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A mid's view of Hib

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:57 pm
by Quinlan
Since me and some others really had fun reading stuff some mid called Vonwar (Danish huscarls GM) posted on FH i thought you should be able to read it too and see what how easy mode Hib is. Have fun reading it
Only one answer to that amount of RP earned in a session:

Hibernia = DaoC played on EASY level
Albion = DaoC played on Medium level
Midgård = DaoC played on Hard level

It is not possible that an underpopulated realm can go and earn more RP in such a long time as hibs on pryd have done, without some help, i.e. you get help from Mythic powering up your chars, any idiot around make some shrooms, and the other 2 realms are butt fu-cked.

I never thought it should come to this, but i have really concidered if it is not about time alb and mid think of them selves, share the frontier of hib in 2 halves, and keeping the troublesome realm inside the gate.

I have absolutely no respect for hibernian players, they get EVERYTHING for free atm, overpowered chars, and 50% discount on keep holding, i am sure the IRA has done some lobbyism towards Mythic cause situation is quite rediculus.

Of cause you can hear where i play, Mid yes, im not the big rvr player, i will never be, cause the PVE part is much funnier to me, but enemies like Albion we have a fair chance, I have the greatest respect for the albs, i have meet the past 3 years, until NF came i hardly saw any hibs, just as leechers and the dogs of the albs, when they saw that they could leech something from the albion table. They only attacked when it did not interfear with albions plans, they are good for nothing.

remember this when you flame me,

Albion is an enemy to midgård, but respectable, cause they make attacks they make defences, those 2 realms have a fair chance against eachother.

Hibernia is an enemy to midgård, but Unrespectable, they have been licking the toes of albion for 3 years now, and finally are overpowered by mythic's programming now they as a MINORITY dominate the server, which is totally rediculus. Why not make a /lvl 100 command on hib and they can slaughter the whole server.

Mid is mid, and thank god for the PVE part of this game.

Best regards

People call him an idiot
you are correct to call me an idiot I AM a very big idiot towards you hibs, i am your enemy, i dont like you, i really hate you, have been doing so for 3 years now.

you dont fight ppl you like do you ? you only play hib if mid or alb are too hard realms to play on.....

so dont worry i will be there, full of hate and eager to kill, cause the garbage must be take away, and exterminated.

My post was merely to tell you lot how a lot of mids are frustrated about, wasting their time in rvr cause they like me sometimes feel like we are RVR NPC's.

It is not your fault that you choose hib, it is not your fault that mythic somehow gave you so much owerpowering.

Clearly i can see from the first two answers here, you don´t have a clue, you go to war for fun, WAR is NOT funny, it is an option to gain advantages to the realm, and to gain more rp for your own char.

BUT do you love your enemies ? if you do, you can compete with me in beeing an idiot.
He doesnt stop
I was there all right, we didnt win, situation is still status quo, unfortunately alb and mid did not get 2-3 more keeps, and unfortunately you did not logg, so fun heh if you dont win ??? where is it.

Apart from that, i really have a big understanding for you flaming me, its your good right. AND if you lost your overpowerring you would be screwed, your chars would not stand a chance.

A good reason why so many mids and albs moved to avalon is more that it is so very easy to lvl and after that rvr as a hib is like scratching your butt, you just make some shrooms, or use your annoying insta stunn.

so yes hibernia for the win, Easy level DaoC
One mid is annoyed with him
Im sorry i hurted a fellow mid player, really i am. But are you the supporter of cencorship, where ppl are not allowed to write bad things about eachother and be honest about their expirience in this game.

I would wonder if hibs love albs and mids, as the enemy is merely a needed evil to gain rvr bonuses for the realm and to make your char stronger by realm abilities.

Do you love the mobs you kill until lvl 50 ?? i wonder if you do.

So once again im sincerely sorry if i have hurted a fellow mid player.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:06 pm
by Rami
yea, warlocks is HARD MODE (powered by banelord!)
Bonedancer is HARD MODE (powered by banelord!)
Pac Healer is HARD MODE (with AE stun, insta AE stun, insta AE mezz and mezz!)
SM with personal Bodyguard (pet) is HARD MODE (ML9 pet and brittle guards too!)


