Would people be intrested to do historical raids?
Never seen any of the mentioned so i would be more than willing to lend a hand depending on times etc.
Anghar Elven Dancer and wine drinker
Yarisshel Ranger and poor shot
Varisshel Full of Enchantments
Ismad Harlequin Keeper of the Magic Log
Anghared Baker of Gwenneddes BOOM cake
Feeney Insomniac Legendary Tailor
Garsshel Into the Void
Yarisshel Ranger and poor shot
Varisshel Full of Enchantments
Ismad Harlequin Keeper of the Magic Log
Anghared Baker of Gwenneddes BOOM cake
Feeney Insomniac Legendary Tailor
Garsshel Into the Void
Historical Raids
Yep count me in too please. We've just started doing something similar as guild events in the Marsh Horde but we simply can't generate enough numbers really to get to and take on some of the bigger mobs. :diss:
What would the appropriate level requirement be for these raids?
I've done what's to be done on Midgard when it comes to pve raids, Legion three times, midgard dragon around 100 times, the Rift once (se post on page 1), Tuscarian Glacier 20ish times, even went hunting named Svartalfs and Drakulvs just to see if they dropped anything fun..
But as you may or may not know, me and my mates are only approaching lvl 40 at the moment, so maybe we should pray that the organization of such raids would take about a month from now?
That would ensure we were around lvl 45 at least, would be priceless to do any high level Hibernia pve raids for us, since we're brand new newbies and all.
*begins muttering prayers*
I've done what's to be done on Midgard when it comes to pve raids, Legion three times, midgard dragon around 100 times, the Rift once (se post on page 1), Tuscarian Glacier 20ish times, even went hunting named Svartalfs and Drakulvs just to see if they dropped anything fun..
But as you may or may not know, me and my mates are only approaching lvl 40 at the moment, so maybe we should pray that the organization of such raids would take about a month from now?

*begins muttering prayers*
Myshkin - lvl 47 - celt Bard
Maktub - lvl 2x - shar Hero
<Keepers of the Grove>
Frekke - rr8L2 - norse Healer - mend/pac
Klonk - rr5L5 - troll Warrior - axe/shield
Fanden - 1150 skill weaponmakerdude
Fanden - lvl 37 troll Berserker
Myshkin - lvl 47 - celt Bard
Maktub - lvl 2x - shar Hero
<Keepers of the Grove>
Frekke - rr8L2 - norse Healer - mend/pac
Klonk - rr5L5 - troll Warrior - axe/shield
Fanden - 1150 skill weaponmakerdude
Fanden - lvl 37 troll Berserker
hmm, most quests related to these mobs have level limit of 48+. But you ofc dont have to do the quests. I feel no level limit, as long as you bring your own rezzer =) For some of the loot there is some level limits, such as respeccing stones and mp drops.
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln
i was one of the first people i think to find the giant mushroom wiped 5fgs on it a long time ago 
dont think ive killed it but then not too fussed about giant mushroom it was always fun to kite back to one of the noobie towns and let it unleash its fury
hyrdra tbh ive seen killed and it dropped crap but its a good mob all the same actually requires more than SHROOM! as the heads have different damage types and stuff and iP a lot
legion is reasonably easier now lots of mushrooms will drop him fast
Dragon has been changed and might not be so easy as it was before IE teleports people a lot more now

dont think ive killed it but then not too fussed about giant mushroom it was always fun to kite back to one of the noobie towns and let it unleash its fury

hyrdra tbh ive seen killed and it dropped crap but its a good mob all the same actually requires more than SHROOM! as the heads have different damage types and stuff and iP a lot

legion is reasonably easier now lots of mushrooms will drop him fast

Dragon has been changed and might not be so easy as it was before IE teleports people a lot more now
GUYS ! dont make me spam his name :B
Cuuldarach The Glimmer King ,,, kill him already , i could do with a respec stone or two tbh
Cuuldarach The Glimmer King ,,, kill him already , i could do with a respec stone or two tbh

Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD

Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>

Coal Hunter
Natheh BD