Planning a smoking area?

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Post by Tuthmes »

Lieva wrote:actually you started the flaming on him in this is usual...
Don't think so
Xest wrote:Awww, you can't pollute outside and force anyone else who passes through the area you're in whilst your smoking or for the long period the smoke lingers around afterwards to breathe in those dangerous chemicals? Life must be hard, really, my heart bleeds.
Lieva wrote:and he has tried to prove his point..

both shark and xest are on the same wavelength but saying it different..

Shark says passive smoking has never been proved to be bad but can increase the chances of getting ill.
Xest says passive smoking has been proved to be bad and can increase the chances of being ill..

theyre both right so neither can say theyre wrong.

the only argument seems to be whether it has been proven or disproven to be bad or not :p
Thats what this whole discussion is about and whether you can ban someone from smoking in public and wether this is hipocritical.
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Post by Tuthmes »

Sharkith wrote:Its so funny when you get found out Xest. I said I accept that there might be risks. Your the one who was witch hunting earlier in this thread saying it was a proven fact.
Heh. Ye so true :|
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Post by Sharkith »

Xest wrote:You can't sue a tobacco company for suffering ill effects due to passive smoking, only the individual responsible for causing the passive smoking. You can't sue for suffering cancer, because it explains the dangers on the packet. There have been cases where employees have been able to sue their employer for putting them at risk by not making smokers use a separate area to smoke in away from other employees however.

It's similar to weapons, you can't sue Browning if someone shoots you with a Browning gun only the person who shot you, you can't sue Browning if you shoot yourself with a Browning weapon.
As with most of our discussions the devil is in the detail. The only reason why there are warnings on the cigarette packets is because government requires it by law. The tobacco companies still refute the evidence. To admit that it causes cancer would be the end of those companies. They simply have to dispute it for political reasons.

This is not the same thing as a browning gun Xest. It is completely different.

The facts are they have been unsuccessfully sued on numerous occassions. How was this done. The claimants argued that they knowingly put their life at risk and that the claimants did not know the risks. Its partly why we have the warnings. To stop lawsuits that were costsing too much money and time. :p So on this your analsyis is flawed.
Xest wrote:You do realised Wikipedia can be edited by anyone and that there is therefore no reason that the same article wouldn't have comments from those supporting smoking in the "Controversy" section providing their comments have plenty of valid references cited?
That article is inconsistent and unclear it slides around between cause and risk. I think you will find that Wiki is subject to rules and consensus just like the evidence on smoking. Once more as political as things come.

Not only this but the article is not subject to any form of direct peer review and so nope I don't accept its authority. The systematic reviews I gave you are much much more significant. In there they do not use the language of cause. They speak of risk and the second one of inconclusive evidence.
Xest wrote:Or are you suggesting that the number of scientists who argue that smoking causing harm is inconclusive are an absolute minority and if so doesn't that tell you something?
You see now your slipping into democracy to justify your point. The simple answer is no. The 'fact' is there is no proof there is simply some signs of an elevated risk. There is not point putting up a smoke screen Xest that won't work. Like I said you can buy into the WHO and so on if you like. That is a political decision and does nothing to improve the evidence which I am afraid remains inconclusive with respect to cause and effect..
Xest wrote:I'm not entirely sure why you're so convinced that it's entirely a political issue, as has been pointed out the goverment benefits more from tobacco taxes than they would without them, whilst it would take strain off the NHS (oh but what has the NHS got to do with it? smoking is harmless!) it wouldn't reduce NHS costs enough to make up for the loss in tobacco revenue.
On this point I think once more your not completely right. Feel free to prove me wrong though. The same group that you agree with argue that in fact smoking is costing the taxpayer much more than the revenue it generates in taxes. Let me put it another way. Why do you think the government is so keen to discourage it? The major reason why it doesn't tax smoking more is because taxing smoking is a direct tax on the poor.

You see this is a very complex political issue and in the main has very little to do with science. Once you start using politics to justify your argument Xest all you generate is more political problems.

Tuthmes was right to point out there is a degree of hypocrisy in banning smoking in public. I can live with a modicum of that though because after all I do worry about the risks. The problem is I am unsure about the myriad of other risks I am exposing others too I just feel there is less we can do about many of those.
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Post by Elrandhir »

Satyn wrote:starting to get seriously sick of all that crap. Yeah i smoke, yeah i know it can kill me but its my business and i dont need anyone else to tell me what i can or cant do.
But got to admit its a cool idea.

I would never do something as unhealthy as to smoke, and I don't really belive that people who do smoke are as prepared to take the consequences(spelling may be incorrect) as they say they are, when they get Cancer I can tell you, they will regret it badly.

Can't say I care whatever someone do if they are all alone and has noone that gets sad if they do get some kind of Cancer and die, but if you have a Family I think you should take better care of yourself for their sake.

