1.83A Patch Notes

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1.83A Patch Notes

Post by Aran_Thule »

seems they trying to update classic zones by introducing stuff underwater, paladins, valewalkers and valkries get some new tricks
druid pets can go underwater and cost for healing reduced.
Oh and sojourner resistance is now group and lasts a decent amount of time, cant see that helping rangers get group much but every little helps. <grin>


Dark Age of Camelot
Test Version 1.83a Release Notes
March 16, 2006



- The ability to adventure underwater is being added to the classic zones starting with Midgard. Midgard players will find that they can now dive in and explore the depths of the rivers, lakes, and oceanfront that litter their landscape. *note* This patch adds only the ability to go underwater and a basic mob population. Subsequent patches will add additional underwater props, locales, water breathing potions, etc. The basic mob population will be adjusted over the patches as well to respond to these additional props. For now, the new mobs have either no treasure tables or basic ones similar to other monsters of their type and level. These will be modified or added as 1.83 continues, so consider this patch a preview of things to come, both in Midgard and for other realms as the patches continue.

- It will no longer possible to execute the third style in a chain when the second style didn't execute successfully.

- The delve information for the Hunter's spear style "Perforate" is now correct.

- Members of guilds with an alliance leader that belongs to a different server on the same cluster will now receive the correct alliance message of the day.

- The yellow quest indicators will once again be visible beneath the feet of NPC's with quests available.

- The game help information has been updated and reorganized for easier understanding and navigation.

- All /ASEND, /OSEND and /GSEND messages will now report player name-server name combinations.

- (Pendragon Only) Quest description text will now appear in the correct window and not bleed into the system window.

New Art And Animation Changes

- New horse art introduced in Darkness Rising has been implemented for the majority of equine based monsters throughout the Classic zones.

- Several monsters throughout Classic zones have had their artwork updated with art from Atlantis.

- Several monsters have received graphical changes. Some of these monsters include the hagbui, eidolons and dullahan, as well as others.

- The held position on the Bonedancer Champion Staff has been updated.

- The held position on the Runemaster Champion Staff has been updated.

- The Sorcerer Champion Staff has been made longer.

- The Valkyrie two-handed Champion Sword now sits higher on the character's back.



- The radius on the PBAE Mesmerize spells (Heavenly Visions - Theophany) has been increased to 300 units.


- The Wolf, Bear and Lynx pets will now swim underwater.


- The cast time of Celerity spells has been decreased to 2.0 seconds.

- The duration of the attack speed debuffs (Hinder Spirit - Impede Spirit) has been increased to 40 seconds.


- Wolf pets will now swim underwater.


- The Paladin's endurance chant range has been increased to 2000 units.

- The range of the Paladin's taunt spell has been increased to 1500 units and is now on a 10 second recast timer.

- The Paladin's resurrection spell, Revive, will now bring a player back to life with 25% health and 25% power.

- The following chants have been added to the Paladin's Chant line:

30 Barrier of Faith: 0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 25 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
40 Barrier of Virtue:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 40 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
50 Barrier of Temperance:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 70 Magical Ablative, Group buff.

18 Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 24%, Group buff.
26 Enhanced Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 28%, Group buff.
32 Amplified Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 31% , Group buff.
44 Pure Celerity: 0 second cast/5 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 350 unit range, Haste 37%, Group buff.


- An attack bonus (+to hit) has been added to the Taunting Scythe style.

- The cost of all spells in Valewalking has been decreased slightly.

- The following spells have been added to Valewalking:

28 Thorned Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 5.4 DPS damage add, Group buff.
39 Bristled Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 6.4 DPS damage add, Group buff.
45 Spurred Weapons: 3.0 second cast time/20 minute duration, 7.8 DPS damage add, Group buff.

40 Blight Swarm: 3.0 second casting time 1500 range/400 radius, Disease.
44 Blight Burst: Instant cast, 300 radius, Disease. 5 minute recast time.

- The disease amount from the Offensive Proc buff line (Blightstrike) has been increased by 10 per level and the proc rate has been increased by 5% per level.


- The following changes have been made to Valkyrie Spear and Sword style lines:

Stab will now utilize a 3% ABS debuff spell.
Raze will now utilize a 50 Spirit DD spell.
Razor Edge will now utilize a 7 second stun spell. (This applies to Hunters as well.)
Odin's Wrath will now utilize a bleed spell.
Odin's Madness will now utilize a 150 FAE DD spell.
Ice Storm will now utilize a 20 spirit DD spell.

- Movement restrictions on Valkryie CAE spells have been removed.

- Valkyries may now use large shields.

- Valkyries may now choose Charge as a Realm Ability.

- The Valkyrie's hit points have been increased slightly.

