Artiraid: Every thursday - signup

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Emerald Rider
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Artiraid: Every thursday - signup

Post by Childofkhain »

ok After last thursday and the feed back i have decided to run this raid EVERY week from now till - whenever.
Raid will be EVERY thursday at:
18:00 <UK TIME>
19:00 <CET>
Meet at Stygia haven.


If the artifact you are after requires you to complete a pre quest: eg CS then get it done and if you need anything to do the arti YOU are responsible for bringing them eg: SoK: one ram, EoY 2 rams etc etc
List ATM:
ChildofKhain: SoK and CB
Sugah: GoV
Tox: Phoebus Harp <at least i get you down this way >
Celedth: Scorpions Tail Ring and EoY
Finagle: GoV and SoM <silly arti's>
Aerendur: Jacina's Sash and Erinys charm <Will take your first 2 only but you are free to change these if you prefer another>
Moley: Nailiahs robe and Ceremonial bracer
isletha: Bruser
Dwaee: Ceremonial Bracer and Atlantis Tablet
Nostalgica: GoV
Shaanor: Atlantis Tablet
cuiroadh: GS and GoV <silly arti's>
Asterixx: Zahurs Ring and Woven Hair of Malamis <Twinge getting there>
Haste: Croc tears ring and Phoebus harp
Killder: Malice and Battler
Eradium: Bracer of Zo'arkat and Eriny's Charm <silly arti's>
Brydia: SoK
Yurian: eirens hauberk and CB <Please ensure you get the rest of the pre req done>
Aimithirse: Jack's Sash and Bracer of Zo. <-10>
Balthasar: GoV + SoK <Tut Tut -10>
Alduan: Jacinas Sash and Atlantis Tablet.
Asysh: SoK
Happymiel: Khaos
Shift: Jacinas
Roanne: Eriny's Charm and Cinder Sleeves <close to getting a - will consider this>
Brodwen: PH and CS
Aruthae: enyalios boots and GoV
Jarahl: Zo Bracer and Atlantis Tablet
Smiral: Stone of Atlantis and Zahur's Crown
Fugue: Many 0o -GoV and EoY
Eirian: GoV and SoM <-10>
Flaiir: CS and Snatchers
Qbic: SoM + Battler <-10>
Maccian: Battler and Malice <-10>
Araryn: Battler and Malice
Candor: Jacinash Sash
Kagath: Bruiser
Lukkoye: CB and Zo
Malanari: SoK and CB
Maramar: malice and gov
Touchy: EoY and Phoebus
Gimpy NS: SoM and Golden Spear
Phinith: CS and Nailah's
Farils: cb and zahur bracer/ring
Hiolu: Bracer of Zo
<trez>: CB and GoV (arti only so can bring animist)
Akillez: Golden spear
Kraigh: Nailah's
Cogan: Bracer of Zo'arkat
Bondoila: Bracer of Zo'arkat
Rhiewen: egg of youth & bracer of zo
Pikeh: Hair of malamas and malice encounter
Growik: Goldenspear
Relic: Eiryne's charm
Ocalin: Egg of Youth and Spear of Kings
minilarax: atlantis tablet and jacina's sash <-10>
Pohez: Erinys Charm
Pohui: Erinys Charm
Dorax: Spear Of Kings and Eirene's Hauberk
Togusa: nailahs robe and jacina's sash

If you are not on here please sign up.

In additon to this those who attend the most raids and go unrewarded will recived a bonus on the roll. Likewise those who get what they are after will be penalised:
Attending First Raid: +10
Staying till the end of a raid: +10
Failing to Gain an artifact even though encounter was completed: +10
Giving outstanding assitance to an encounter +10 <per encounter>

Getting the artifact / item you came for: -30
Excessive cursing: -10
Choosing 2 V hard artifacts: -10
Being late for the roll: -10

Scores on the doors:
Me: +130
Eldina: +30
Asterixxx: +40 <silly arti's>
Naicara: +20 <silly arti's>
Gried: +30
Kize: +30
Green Peg: +20 <silly arti's>
Toxnote: +70
Aimi: +100 <2 outstanding displays of support>
Shifty: -20
Happymiel: +70 <2 outstanding displays of support>
Smiral: +20
Darksaga: -20 <arti gained>
Farrand: +10
Jerice: +50
Phinith: +20
Chenata: +20
Banana: +10
Lukkoye: +20

Just to clear up what defines a <silly arti's> note: Any 2 arti's that will more than likly require 4+ animists or 3+fg.
Raid will be EVERY thursday at 18:00 BST 19:00 CET Meet at Stygia haven.
Loot rolling at raid leaders descresion.....

Emerald Rider
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Post by locherbread »

Well i'm signing up for sure :-)

Bracer of Zo' & battler are my two choices - er hopefully these don't come under the tough arti category ^ ^
Greenpegasus Season 50 dippy & unkempt druid

Lovfinion Season 50 The Know it all Chanter

Locherbread Season 50 The Sauve Lover :brokenhea

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Post by Nored »

I might pop up some raid to help and for some nice items, if they drop ...

I don't need anymore artifacts ;)



Note: By the rules you've set, you'll grand yourself an extra 10% on roll every raid ...
Nored, 50 Champ <Green Peacekeepers>

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Post by Ethild »

What sorta times are these running? I would love to do Bracer of Zo'arkat, but we have guild RvR on Thursdays too in the evening.
<Severance> GM.
Ethilds RR9 Warden
Minikene RR6 Ranger

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Post by nibs »

im not currently after any arti's but if im free on a thursday, ill bring along an ani to make things easier for everyone :p
Gwarp, 42, Savage, LGM AC
Grumblebum, 50, Spiritmaster, ML3
Nibkyrie, 48, Valk, 9xx Alch
Nibmedic, 50, Healer, ML9
Stumblebum, 50, Warrior, ML10

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Post by Childofkhain »

Cheers nored and nibs - all loot is rollable at the end - will go as class specific the first time but those who just come for mlxp / to help can roll for all on the first round - though only one drop each <not including the artifact that you end up getting>

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Post by Eibhing »


I signing up in the other "arti post u did" but i´ll type down my artis here as well, so u dont miss them ;)


Signing up for atlantis tablet and a drop from battler
( the cinder slevees )

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Post by Lenah »

Thankyou for taking this off my back Childofkain. I hope these raids the best of luck, and you know you can buzz me if ya got anything to ask.
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln

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Post by Treamos »

Signing up with Treamos for Fool's Bow :)

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Post by naic »

Gonna come all thursdays ( hopefully :) ).

Problem is my wanted artis though as you know, Jacina's Sash and Atlantis Stone Tablet. :p

Oh and btw, thought I had +30 on roll ;)

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