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Post by Luz »

Tho it WOULD be very fun to see what a new account from GOA with a lv50 ML10 fully ToA´d char would cost you fresh out of the box.
Bah. Lv50s.
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Sturgis Podmore
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Ankh Morpork wrote:I would quit cos I play daoc to enter a world of fantasy...where NO real money matters.
I'm not selfish at all mate, I dont know where the hell you got that from. But if you want the game to turn into a game where real life affects it more than game time Im sure you would do better to stick to real life mate. I do get your point but I didnt spend this long time in daoc just to see people who unlike me can afford to buy their way to power. Nobody force you to do MLs or Artis before you go RvR. And no, you dont auto loose just cos you dont have any MLs or just have to adjust your way of playing.

Edit: Oh btw, I just read your post and noticed the part about spending another 6 month just to get ready for rvr. Dunno if you have understand this part yet, but daoc is NOT all about RvR.

Edit2: I've always thought the point of a mmorpg is that it should take time to get good, it should take time to exp or to reach highest level.. but I could ofc be wrong.


Ankh you are missing my point entirely! Nothing would stop *you* from still doing that - it wouldn't affect *you* at all! It would just make it easier for people in my position to be competitive.

And I can't honestly accept that even you believe you can be competitive nowadays without ToA and MLs - ToA has changed the balance of the game more then anything else ever. Any character with artifacts and Mls will easily destroy an equal spec character (of same class) in a pre-ToA SC set, it's ridiculous to claim otherwise.

You just cannot compete without artifacts and without MLs these days, and don't even get me started on BBs! ]Edit:[/B] I just read your edits (LOL) and would just comment that I disagree. DAoC *is* all about RVR for me. PvE is just a grind to RVR. Oh, and less attitude please, I've played this game for pretty much the same amount of time as you have - I can't help it if we enjoy different aspects...

Hibernia Prydwen

Sturgis Podmore • Lvl 50 Druid • ML5 Perfecter

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Post by Argyleyn »

Edit: Oh btw, I just read your post and noticed the part about spending another 6 month just to get ready for rvr. Dunno if you have understand this part yet, but daoc is NOT all about RvR.

That's exactly your logic flaw, 90% of the people playing daoc are playing it for rvr only yet more than the majority are stuck in what seems like an endless pve circle. I did 5 months to get fully toa'ed due to my random play schedule. It was fun the first or second month, but after that it was only a timesink, that i would have gladly paid a reasonable fee to avoid. It took so much time i never really bothered to completely finish the temp, Nailah's is still at level 1 and will remain so i guess.
Argyleyn, ex raven ardent prime prestidigitist.

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Post by Xest »

As of 1.75 I really don't agree about the ToA time sink being as much of an issue, me, Shike etc. all work full time jobs yet are managing to get the bits of ToA that are required to be competitive - artis, scrolls and arti xp done in just over a week no problem now. MLs are far far easier also if you want them. I got my theurg from nothing to full ToA, decent RR in relatively little time despite working a full time job, going on holiday, taking breaks from the game.

Essentially now if you work full time and put in about 30hrs DAoC a week you should be able to be competitive in 2 - 3 weeks, if you take it more casually you should no more than double that. I don't think 1 and a half months from nothing to maximum competitiveness (excluding realm rank - but that's the fun part) is unacceptable, I think it took 6months to get my first char from 1 to 50 alone when DAoC was released.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Sturgis Podmore wrote:Ankh you are missing my point entirely! Nothing would stop *you* from still doing that - it wouldn't affect *you* at all! It would just make it easier for people in my position to be competitive.

And I can't honestly accept that even you believe you can be competitive nowadays without ToA and MLs - ToA has changed the balance of the game more then anything else ever. Any character with artifacts and Mls will easily destroy an equal spec character (of same class) in a pre-ToA SC set, it's ridiculous to claim otherwise.

You just cannot compete without artifacts and without MLs these days, and don't even get me started on BBs! ]Edit:[/B] I just read your edits (LOL) and would just comment that I disagree. DAoC *is* all about RVR for me. PvE is just a grind to RVR. Oh, and less attitude please, I've played this game for pretty much the same amount of time as you have - I can't help it if we enjoy different aspects...
First of all, the 'less attitude', Ive got the right just like everyone else to say what I want..right?

And your full of it if you seriously belive that you cant do rvr unless you got toa IS a matter of how you play. For you it might be all about rvr but I doubt they would have made any pve part if it was just about rvr. Also, I didnt say that a guy with Mls/arti was equal to one without, I just told you that you will have to adjust..and perhaps not try and go solo on everything that moves.

sure, it wouldnt stop me from playing 'my way' but tell think its fair that I would have to spend hours and hours to get something when rich people can get it in 2 mins? You want the game to turn into a class war instead of realm war? If you want to get your toa/ml/char done in 2 mins and then run out in rvr just to pwn everyone..I seriously think you should try and convince the guys who made counter strike to make you a fantasy version of it.. but hey, thats MY opinion..

