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Post by Sharkith »

[quote="Puppet"]Hib/Pryd will loose all relics]

Puppet I like some of these points and as far as I can see RvR is not the problem - in fact I too think we will do well. So good for you if you have two belts!

I am worried about getting new characters ToA'ed - it is bad enough as it is without making things worse. Maybe you have finished all of your ToAing and maybe many others have - then it won't affect those people. It will most likely hit people like me very hard - I have a very busy RL situation and I just cannot plan to play and grind in time like many others here so ToA has presented me with a virtually insurmountable problem.

Now I potentially face a harder situation I am fairly sure I might have to consider playing something else. It is the ToA influence on the endgame that is causing the most worry here. Not the RvR nor the crafting situation. I feel people should think about this very carefully. Sure they are entitled to vote for what they want and in the case of a dictatorship of the majority the only answer for the one who does not like it is to leave. Now you can't blame me if I have to leave and I feel somewhat bitter at that majority?

I do not farm artis. I hate the thought of spending more time in ToA than I have to. I want to RvR with a Druid or a Bard unfortunately I picked a Nightshade as my first character and I stuck at it until rr4+. Artis here have been a nightmare to get and now it is looking pretty bleak for the druid and the future of my RvR espcially if we end up with people competing for the part of the game that makes RvR most viable.

Can anyone offer anything positive about this specific aspect?

I am listening.

As for those syaing the server will collapse if it is not done. You have no data worth taking about on this point so it is a big non-starter for an argument please lets not cloud the debate with scaremongering. I say this because people might equally be coming back because WoW is not as good in PvP at the moment. So I find that argument thoroughly unconvincing.

I have to say it is actually very depressing. I am beginning to feel that anything I do from now to clustering could be a serious waste of my time. If I find my gaming enviornment suddenly becomes nasty and ignorant then I am afraid I will wish you all the best with your clustered server. I do not want to play a game where I have to confront numpteys on a regular basis - I have enough trouble with that in RL.


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Post by DarkSnaker »

what about our underpopulated problem? yes we will get more hibs, but think about the alb zerg!! I see 1000 albs inc! :mezz:
this could get very very laggy :snail:

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Post by Jobbegea »

DarkSnaker wrote:what about our underpopulated problem? yes we will get more hibs, but think about the alb zerg!! I see 1000 albs inc! :mezz:
this could get very very laggy :snail:


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Post by Rejecta »

ATM its pretty balanced on prydwen, no matter where people pull these numbers from..every time I check who its roughly the same amount on each side. Excalibur will probably unbalance that, and the d000000m sayers are over-hyping things (like they always are)

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Post by Sharkith »

Hi Briannon,

I am not leaving until it either happens and I see for myself if these concerns were to be the case. I would like to hear more about the effects of joined ToA zones on other servers. If we could have some people who know what has happened in other communities then I would be either more or less worried.

This is my only worry. I just created eight different characters on Mid excal so I will have those to play for the future. The issue of choice is not as bad for me as it is for you. Although I do understand totally why you are so angry.

If someone could come and share their experiences here I would be delighted to have a much clearer discussion of the likely effects - does anyone know people in the US or US community boards where I could go and ask for some advice?


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Post by Sharkith »

Rejecta wrote:ATM its pretty balanced on prydwen, no matter where people pull these numbers from..every time I check who its roughly the same amount on each side. Excalibur will probably unbalance that, and the d000000m sayers are over-hyping things (like they always are)
Gamah I do hope you are referring to the RvR effects if so I agree there should be no worries on that front. If you were referring to the ToA effects then please could you explain why you feel concerns of people like me are over hyped. For once all three realms have something they need to debate openly and clearly and try to keep it clear.

This has the potential to affect Prydwen people more than Excaliber so we all need to fink a bit.


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Post by Rejecta »

I was refering to none of the above, I was talking about the people claiming prydwen would insta die if no clustering was to happen. They claim numbers would drop by like 500/600, whats the bet that they have not spoken to 600 players and asked if they would leave.

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Post by Sharkith »

yes that is what I was thinking - sorry I got confused. I am going to have alook at the US boards on this and try to bring some more info to the discussion.


