example. If your english isnt that great fine... not my problem and not yours either but at least make sure you read a post you are replying to...

oh and slapper: I <personally> would translate into somone who enjoys teasing men for their <Her in this case> entertainment and is infact leading them on. <this will be done with as many men as possible> It is not limited to women, men can also be slappers. It basically references to somone you would like to slap for being so forward.

and again could and used in example but not what i actually feel - i am netural to every one in this forum appart from my guildies who i know a little better due to TS etc...
Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Luz »

think your train has come and passed with this thread Childofkhain...

ironically suitable name it seems
Bah. Lv50s.
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