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:09 pm
by ladder
lololol so nice fun :) lol what he is saying if u take all the bad word ut is that he only play mid cuse hibs is to hard for him ?? :) hehe he calls hib a overpower realm :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:10 pm
by Overdue
Uhhh, we get an insta stun? wow

I think this guys a bit confused time to send him to the ceiling :o

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:15 pm
by Arcsalin
has gandelf been preaching his virtues to a couple of peeps that play mid Oo! Naw surely not, ehm gandy get ur ass back here NOW imo :P

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:15 pm
by Poliava
Vonwar wrote:Apart from that, i really have a big understanding for you flaming me, its your good right. AND if you lost your overpowerring you would be screwed, your chars would not stand a chance.
If our chars wouldnt stand a chance, would that be fun for mids? or wouldnt that make us underpowered ? :cow:

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:24 pm
by Xest
To be fair Hib is easy mode since Catacombs tho. Shrooms + plenty of PBAE + bainshees + baseline stun = relics. Relics = 20% inherent bonus to all classes :p Although, I doubt bainshees have even had time to take full effect on Prydwen yet but Hibernia definetely has the tools to easily fend off much larger numbers right now.

That said tho a Mid really has no right to whine, whilst as a ralm they're hardly seige gods they still have and nearly always have had the best classes for field and 8vs8 warfare, the only area they've always been slightly weaker is stealth. BDs have been one of the if not the most overpowered class in DAoC for like 2 years now without a single hint of the nerfbat and if anything nothing but boosts (lvl50 baseline DD, uber choice of ML paths, one of the best NF RA selections in game). Warlocks are gods too but at least they got the bat.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:01 pm
by nibs
I completly agree and am now consideribly humbled. No longer will i run around solo against greater numbers and look upon myself as being in a realm with the lowest active RVR population. No longer will i /level 20 a char cause mids and albs cant. No longer will i consider my toons gimped cause they are and will forver be OP!

I shall run my convoker charmer, and ML9 my lvl 54 pet. I shall run around solo, with 3 pets insta lifetap, and hard mode play style! I shall always cast my pet which insta procs stun, and blocks attacks. I will always insta stun a zerg and allow pbaoe's chance to run in and pbaoe them to hell. I will cast no end of AE debuffs. I will MOC lifetap IWIN. And i will whine about hib's being over powered because they got shrooms in every fight i have with them.

I think i should go Mid/Alb for the challange, as they are so hard up :)

mid/alb rectom olympics

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:23 pm
by Dai
look at prydwen frontier over the last two weeks, its been school holidays so ppl from uni/schoolhave been quite francly hibs have been battered in rvr, so we arn't overpowered at all, the oer powering maybe alittle at times, like when the holidays arn't on, but if we're so over powered why have the albs an mids been painting our hib side of nf a prety red an blue... what make hibs powerful,isnt classes, or mythic given ablilities,its the fact that we comunicate, when scath is under attack by mids tryin to take back ther relic...the alliance chater stops an we all rise to defend scath, we drop what we're doin, watever it is,an go to the frontier to defend against a rable of unorganised raids with about 1-2fgs...if the mids an albs wanted there relics back,an got there heads out theres asses for a second they'd have them, an we would all be sat at ligen an cain cryin because we have no frontier, as that guy says...i dont hate the mids...or the albs...i love my enemies, because just when i think i've done the worst and underestimated them...they prove me wrong an walk onto the frontier in a fg tryin to out do each other in the mid/alb insert u head into ur rectom contest...*mess*....*cast*...*smack*...... dead....another group that could have done so much, died doing so little...three cheers for mids and albs rectum olympics...!
hip hip...!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:24 pm
by Lieva
what a complete...muppet...

but without going to freddys house and checking for myself - anyone else know if the other mids think this or its just this person who is one sandwige short of a picnic..


and yea i guess animists and bainshee (from what ive seen at my lowbie level of 8) seem very overpowered - gagh yknow i cant even continue to try to see it from his side. hes just a muppet!