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Post by VegetaFH1 »

GUYS GALS, anybody and everybody reading this blasted thread

The clustering hasnt even arrived and u lot are bikkering like bitchs (we are ment to do that AFTER the clustering :p) no, ok seriously now

Look, getting at eachother trouts about it is not gonna stop it or forward it, <sigh> this is why i said goa or mythic are gonna need to enable group duels

Right, look at it from this angle, if something is gonna happen with clustering, the worst POSSABLE thing i can see happening is ppl with leave the game right, if that happens where is everybody gonna go, we will loss our friends and guilds, and loss ANY possable chance of pulling through this little mishap

So what, excal hibs get to share some of our server, and we get to share some of there's, if they start any trouble then leave them to it, just ignore them...... (this coming from the person that is gonna probably start the first fight with the excal hibs... lol) and there is such a thing as the "ignore list" :) i think its gonna get a good work out if clustering happens

And hey, if clustering doesnt happen, dont swet it we will pull through just like those times before in the past, so what our number will decrease alittle, but thats up to the ppl that leave pryd/hib, again i say, remember the past of pryd/hib we have servived before and we sure as hell will servive again

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Post by Sharkith »

Ok here are some links:

Press release hailing it as a massive success. Released by Mythic.

Some evidence that underpopulated realms still suffer here.

Here is a thread with some prices - of course servers over there are very different but just look at those prices!!!

This thread is interesting because it seems to be an RvR only cluster. Mixed reactions with some reporting lots of Zerg activity and other5s reporting plenty of options for Fg versus Fg fights.

Ok here is the problem I have been worried about:

I will quote the guy at length to save you having to register (it was posted on the 16th of Feburary):
From the desk of Ofortuna:

The Iseult server has been overrun with (let's just come out and say it cause you all know that IF i post here i am quite upset) Kay bastards.

We all have the same zones with the exception of the shared zones, so why would you come to our server to farm artifacts and do ML raids. Now I know you are ALB's but there should still be some consideration when infecting someone elses server.

Clustering WAS put in so we could work together in RvR, and on ML's NOT SO WE COULD GO SCREW OTHER PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR ARTIFACTS AND ML'S.

I log in to find our ML3 raid has to take place on Kay, because Kay people are already in our ML3 dungeon????? I barely had time to get to our ML3 dungeon before the raid, and now i have to go to another server? Thanks for screwing me out of ML3 Kay-Albs.

Yes the Alb mentality is to screw, steal, and cheat: yes the Mid and Hib mentality is to screw, steal, and cheat: but not their own people.

Needles to say I hated the clustering idea, and think that it's stage 2 of my predicted Mythic Death. Cats was stage 1.

Clustering is doing a lot more for Mythic than its customers in the long run, if only they survice to see the long in the long run.

Bottom line STAY THE HELL ON YOUR OWN SERVERS, HAVE SOME COMMON SENSE, A SHRED OF DECENCY, SOME COUORTESY AT LEAST SINCE 99% OF THE Iseult Albs have already witnessed your severe lack of skill in playing your toons.

IF this problem persists, and I am just voicing what a lot of people on Iseult are thinking, YOU KNOW I AM, you will be excluded out of any of my events, and might even find others on Iseult not wanting you in groups and BG's either.

Have a nice day, and be warned that IF I find you in the way of one of my raids, I WILL move ahead of you and ensure you do not get credit on Iseult. The only exception would be IF and only IF yours is not already teken BY someone from another server.

Some people laughed at him (understandably so but others said the following:
Gotta say this thread is a valid concern, but then again if the Kay Albs weren't doing it to Iseult, Iseult Albs would be doing it to Kay. Way too many farmers and money grubbers out there.

hush silverskye .

the reason we were in that dungeon is because the whole server, pellinor, kay and iseult, were told there was an ml3 raid on iseult leaving at 5pm est, we got there along with everyone else and there was no one to lead it so alistair took over.

it turns out the information was wrong and the raid was actually supposed to take place 4 hours later at 9pm est. either way everything in the dungeon should be respawned for you and nothing has been stolen, nothing in there takes too long to respawn, if not, theres 2 other servers you could go do ml3 on as well, but i'm pretty sure ml3 should all be respawned on iseult.

what bothered me most was that no one could understand that? Its not like all three servers maliciously planned this to anger ppl from iseult or to steal, the only logic and explanation is the misunderstanding that happened before.

if you can't understand that then maybe ur just fated to fall out with alot more people than the people who ran the ml3 on iseult.

edit: it takes less than 5minutes on a slow computer to go to the djinn stone, type camelot, go across the path in camelot to the channeler, type kay, type atlantis, go to the djinn stone in hesperos and type aerus. its hardly a great travesty that takes 8hrs cos someone stole ur danos spawn. either way u have people from kay going to ur 9pm raid the same way we had people from all servers on the 5pm raid.

So far fairly mixed to be honest this was only one board. I am wondering if there are better sources? The other flaw of this apporach is that I do not know the servers/clusters and so I am only evaluating what I can find. So this data has its limits.


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