Small question about prices of MP Armor

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Post by Cromcruaich »

Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

Cue music for full effect.

Thanks to Tuthmes for the link.

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Post by Trez »

no one likes to pay 20p for smth , doesn't matter what it is , i was just wondering why? i know supply&demand but you can look it at the other side aswell ... less active ppl ... less lgm crafters ... more work for the crafters ( wich is good ) and they get more orders in so they automaticly should make more money anyway
No nobody likes to pay 20p for something, but the more work for the active crafters wont hold up either since nobody wanna be chained to the forge for the time it takes to produce MP items, ppl wanna play the game and have fun not sit and hit a button and hope to hit 100% qual.

If you got nothing else to do (or you need to read a book or something) then sure why not try to float the market with MP items to bring prices down, otherwise I can understand ppl charging the high price.

My girlfriend got a LGM AC (1122 iirc) but she need a tailor to help her out and still just to do the RF MP take ages.

So the bottom line is, you can either make your own crafters or pay what the crafters demand if you cba with making crafters yourself.


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