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can moirai be farmed easy ?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:44 am
by porkbelly
i am after the gem and ring and none ever come up for sale so i wonted to know if anyone has farmed her ( solo with bb ? small grp ? ) .

really could do with some info here please guys of how it has been done .

many thanks

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:21 am
by Shaen
yesterday the gem was still on my cm (and has been there the last couple of weeks), 3811 dunshire

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:33 pm
by Coheed
if you need any help doing it i need bracer of moirai, so i could come along and maybe get that, if you need a vamp/ns/champ/ment (all 50) and have a 44 abrd if that be any help atall....


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:00 pm
by porkbelly
Shaen wrote:yesterday the gem was still on my cm (and has been there the last couple of weeks), 3811 dunshire

yes shaen ive seen it there m8 but i think 30-25p i abit to much for me sorry i only have 11p to spend and with the way the market is going now days im finding it hard to MAKE MONEY on farmed items as noone seems to have much money :(.

my brother and a few m8s bought some gems and 2 rings for not to long ago for 10p each but i missed out on them :( .

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:17 pm
by Satyn
if I can help let me know :)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:37 pm
by Adalyn
Heya Pork,

What you need to farm Moirai:

2 Animists (Preferably Verdant)
2 Druids
2 Enchanters
1 Shield Hero
Random (not needed but filling last spot up will make it a little easier)

First of step into the north section of the dungeon west of Moirai, and stand at all the wall and set fop. Buff the enchanters pets and shroom up about 500 units away from the wall towards moirai. Set the enchanters on the Moirai Guardians and focus kill them (Place pets on passive so they do not chase the guardian when it returns to Moirais Shield to heal itself). The shrooms will kill the snakes that moirai spawns, if to many snakes spawn then get one of the enchanters to pbaoe the snakes while the hero guards that enchanter. ML9 is not needed but will help alot if on the enchanters. Once the shield is down and the guardians are dead which means it will just be Moirai left. Move the animist to where the pets are and spam max shrooms (preferably level 28 ones or lower, not sure as i aint played in awhile) then spam level one bombers on moirai till you are not getting any more resists, then get enchanters to spam pbaoe while the animist switch to the wisp fires ones (the base ones they have, dunno what they called anymore either 0o)

The respawn on the Moirai is usually instand - 20 minutes.

If you need to explaining better just get Ash to msg me on msn and will log into Team Speak :)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:54 pm
by Xcerus
i need the belt on my chanter so i can help out, I can bring fop druid, chanter or animist so just let me know :)

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:38 pm
by Aerendur
I can help sometime too, still working on several templates and moirai items are nice. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:25 pm
by Coheed
got the bracer i needed for 5p on CM, thanks anyway and if you still need the help ill try in whatever way i can :)
