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Vaults... can Requiel give a reason?

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:07 pm
by Gandelf
Just wondering why Mythic has made it so awkward for players to place items in house vaults. Before, if you had too many items, you could drop the spare items in a vault, then get one of your alts to pick them up and put them in his/her vaultkeeper vault for future use.

I recently did the new epic quest and got some nice armour. I try to put it into my house vault, but it won't let me, which means I've got to clutter up the vaultkeeper, which I use for other things.

Just don't understand why you can't put what you want in a house vault. If Mythic are restricting house vaults so much, then they ought to at least give more space in the normal vaultkeeper instead of the crap 2 pages.

It can't surely be that Mythic don't want you to clutter up your alts with too many items, because if you play all your alts then you would fill up the vaults anyway. If you don't play them, then why not use them? You've paid for it!


Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:30 pm
by Lairiodd
It is probably that the item was marked as "no-trade". If you aren't allowed trade the item, then you cannot put it in a house vault. Otherwise, you could use this as a method to trade items.

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:58 pm
by Thandruil
Like Lair said, the new epic is non-tradable. Meaning u can't put it in ur house vault, has always been like that tbh. Same with some quest items and artifacts.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:15 am
by Craft
if you want more space just use your CM you get 5? pages of space :)

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:04 am
by Genedril
If you can't place it in the vault I'm pretty sure you can't place it on CM's. Quite a few items are non-tradable (Paid neckie, new epic, charred pentagryph off the top of my head). They all behave in this way.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:15 am
by Craft
ah right, sorry i was thinking only in cases that you didnt have enough space in your house vault and needed more space without having to pay more gold fo a bigger house, its right that you shouldnt be able to trade non tradeable stuff - epics and the like i know for a fact arent really usefull to alot of hardcore players except for maybe legs/boots/sleeves as artifacts are often used as a better suplement, either them or SC'd stuff.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:46 am
by <ankh>
[quote="Craftepics and the like i know for a fact arent really usefull to alot of hardcore players except for maybe legs/boots/sleeves as artifacts are often used as a better suplement, either them or SC'd stuff.[/QUOTE"]

Thats not bad for something thats pretty easy to get, especially since it used to be on the edge of being totally worthless before.


Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:40 am
by Gandelf
So really, we need more pages on the standard Vaultkeeper.
With a full set of epic in your vault and activated artefacts that you may not be using, as well as other items that can't be placed on your CM or in your house vault, established players can easily run out of slots. It's just a ridiculous situation.

As a Spellcrafter, I have my Vaultkeeper and Incantation Merchant next to each other on the ground floor. Some of the gems (e.g. Ra, Kath, Zo etc.) are expensive to buy and to resell if not needed, so after I've done a spellcrafting job I put these gems in the Vaultkeeper for future use. Then next time, I can interact with the Vaultkeeper (to retrieve stored gems) and the Icantation Merchant (to buy new materials) without having to move from the same spot. But, having all these non-vaultable items means that I'm having to store gems in the house vault, which is a pain the bum.

It wouldn't be so bad if you could resell unused materials at the same price you bought them for. What would be even better is if you could have your Incantation Merchant next to the Alchemy Table and instead of directly purchasing materials, the materials would automatically be selected and used as you crafted, thus freeing up space in your backpack. The cost of the materials would just simply be deducted from your purse as you crafted. Then there would be no problems with left-over materials in your backpack... you'd use and pay for exactly the right amount of materials automatically, as you crafted.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:01 pm
by Jupiler
Gandelf wrote:So really, we need more pages on the standard Vaultkeeper.
With a full set of epic in your vault and activated artefacts that you may not be using, as well as other items that can't be placed on your CM or in your house vault, established players can easily run out of slots. It's just a ridiculous situation.
i wonder what's more ridiculous, the amount of vault keeper storage or the fact you obviously activate a lot of artifacts to store them in your vault, which makes you believe you can make a useless thread.

vault storage is just FINE imho, if you disagree go to your vault, click your epic items/artifacts and press shift+D(or whatever you've assigned delete to). You didn't use them anyway, and you won't have to run 10secs anymore to place your SC gems in your house vault.

Maybe in the future you could suggest a macro program GOA could give for free so your gems are automatically crafted while you sit back in your couch and watch TV.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 12:16 pm
by Hoonius
Jupiler wrote:Maybe in the future you could suggest a macro program GOA could give for free so your gems are automatically crafted while you sit back in your couch and watch TV.
Aye, there is something in the way they set the crafting thing up which kinda relies on you being there to buy materials. Having an automatic purchase would be heaven for Macro-Crafters