Anyway, I can see you and I wont agree with each other anyway so no need to take this discussion further. You stick to how you think the game should be and ill stick to how I think it should be.

Oh yeah, if you played this game pretty much the same amount of time as I have I really dont see why you bother to whine about the Mls and artis..that would have give you enough time to get everything ;) (well, atleast the artis/scrolls)


Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Argyleyn wrote:That's exactly your logic flaw
No mate, your wrong..sure the 90% (where ever you got that number) play to do rvr...but its still not the only thing daoc is about. Notice I never did say that RvR isnt a HUGE part of daoc..


Sturgis Podmore
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Xest wrote:As of 1.75 I really don't agree about the ToA time sink being as much of an issue, me, Shike etc. all work full time jobs yet are managing to get the bits of ToA that are required to be competitive - artis, scrolls and arti xp done in just over a week no problem now. MLs are far far easier also if you want them. I got my theurg from nothing to full ToA, decent RR in relatively little time despite working a full time job, going on holiday, taking breaks from the game.

Essentially now if you work full time and put in about 30hrs DAoC a week you should be able to be competitive in 2 - 3 weeks, if you take it more casually you should no more than double that. I don't think 1 and a half months from nothing to maximum competitiveness (excluding realm rank - but that's the fun part) is unacceptable, I think it took 6months to get my first char from 1 to 50 alone when DAoC was released.
Good for you Xest - I mean that sincerely. I am not so fortunate. The majority of my Guild on Excal have left to go to WoW. For over a month I was the only person online. The only way I have been able to get the artifacts I have got is through the generosity of one Guild that's not even in my alliance.

Unfortunately, artifact raids just aren't advertised on /as any more - people tend to keep artifact raids close to their chest because they don't want others rolling for them.

Of course, getting the artifacts themselves is just one step - you still need the scrolls and that can be a nightmare in itself, especially for SoM, Malice & Battler. I understand that in a future patch all scrolls will drop from orange con mobs, so that's at least better for a solo player.

Oh, and I don't know what your hours are, but there's no way I could do 30 hrs a week on DAoC. I am rarely home before 8 PM and leave the house at 7 AM, I can't stay up all night!

Hibernia Prydwen

Sturgis Podmore • Lvl 50 Druid • ML5 Perfecter

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Post by Briannon »

Argyleyn wrote:That's exactly your logic flaw, 90% of the people playing daoc are playing it for rvr only yet more than the majority are stuck in what seems like an endless pve circle. I did 5 months to get fully toa'ed due to my random play schedule. It was fun the first or second month, but after that it was only a timesink, that i would have gladly paid a reasonable fee to avoid. It took so much time i never really bothered to completely finish the temp, Nailah's is still at level 1 and will remain so i guess.

I don't know where you get your 90% figure from. A lot of the people I play with enjoy a balance of both RvR and PvE. There is a degree of RvR snobbery creeping into these discussions, which will damage the game irreparably in Europe if it leads to the clustering of Prydwen and Excalibur.

If the game was only about RvR why do we only have the one PvP server and why isn't everyone playing on it?

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Post by Lieva »

Sturgis Podmore wrote: I understand that in a future patch all scrolls will drop from orange con mobs, so that's at least better for a solo player.
huh - wha - when?
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
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Sturgis Podmore
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Ankh Morpork wrote:First of all, the 'less attitude', Ive got the right just like everyone else to say what I want..right?
I thought you were condesending TBH mate - I didn't like it, especially as I was being polite to you, even while disagreeing with you!
And your full of it if you seriously belive that you cant do rvr unless you got toa IS a matter of how you play.
I don't know if you're just being stubborn or you really believe this?! You are right from the point of view that you can take your character into NF in non-ToA gear, but once you're there you'll just get raped stupid - regardless of how you play. The difference is massive. Especially if you're playing against someone that has half a clue and exploits their range or other abilities properly.
If you want to get your toa/ml/char done in 2 mins and then run out in rvr just to pwn everyone..I seriously think you should try and convince the guys who made counter strike to make you a fantasy version of it.. but hey, thats MY opinion..
That is so unfair TBH. I never asked for a fantasy CS. I explained my circumstances earlier and merely stated it would be a superb idea if I had the option of buying the things I cannot obtain normally. I don't want to wait 8 months to get all of the items for one template for one character - it's frustrating as hell never to feel as though I have one complete. I will still attend ML raids and artifact raids that I can physically attend - I do not expect everything handed to me!
Anyway, I can see you and I wont agree with each other anyway so no need to take this discussion further. You stick to how you think the game should be and ill stick to how I think it should be.
Yes, I can see we are Poles apart in our thinking ]Oh yeah, if you played this game pretty much the same amount of time as I have I really dont see why you bother to whine about the Mls and artis..that would have give you enough time to get everything ;) (well, atleast the artis/scrolls)[/QUOTE]

I didn't whine, I complained...there's a difference :silly:

Hibernia Prydwen

Sturgis Podmore • Lvl 50 Druid • ML5 Perfecter

Albus Dumbledore • Lvl 50 Enchanter

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