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Hibernian Alliances...

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:36 pm
by nibs
I dont really know what i can say to argue my point across here, so im just gonna lay out my view, and have people respond as they like. Call it a discussion if you will...

I think that we should merge our alliances a bit, bring the more active guilds together, and therefore make realm communication easier. If i /gc who alliance i generally get a dozen people (including guildies). If trying to rally people for a raid, or a defence, or anything, its not really of much help, and getting people to help is therefore made harder.

Anyways, share your views, i realise some people will be dead set against merging guilds of all orientations, whilst others will not. This way we can see if many people are interested in merging some, or against it. And then a decision can be made whether to do somethign about it or not.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 6:32 pm
by Lairiodd
Some problems

1) There is a cap of 20 guilds in an alliance, so everyone couldn't join

but more importantly :)

2) People have vastly differing views on what counts as an acceptable level of spam on /as

3) People want /as to be used for diffferent things

The current system means that guilds end up in alliances with similar guilds.

Is better realm communication worth the problems ?

The largest guild in the realm by active members is Marsh Horde (actually its protectors of domnann :), but nm ). It has 105 active members. In the top 50 guilds the median is around 15. There is at least 850 active members in the realm (atm). Unallied people will not show up.

Alliances currently have:

NE Alliance: 320 (37%)
Nuadh Dúsgadh: 224 (26%)
Eclipse: 153 (18%)
Obsidian Blade: 96 (11%)
Soul Pact: 35 (4%)
Court of the dark angel 15 (2%)
Mystic Rebirth 2 (0%)

The top 3 alliance already represent 81% of the realm.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:53 am
by Wyst
The largest guild in the realm by active members is Marsh Horde (actually its protectors of domnann :), but nm ).

Bah they are Hordies, they just dont know it yet:)

<wonders how many members he can actually hope to control>

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 11:17 am
by Thandruil
Have been thinking about that as well. Thing is we just won't be able to make a bigger alliance, and like said before, each alliance has other rules.

I think there should be a way to make it possible to just have a Hibernia chat. A chatbox u can turn on or off, just like u view guild chat, main, battle group etc. That would make it much easier in case of RR's, defence and/or attack. Also would make it easier for people to group together and do stuff together.

Just an idea for Mythic i guess for future patches :)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 12:53 pm
by Lairiodd
Thandruil wrote:Have been thinking about that as well. Thing is we just won't be able to make a bigger alliance, and like said before, each alliance has other rules.

I think there should be a way to make it possible to just have a Hibernia chat. A chatbox u can turn on or off, just like u view guild chat, main, battle group etc. That would make it much easier in case of RR's, defence and/or attack. Also would make it easier for people to group together and do stuff together.

Just an idea for Mythic i guess for future patches :)
The problem with realm wide chat groups is that they would become spammy very quickly. You need some kind of controls.

You could get the required effect by allowing persistant chat groups. The leaders of the cg's don't change on relog. Then add 4 levels of member:

Leader: All permissions
Moderator: All permissions except promote/demote to/from leader
Speaker: Can speak (except when in listen mode) + hear but can't demote/promote
Listener: Only has read permission to cg

You would register a chat group name with a npc in the capital. Then anyone can /cg join hib_gen and join your chat group (unless you make it a private cg). They would automatically be given listener permission. Then they can ask a moderator to make them a speaker or moderator or a leader to make them a leader. Also, they would automatically join the cg when they relog etc.

You could have say the GM's of all the guilds as leaders and/or moderators. This allows control over spamming and the ability to kick persistant spammers.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 5:55 pm
by Bebop
is a good idea imo, /as only allows 20 guild's ..why not just merge 20 guilds in 1 /as :) ?

