Do u need pre-steps?
can bring druid for number 3 pre reqs to fill that last spot , but need 4 and 6 on another char ,, but i guess you need druid more for number 3 anyway , would i be able to swap to alt for the other 2 ? i will have them waiitng in the right place to avoid delays
Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock ( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock ( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD
nice one , i will log vw at stygia ( stiks ) and nightshade at volcanus ( grapes ) , and be ready with druid ( blam ) at 20:00 cet for the first thing
Nejtun Eld ML10 Convoker
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock ( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD
Mwa Enchanter ML10 Convoker
Nayten Hero ML10 Battlemaster
Qois Ranger ML10 Sojourner
Blam Dr00D ML10 Perfector
<Guildmaster Incorporated>
ChungalungaWarlock ( fun for 5 minutes )
Coal Hunter
Natheh BD