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State of the realm

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:43 am
by Sharkith
Ok this is not a speech. I think we can all agree that there is something seriously wrong with the realm right now. We start BG's no-one turns up with siege, we try to run no-one has speed, we get attacked people die because we have no druids. :(

How long will this continue?

Do people want to seriously change things? If so post here with how you think we could change things and what you think we could do.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:20 am
by Kallima
People did a great defence of the relics on Saturday night against a lot of albs including lords and ladies. I was especially impressed that we got an open gate and a hole in the wall of level 10 Dun Crauchon mended at 2 am with no port there, and no nagging of people to bring wood they just did it.

Its not all bad.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:44 am
by Belisar
Oddly it seems to depend what time it is and how many people are on. The later it gets and the less people there are on seems to promote a greater reslience and understanding among the players.

I think there is a mindset that says "oh it's early and there are 50 other hibbies in emain so I will not make the extra effort". Ofc the mnindset could be "oh dear there's 50 hibbies and 150 albs so what's the point".

Looking at Jupi's run we did seem to have a lack of healers and a lot of delays before moving because people were slow to react. Personally I am not sure if we should have gone for speed and risked getting strung out and picked off or keeping together and giving the enemy time to prepare. Poor Jupi could not win.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:10 am
by Thandruil
I think the main problem last friday in BG was that there weren't many fg's. A lot of people were solo, duo, .... so lack healing and die easily. Iirc there were only about 3, maybe 4fg, saw a lot of 2/3 people groups and even more solo people.

Another thing which might help is that guilds with a guildhouse <prolly everyone :)> stock up their vault with siege equip. So they have em ready in case someone decides to make a BG and try something. Will save a lot of time and the BG will be able to move a lot faster.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:16 am
by Satyn
Thing that ppl need to learn is to listen to the bg leader. Its as simple as that. If bg leader says do this just do it and dont question is. Cos imo if someone has the balls to lead something like that 9/10 they know what they are doing. If we gona keep shitting ourselfs when we see some high RR's we wont get anywhere.
In the bg on friday there were so many duo's and solo players while Jupi prolly asked <begged> so many times to form groups. Play solo or in duo when you're roaming but dont do it when theres a big raid <imo>

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:22 am
by Kallima
Belisar wrote:Oddly it seems to depend what time it is and how many people are on. The later it gets and the less people there are on seems to promote a greater reslience and understanding among the players.

I think there is a mindset that says "oh it's early and there are 50 other hibbies in emain so I will not make the extra effort". Ofc the mnindset could be "oh dear there's 50 hibbies and 150 albs so what's the point".

Looking at Jupi's run we did seem to have a lack of healers and a lot of delays before moving because people were slow to react. Personally I am not sure if we should have gone for speed and risked getting strung out and picked off or keeping together and giving the enemy time to prepare. Poor Jupi could not win.

This does seem to be true, late night relic defences tend to have a good team spirit. By the time it got to midnight on Saturday night there weren't that many of us, but we were all there defending because we wanted to. We knew we were outnumbered and up against high realm ranks, but we were giving it a try. In a sense, when the situation looks hopeless you can't fail, because everything you salvage is a success.

So we had chosen to be there, most of us had been in these situations before and knew exactly what to do, and we were working together for a common goal, being positive, and having fun.

The later it gets, the less conflict there is with ml raids, artifact hunts, and the less people saying its hopeless.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:24 am
by Satyn
Kallima wrote:
The later it gets, the less conflict there is with ml raids, artifact hunts, and the less people saying its hopeless.
Yes that is so true. How many times someone (a couple) say that its hopeless or have comments like 'that will never work' or 'we are outnumbered' is very demorilising (sp) Imo dont think just do. If we get our arses kicked then we get our arses kicked but atleast we tried.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:43 am
by Sharkith
I agree that people have done good and I agree there is a core of players in the realm who have been here before. I also agree that constant whine about the situation is not going to make it better - the thread is an attempt to get over it and move on.

Thats why I suggested that we try to discuss it and maybe take action. Saying things aren't so bad is certainly true but it is also one way of avoiding doing anything.

One suggestion would be for Alliances to maybe take stock of activity and assess what they can turn out (in balanced group terms)
a) on an average night
b) on a raid night

A second suggestion is that those used to taking towers and playing in balanced groups consider forming a core around which the BG leaders can build a decent BG. What core do we have? What size is it and what do we think we can do with it?

We need all classes in these BG's but if we don't have a sense of who we can depend on I am sure the job of people like Aran and Jups is getting harder and harder. We have had some great BG's and some bad ones it would be nice if we could start to raise the game and be a bit more consistent.

kind regards


Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:08 am
by maxis
As far as I'm aware, we were the only balanced FG out on Friday, and everyone else was running in small groups, almost entirely composed of damage dealers.

If you assume that there are basically three things that need doing:

- Dealing with incoming enemies
- Sieging (the main job)
- Diversionary tactics (taking other towers, cutting port etc)

What we were finding was that becuase people were in small groups they all assumed that "somebody else" would do all of the above, and just spent their time skirmishing with the alb zerg.

Several times when we were dealing with incoming enemies, we'd swing by the tower take and notice that nobody was actually sieging. So we'd take over the seiging and then get killed by incoming groups which nobody was taking. Later we did some diversionary attacks which worked well, but then nobody was sieging or holding off the enemy so the rest of the BG would get wiped.

Really it's not that hard for people to make balanced groups (we started off a few people down but made sure we filled the spots with sensible classes) and take it a bit more seriously. If everyone just logs their casters and runs around in duos trying to farm the alb zerg we're not going to get anywhere.

Although on the bright side, it as pretty bad last summer too. As I recall by the end of the summer we had an unofficial truce with the mids... though I suspect that this was a Prydwen thing and I doubt the cluster will go for it.

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:14 am
by Kallima
Saying everything is bad and ignoring the things we do well is bad for morale, and good morale is vital for us to do anything as a realm. I couldn't go on the attack on Friday night, so I don't know what happened. I was at the defence on Saturday night, so I do know, and I thought everyone there did brilliantly, so I want to say that. I meant to post about it anyway. I think the repair job on DC was ace.

We are better at defence than attack, and better at staying put than moving around. The reason we held out on Saturday night was we didn't crack and charge the albs and wipe. If we had then we would have been unable to get back to DC and would have lost the relics. We let them charge us so we had the advantage, eventually enough albs got fed up that we could safely retake the tower.

The problem with relic raiding the enemy is we are using our less strong side. We don't seem as good in attack as we are in defence. We have to move around to attack, and that can be a problem if some groups don't have speed. You do not want to trail people across the landscape, because if they are left behind and wiped they will not rejoin. You won't get people to group unless you have enough support classes to make those group, so you may well end up with a fair number of duoes and solos.

I've been on a few big raids now, and the key thing is a positive attitude in the BG, and at least one and hopefully more groups you can depend on to carry a ton of seige and keep throwing up war rams. The leader needs to make sure he has that. They are what holds it together. If others bring seige as well then that is great. The whole thing falters when you run out of seige.

What is helpful is things like people taking the time to explain about how you can get a horse, get champion level 2, buy a saddlebag, have two dimi seige items in the saddlebag. Rams, trebs, that sort of thing/ You can buy the dimi seige in housing. If you can't cope with making them, then just carry them on your horse. When the people making seige start running out, you can get them off your horse and pass them to the people making seige. You can learn how to make them as well, but if you don't want to then just carrying them along can be a huge help. You can be solo, and have little strength, but you can still make all the difference with a couple of dimi seige on your horse.