- Lower level versions of the Acuity and Dex/Quick shears have been put into Odin's Will in the following manner:

Frontal Buff Shear (Dex/Qui)

17 Vindictive Graze: Enemy 0s/0/300s 700 range
27 Vindictive Laceration: Enemy 0s/0/60s 700 range

Frontal Buff Shear (Acu)

19 Valkyrie's Authority: Enemy 0s/0/300s 700 range
29 Valkyrie's Supremecy: Enemy 0s/0/60s 700 range

- Valkyrie Shield styles have been adjusted in the following manner: Maneuver now leads to Sideswipe, Pin now leads to Brace.

- A magical Ablative chant has been added to Odin's Will in the following manner:

30 Odin's Faith: 0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 25 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
40 Odin's Virtue:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 40 Magical Ablative, Group buff.
50 Odin's Temperance:0 second cast/6 seconds/pulse/8 second recast, 1500 unit range, 70 Magical Ablative, Group buff.

General Healer Class Notes

- The power cost of all healing spells in Rejuvenation, Regrowth and Mending has been adjusted to allow for a gradual increase in cost to heal ratio as players gain access to higher levels of these spells. In many cases, this means the cost of healing spells has decreased.

- Recast times on the Instant Single target heal spells have been decreased to 10 minutes.

- Recast times on the Instant Group target heal spells have been decreased to 15 minutes.

- The cast times on Spec-line Major Healing spells from Rejuvenation, Regrowth and Mending have been decreased by .1 seconds per level of spell down to 2.5 seconds.


5 Major Restoration: 3.2s
8 Major Recuperation: 3.1s
11 Major Renewal: 3.0s
14 Major Revival: 2.9s
18 Major Resuscitation: 2.8s
25 Major Reviction: 2.7s
33 Major Refection: 2.6s
43 Major Refocillation: 2.5s

Realm Ability Notes

- Arms Length now has a recast timer of 10 minutes.

Master Level Ability Notes


- Resistance of the Ancients is now a group buff that lasts for 20 minutes and has a cast time of 3 seconds.

Tradeskill notes

- Bards can now choose to become Fletchers.


- Artwork has been updated on numerous structures throughout the world.

- All remaining dungeons now have mini-maps associated with them.


- The Orc Lasher is no longer able to be equipped in the left hand.

- Various Daring and Fearless armors now display the correct icons and armor values.

- Daring Padded Sleeves in Midgard now have bonuses to Piety instead of Intelligence.

Quest Notes - General

- Players will now be able to clear the quest: "A Hero Desires a Sword" from their journals.

- The quest "Capturing the Keep" was prohibiting players from being able to repeat it at subsequent levels after the first time it had been completed. Players will now be able to complete this quest in the battlegrounds once per level, as originally intended.

Quest Notes - Hibernia

- The ghost of Goronowy will no longer spawn in the incorrect zone.

- The pathing for Guardian Dou'lass has been modified so that he moves properly between his positions to allow players on the quest "What a guard wants" to complete the quest.

- Directions given in the quest journal for players on various steps of the "Pest Control" quest now more accurately direct players to the leprechaun settlement near the Dun Scathaig Outpost.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Directions given in the quest journal for players on various steps of the "A Chore for Heikki" quest now more accurately direct players to location of the bone-eater slayers, south of the Mjollner Faste milegate.

- Directions given in the quest journal for players on step 3 of the "Telltale Ale" quest now more accurately direct players to Barkeep Banak in the Teetering Tomte in Jordheim.

Quest Notes - Albion

– Players will now receive credit when killing mucky yucks for the quest "Yucky Mucky Yuck."

- Players on the final step of the quest "Making Friends the Old Fashioned Way," who were having difficulty getting Captain Hemrick in Caifelle to behave appropriately when handed the Marsh Crud Corpse, should now no longer have any issues.

Monster Notes - Albion

- The aggression range on some of the lower level bandits has been reduced.

Monster Notes - Hibernia

- The aggression range on some of the lower level Villainous Youth has been reduced.


Monster Notes - Hibernia

- Corrected an issue with Astraspora where an incorrect emote was fired upon the monster's death.


Oceanus Encounter Notes

- Fixed an issue where harpies in Oceanus Hesperos would sometimes flicker.

- The Skyros Order: Cvinda can no longer be attacked by players unless they are on the proper quest and carrying the proper item.

Item Notes - General

- The Eerie Darkness Lighting Stone now has an icon for the use and use2 abilities.

- The Salamander Tail is now able to be dyed.


Instanced Adventuring Notes

- Arch Mage Auros's power orbs were modified to allow them to be hit properly from floor level.


- The keyword [Aldland] will now work for the Ogre Threat quest.

Quest Notes - Midgard

- Level 49 characters interacting with the Midgard Commander to obtain the "Killing in a Far Land" quest who were having trouble with the [Iarnvidiur] keyword will now no longer have trouble getting the Midgard Commander to proceed.


- The battleground, Leirvik, has been redesigned. Three additional landmasses have been added with terrain height variations. Bridges now connect from each realm's starting island to the new landmass as well as connecting to the center island. The size of the center island has also increased slightly. (Please note: This zone is still a work in progress and should not be considered final.)

