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little confused..

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:31 pm
by Lieva
well its the artifact leveling.
on some of the artifacts now it includes catacombs.
I take it the adventure dungeons are in corus and such
but the mainland dungeons.

Do they mean task dungeons or are there adventure dungeons in the mainland too?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:37 am
by Sharkith
Banana wrote:well its the artifact leveling.
on some of the artifacts now it includes catacombs.
I take it the adventure dungeons are in corus and such
but the mainland dungeons.

Do they mean task dungeons or are there adventure dungeons in the mainland too?
hmmm good one probably the instanced wings and dungeons

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:37 am
by Asysh
As far as I know, Mainland and SI dungeon artifacts will level in the instanced wings of mainland dungeons.

ToA dungeon artifacts will level in catacombs instanced dungeons.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 3:02 pm
by Xest
Banana wrote:well its the artifact leveling.
on some of the artifacts now it includes catacombs.
I take it the adventure dungeons are in corus and such
but the mainland dungeons.

Do they mean task dungeons or are there adventure dungeons in the mainland too?
Adventure wings in mainland dungeons are the instances coming off the old world dungeons like corus and such. Catacombs ones are the ones coming off catacombs zones except Darkspire which is a shame cos Darkspire group is by far the fastest xp in game for high levels.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 9:51 pm
by Noirissa
Im having trouble finding these instant dungeons, been searching with lvl15 bainshee for an hour now :D
Always end up to Abandoned Mines or somewhere not supposed to :P

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 5:58 am
by Lieva
i *think* if you do /map its the red lines on your map.
yellow lines are zones ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:39 am
by Norcott
Noirissa wrote:Im having trouble finding these instant dungeons, been searching with lvl15 bainshee for an hour now :D
Always end up to Abandoned Mines or somewhere not supposed to :P
feel free to anybody in correcting me on this .. the only dungeon I have found which is apparent to ur lvl 11-20 instance dungeon is near Howth.. if there is others then lets hear of um.. if u look on ur map you will see a lill cave looking entrance near a town or main border... they are the instance dungeons.. but they are all lvl restricted if you speak to the task master he/she will tell you if you can enter and if not where to go to find one..

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:43 am
by Briannon
The adventure wings in all dungeons are set for the levels that you would normally expect in those dungeons. However, they are set for a group of 4 at particular levels and will adjust based on the actual make-up of the group. For example, the lowest level set for Blathnait's Refuge (just inside the Veil Rift) is a group of 4 level 8s. This will adjust upwards if the group has people higher than that level.

There are normally two adventure wings in each dungeon, usually one for groups at the bottom end of the level range, the other being for groups at the top end of the level range.

The adventure wings for a level 15 would be in either Muire Tomb, or Blathnait's Refuge as mentioned above. The instanced task dungeon is on the hill near Merle the Old behind Howth. You will need to get a task from the Taskmaster near the Howth bind stone before being granted access to that dungeon.

To find an adventure wing in a dungeon, firstly make sure Catacombs is installed and activated (obviously :)) - you will not find them in version 1.73 of the ToA client. Then, as mentioned before, look for the red bar on the mini-map (however, this is not foolproof because the second AW in the Queen's Labyrinth is not marked on the mini-map). Then look for a wooden door, which when opened has a green and white swirly portal behind it.

Once you hit 20+ the next adventure wing to look for will be in the Spraggon Den.