Noone is perfect, but doing something that has such a high risk of shortening you'r life as smoking do if you have a family is a very selfish thing to do, so sure as you say if you'r alone I would agree that it's ones own buisness, but not if you have a family.
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Post by Xest »

Sharkith wrote:On this point I think once more your not completely right. Feel free to prove me wrong though. The same group that you agree with argue that in fact smoking is costing the taxpayer much more than the revenue it generates in taxes. Let me put it another way. Why do you think the government is so keen to discourage it? The major reason why it doesn't tax smoking more is because taxing smoking is a direct tax on the poor.
So you think the goverment is misguided? If indeed smoking had no effect on health, like you're claiming might possibly be the case, then surely you believe that following a smoking ban there will be no reduction in NHS costs?
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Post by Moley:) »

Guess it's up to the person if they want to feel bad, ill, cancer , clogged arteries.. stress meh , cest la ve ... or what ever they say it in that song ..

always look on the bright side of death *whistles*
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Post by OohhoO »

I've smoked 3-5 cigarettes a day for 30 years.
I like smoking.
I don't want to give up.
I don't smoke indoors at home cos I don't want the place smelling like an ashtray or my daughter exposed to passive smoke.
I don't smoke in public places unless everyone there smokes &/or there's an area where non-smokers can go to avoid passive smoke.

I simply don't agree that everything on the planet needs to be regulated by legislation. If it was irrevocably proven that smoking kills even the smoker then every normal government in the world would take tobacco products out of shops & make it unavailable to the general public without a permit. Some Swiss counties have already rejected a ban on smoking in puplic places, which will make it impossible for those counties to introduce a ban for about the next 20 years. Their arguements? - (1) Unnecessary legislation. (2) Swiss tradition of freedom. (3) Tolerance > Discrimination.

Personally I accept that smoking tobacco will probably shorten my life-expectancy, just like almost everything else I eat, drink or do these days, & I don't necessarily see that as something negative. I do my best not to expose other people to my passive smoke. If it kills me then there will be one asshole less on this fucked-up world.
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Post by Sharkith »

Xest wrote:So you think the goverment is misguided? If indeed smoking had no effect on health, like you're claiming might possibly be the case, then surely you believe that following a smoking ban there will be no reduction in NHS costs?
I most certainly do believe that the ban on smoking will not result in a reduction in NHS costs. In fact it will cost a lot in terms of regulation - initially there is going to be an army of inspecters I believe which is going to be amusing to watch.

I don't think the Government was misguided. The cross party support for the ban was massive. In this country the consensus is that it should be banned in places that serve food. A political decision with political consequences. none of this changes the evidence.

Smoking elevates your risk for many conditions.

It does not cause them.

Passive smoking has been shown to be inconsistently related to health risks.

It does not cause those health problems.
OohhoO wrote:I simply don't agree that everything on the planet needs to be regulated by legislation.
Thats about it either you feel we should do something or you feel we shouldn't. I personally support aspects of this ban but I am uncomfortable with the fact that we are now subject to even more regulation.
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Post by Gahn »

Just to sum it up imo:

smoking prohibition in public places/offices = ok.
ppl who wanna ban smoking in my house or at fresh air either = needs a mental check.
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Post by Xest »

Your real problem is your lack of understanding of what constitutes proof Sharkith, it's much the same as the previous religious debate where you demonstrated you were convinced Darwinism is a big conspiracy theory and refused to acknowledge the fact we can view some aspects of evolution first hand and hence suggested that there was no proof for evolution, that it's just something that's taught and handed down. If you can't accept the ability to view and experience something in an environment where no outside factors are an issue as first hand proof then I'd say it's extremely questionable as to your ability to derive proof from a single website. If indeed you believe a single website is proof enough, then this article alone would be enough to prove that you're wrong -

Furthermore, you justify your point by suggesting a website from a university (which even at least supports studies pointing out smoking can cause harm to some extent) web server yet refute examples provided by Wikipedia which, as stated includes links to off-site studies which are as equally valid as the link you provide, and in some cases even more so. Furthermore, whilst Wikipedia is prone to short term vandalism (a day or so), in the long term it is a very well set up system that is reviewed by people with experience in the field, where counter-arguments can and will be protected by moderators who have shown years of unbiased moderation. It's arguable how you define unbiased of course, but if the moderation were to be biased, with the amount of subjects covered there would always be a time where their bias would conflict with their supporters opinions. Of course you could fake a wikipedia article, if you don't include citations it will be deleted however, if you create your own off-site citation you maybe able to get it to stay up but in this case you only have to look at the domain names for a demonstration of their authenticity.

The most obvious point therefore is that as the article is well established, in that it hasn't been modified in a while which is a sign that the article is acceptable as is because there have been no requests for modification from opposing parties, the same applies to this article: ... co_smoking

So unfortunately, whilst the smokers here might like to believe Sharkith is right, and whilst they're welcome to that view, the evidence that they're incorrect is overwhelming. I realise it would be nice to believe, that if you do smoke, that you can smoke freely forever and not suffer any health effects and if you do believe that that's okay, however don't subject the rest of us to it.

Don't like being nagged at for smoking? Stop smoking - it's your choice.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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