- The hasteners at the secondary border keeps (Cain, Vindsaul, Snowdonia) have been moved down the hill to match the move made to the hasteners at the primary border keeps.

- Tightened and slightly moved the location where players are ported to if they are teleported from the primary border keeps. This should prevent the rare case in which a player would be ported into an object.


- Players may now turn Prince Abdin's and Prince Ba'alorien's Remains in to the appropriate Taxidermists to receive the trophies.


- Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive the Beeches of Braemar quest.

- Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive the Tasking in the Glory quest.

- Players on Gaheris will no longer be prompted to receive the Into the Lion's Den quest.


- Players on Mordred will no longer be prompted to receive the Tasking in the Glory quest.

- Players on Mordred will no longer be prompted to receive the Beeches of Braemar quest.

- Players on Morded will no longer be prompted to receive the Into the Lion's Den quest.
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Xest »

The soj resists buff change is quite nice, it should help shorten the duration of things like mezz poison for which is good for archers/minstrels.

It's a little disturbing that Mythic is still boosting hunters (every patch for the last 30 patches or something) when scouts are vastly inferior. I guess scouts have too high a population though so if they were boosted as good as rangers/hunters then the scout zerg would be retarded, same problem that prevents wizards getting love too - crap class, but overpopulated. Ofc the hunter boosts are only small but they're totally unneeded, particularly when Mythic have said no archer boosts until next year.

QQ at shortening my sorc staff, the sorc staff looked so cool on an inconnu being so short, the long staffs in DR look awful, the characters hold them far too far down the staff - they've gone some way to fixing this I see with the BD and RM staff, I don't know if that's it or whether they'll fix the others too, certainly my Cabby/Theurg staffs look absolutely awful the way they're held.

Good stuff though, nice to see Valewalkers and Valkyries being brought upto par, I'm definetely happy that Mythic has finally remember Alb exists and for once given the Alb class in the patch an equal (well better in this case) boost than the others, previously friars were left substandard to thanes/wardens, armsman to warriors/heroes and infils to NS/SBs so seeing pallys getting off so well is a very pleasant suprise. Certainly Alb having a shortage of DPS spots in it's group due to having utility spread so far is going to be less of an issue now that Pallys can boost the DPS of the few tanks in the group.

All in all, seems a pretty good start to the patch!
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by aegnor »

Haste chant on pally looks nice, but 350 unit range mostly limits it to offensive play.
"The Wolf, Bear and Lynx pets will now swim underwater."
"Valkyries may now choose Charge as a Realm Ability."
Great, another charge tank :knockout:
"Arms Length now has a recast timer of 10 minutes."
Pity i don't play anymore. :(
Aegnor Istaril
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Post by Cromcruaich »

Druid pets underwater? Pwr benefit from higher regrowth spec? Insta timer reduction?

Thank god for that, god knows why it took so long, but just glad theyve done something. Now I just have to sit and wait :snail: for the patch.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

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Post by Grymligast »

heh I can now charge into battle with my valk and miss all my swings even faster! :D
Grymligast RR9l0 SB Shelved
Mirani RR5l3 Valkyrie In progress
+30 or so more chars.

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Post by Nedo »

Grymligast wrote:heh I can now charge into battle with my valk and miss all my swings even faster! :D
hehe crap WS for the win!

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Post by Lieva »

Monster Notes - Hibernia

- The aggression range on some of the lower level Villainous Youth has been reduced.

bout time...
The ability to adventure underwater is being added to the classic zones starting with Midgard. Midgard players will find that they can now dive in and explore the depths of the rivers, lakes, and oceanfront that litter their landscape. *note* This patch adds only the ability to go underwater and a basic mob population. Subsequent patches will add additional underwater props, locales, water breathing potions, etc. The basic mob population will be adjusted over the patches as well to respond to these additional props. For now, the new mobs have either no treasure tables or basic ones similar to other monsters of their type and level. These will be modified or added as 1.83 continues, so consider this patch a preview of things to come, both in Midgard and for other realms as the patches continue.


:satyn1: @ mythic again :)
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
Peonchants x Enchanter

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Post by Xest »

Banana wrote:bout time...


:satyn1: @ mythic again :)
Yeah just think, now those damn water beetles can't even hide in the water, there's no escape for them now!
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Aran_Thule »

i think ill organise a Clik farming season, about time we got revenge on the evil bug. <grin>
Aran Thule, Epic Sniper and Sojourner, Guild leader of the Artisans of Willow(roleplay guild)

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Post by Xest »

Knowing Mythic I do kinda forsee this as opening up a whole bunch of exploits though, what's the bet you'll end up being able to farm all the purple cons solo around Galladoria from the safety of the water or something :p Water exploits have been used a lot in ToA over the years.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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