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to add or not to add...

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:15 am
by Takitothemacs
... is that the question? (not directed at the FG vs FG crowd before you guys start getting shirty about people adding)

now how many times have you watched a fight where 2 players slug it out in a fight to the death... waiting till one wins the fight... and if it happens that the person thats left standing is an alb/mid on 5-10%.

Now comes the interesting part... do you:

a: Slaute the Alb/mid and let them go on their merry little way?
b: /Vic to them then nuke/melee them down?
c: Add on the fight b4 the alb/mid kills your realm mate?

An interesting scenario up until now...

...but with this change:
- Dead players will now continue to retain and receive their realm point credit on targets until they release. This will work for solo players as well as grouped players in terms of continuing to contribute their share to the kill if a target is being attacked by another non grouped player as well.
It has to be asked... would you rather add and keep your realmmate alive (with the risk of getting flamed for adding), let your realmmate die in an honourable duel to the death then kill the enemy gaining your dead realmmate his/her share of the RPs for the effort they put into the fight or let the enemy go to regenerate their health and ensure that they are worth full RPs when you fight them?

Personally Id rather that someone added and I was left standing having shared the RPs with a realm mate and deprived my enemy of the benefit of RPs for killing me... but thats just me... if I do die and see a realmmate hovering close waiting to kill the enemy having not assisted I will happily wait till they kill the enemy so I gain my share anyway.


Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:31 am
by spook
kill the bastard

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:37 am
by Cromcruaich
I normally try to get a send to someone who is fighting, not the best time to do that I guess.

Then ofcourse it depends who it is both hibwise and enemywise, for example I know Jamiesmallicus would rather fight to the death against other honorable opponents. If it's an enemy I see and dislike for being a cock then i'll generally kill him if he's fighting a hib I dont know, eg Tipp.

Realm point changes wont make any difference to me.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:46 am
by Maeloch
Takitothemacs wrote:Now comes the interesting part... do you:

a: Slaute the Alb/mid and let them go on their merry little way?
b: /Vic to them then nuke/melee them down?
c: Add on the fight b4 the alb/mid kills your realm mate?
Mostly just give fights a wide birth if see them. Hanging about /clap etc spamming the winner is annoying for the hib ofc. Peeps hanging about watching fights is annoying full stop imo and distracting wondering whether they gonna add or not. Just leave em if you're gonna leave em ffs.

That said, everyone has a player shitlist.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:52 am
by Aran_Thule
its a no win situation, join in the fight and they might have a go at you, dont join in and they might have a go at you.

tbh i can do without the agro, there is never any need for bad language or insults/harrassment and imo they are never justified.
If i find anyone doing so i will report them, imo the game would be a better place without them.

In a general frontier situation if i dont know what a person wants what i would do is shout out /y if you need help and if they yelled i would do what i can to assist.
if they didnt yell and loose the fight then i will avenge them and kill the enemy.

Salute an enemy after you have fought them if you want and cheer a hib thats victorious, but if you have watched the enemy win a fight i wouldnt cheer them (cant emote when attacking anyway) dont encourage the enemy at your own realms expense, hug/cry the fallen hibby instead if you want to.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:02 am
by Jarahl
When im driver (whenever I play Bard), I never add if I see its a fair 8 vs 8 fight. However I do take a swing near them just to see we didnt add, and if they engage we deffonately pile in.

Also I cba to kill solo'ers, just takes the focus from people thus allowing enemies to get the jump on your group

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:05 am
by Moley:)
Kill em all and let god sort them out :D

Yes add depends what class you are really say if u got a bow you know u got the range you know it's RvR meaning realm vs realm not solo vs solo so you are justified and if you didn't help other people out how could you possible gain realm points.

It's the people who group when they not got a char that can solo then with their high rr one they expect to be left alone to be farmed.

If you played in the BG's you will understand, it's the FG vs FG thing that makes me laugh expecting to be able to fight people when they want when they steam roll people with out a care in the world.

:moley: a singular dreg of society :D

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:09 am
by Tuthmes

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:18 am
by Cromcruaich
Aran_Thule wrote: In a general frontier situation if i dont know what a person wants what i would do is shout out /y if you need help and if they yelled i would do what i can to assist.
if they didnt yell and loose the fight then i will avenge them and kill the enemy.
Good idea, better than dealing with a send in the middle of a scrap.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:45 am
by Xest
On minstrel if I see a realm mate getting owned I just try and help a little bit, tbh usual reason they get owned is cos they're lower RR so I don't see me chucking in a DD or so now and then to balance the fight a bit as being that unfair. Don't even use DDs if I can help it cos of the leech, just try things like the 10% pow/end/hp heal from Warlord and stuff like that. Depends on the person they're fighting of course as well, if it's a zergling then I just join in and kill tbh don't care who they're fighting zerglings deserve to be slaughtered. If a realm mate is winning vs. someone I certainly wont leech at all though, don't see the point.

In terms of Mid vs. Hib fights on my minstrel I try my best to play the fight so that I can kill all of them :p i.e. if there's like 3 Hibs vs. 3 Mids I stay at a good 700+ range and mezz a Mid, mezz a Hib, chuck DDs in on the ones winning so that they all die to me :p It's kinda like playing a mini-RTS ;) No way I can handle a stealth zerg solo so letting them hit each other then just playing them off against each other is much more fun and rewarding and requires more thought.