Clustering news

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Clustering news

Post by Sharkith »

Have you guys read it?

There will be consequences for RvR but also ToA. Read the Friday news it is very clear on this.


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Post by Lieva »


i was one of the few actually for clustering but now im not sure ;)

I knew about the stuff like rvr and toa etc but saw that to be a bonus.

But limiting the english servers to basically only one server..sux tbh ..

And yes that is in essence what is happening.

Say for instance the hibs here wind you up cronically and you wish to make a mid - if this was after clustering you cannot do it.

That tbh would seem like a BAD thing to add to our two little servers.

If however GoA said they would give UK another server then i would still vote for clustering but until they do .. i am unsure..

And i checked out the total number of players per server :)

in UK was about 1700
in france about 2400.

Only a few 100 out :) give us another server if clustering goes ahead please :D
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Post by Jupiler »

yay for exca hibs farming pryd arti's....
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Lieva »

or pryd hib farming excal arti! :D
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Post by Bugzy »

Tbh, GoA are best of leaving the servers alone.

If they let annoying excalians onto pryd then i'm out of here - i moved here to get rid of them.

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Post by Sharkith »

To be frank this would be a very bad idea because we have enough trouble with Artifacts in the wonderful ToA the last thing we need is more camping fights with people who have a big label on top of their heads.

I seriously disagree with this for that reason and of course I also dislike the freedom of choice issue too - but I muts confess that is less of an issue here.


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Post by Adalyn »

People moan about the prices on items, scrolls, artefacts as it is atm, wait till it is clustered and prices will more then double then what they are now, don't see why people want it, RvR is fine, ML raids are easily completed, Artefacts are easy to obtain and the prices are fairly cheap :/

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Post by twinga »

im up for the cluster of course, why you want cheap artifact, cheap scrolls and cheap stuff when then when you try and use in rvr there is nobody to fight against.

yes for cluster plz :)

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Post by Sharkith »

I don't want to sound like silly but if you really wanted that why didn't you just level there in the first place then? Why come to Hib Pryd? That thing we like playing is is about to change once and for all - or maybe I am being alarmist but I can't see the benefits here.

I mean this is effectively a merger of servers and even worse we have to wear labels on our heads when we move to certain bits. It is a mistake and I am concerned that we aren't thinking too clearly here.

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Post by Lairiodd »

Tbh, what they should do is just eliminate the rule that you can't create chars on different realms on different servers. I see no reason why new players should be at a disadvantage. If the 1 hour timer will prevent spying by established players, then it will also prevent spying by new players.

Hmm, did the poll, they only ask about English servers :), what if I played on one of the French/German ones.

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