Also as for rules etc.. imo /as should ONLY be used for RvR info ..but only @ prime time..any other time such as day time or early morning etc..i dont see no harm in ppl trading/chatting etc.. those that /whine because ppl are using /as other than rvr info when its not prime time & usually when rvr is quiet or usually dead...i dont see why they whine about it!? if theres an RR etc then ofc no matter what time it is, /as for rvr info only :)

jus my opinion :)


Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:27 pm
by Solthyann
Lairiodd wrote:
Alliances currently have:

NE Alliance: 320 (37%)
Nuadh Dúsgadh: 224 (26%)
Eclipse: 153 (18%)
Obsidian Blade: 96 (11%)
Soul Pact: 35 (4%)
Court of the dark angel 15 (2%)
Mystic Rebirth 2 (0%)

The top 3 alliance already represent 81% of the realm.

I know where Nibs is coming from but I don't have an answer. As for those figures...

On an average night Nuadh has been showing (on /gc who alliance) somewhere between 20 and 30 people on when I've recently been online, I don't think the figures reflect the realm population in active terms.

Today has been a prime example with a group of 2-3 Albs taking unclaimed towers all day, and regularly there was only one or two people around (with the exeption of one roaming group) to do anything about it.

I don't have the answers ofc, I can merely undestnad where the Nibster is getting his frustration from ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2005 6:38 pm
by Lairiodd
Bebop wrote: Also as for rules etc.. imo /as should ONLY be used for RvR info ..but only @ prime time..any other time such as day time or early morning etc..i dont see no harm in ppl trading/chatting etc.. those that /whine because ppl are using /as other than rvr info when its not prime time & usually when rvr is quiet or usually dead...i dont see why they whine about it!? if theres an RR etc then ofc no matter what time it is, /as for rvr info only
The point is that some will disagree.

Personally, I don't see why there should be any restrictions. OTOH, I have heard that FFXI restricted the number of people in a guild to 64 (or was it 32) so as to prevent "uber" guilds.

I think that people should be allowed to form whatever chat system that they want. A persistant cg system would work. Another alternative is to allow multiple /as's and also add more hierachy (even one more layer would be good).

So you would end up with something like:

Hib realm wide alliance
/aas1 - hib general rvr
/aas2 - hib general pve
| | |
NE alliance Eclipse ND alliance
/as1 - rvr /as1 - rvr /as1 - rvr
/as2 - pve /as2 - pve /as2 - pve
/as3 - general /as3 - general /as3 - general
| | |
Guilds Guilds Guilds
/o - officer /o - officer /o - officer
/gu - guild chat /gu- guild chat /gu - guild chat


Some alliances/guilds might not use all their levels and also, they can have their own rules on what each /as level is for.

It also still allows control for spam.

Having said that, without changing the game, all that is really needed for realm wide communication in emergencies is for someone to /send a person in the other alliances.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 12:16 pm
by Belisar
Rules and uses for alliance chat has always been an interesting debate.

I was on Soul Pact when it was an active alliance and found the rules there too strict. /as was little used and when it was there were often cries of spam which then lead to arguments.

NE is relaxed, something I enjoy, as the odd bit of banter helps keep the game entertaining. It does need people to take responsibility for themselves and their guildies to stop comments going too far or overpowering the chat window but mostly this seems to happen.

However my view will not be the same as others, so the current alliances we have and rules they have in place allow people and guilds to make a choice as to what they want and where they best fit.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 1:14 pm
by Lairiodd
[quote="Solthyann"]I know where Nibs is coming from but I don't have an answer. As for those figures...

On an average night Nuadh has been showing (on /gc who alliance) somewhere between 20 and 30 people on when I've recently been online, I don't think the figures reflect the realm population in active terms.

Today has been a prime example with a group of 2-3 Albs taking unclaimed towers all day, and regularly there was only one or two people around (with the exeption of one roaming group) to do anything about it.

I don't have the answers ofc, I can merely undestnad where the Nibster is getting his frustration from ]

I think those numbers count anyone who has logged on and logged off in the last week or so. The nightly averages would be alot lower.